Hi everyone hope you are all keeping well and safe. Mum and James went off for well earned rest so been staying with my nan which was lovely .but was unable to take wheelchair which turned out to be to much for me and could only manage two days but learnt what not to do from it. Poor mum and James have had it tough since back hoping some of you may be able to help James has celulitus in one of his legs and has been very very poorly hate to see him in so much pain any tips on helping would be good as antibiotics don't seem to help him much . Here's hoping .
Scarry times: Hi everyone hope you are... - Lung Conditions C...
Scarry times

So pleased your mum and James managed to get a rest while you stayed with your Nan. Sorry to hear James has cellulitis as that’s a really nasty condition to have. It’s usually treated with antibiotics but can take some time to clear up. The area has to be kept clean and dressings changed often. James may need to speak to his doctor for the best course of action. Pete had sepsis at the end of 2018 with severe cellulitis and was in hospital for five weeks. The cellulitis took a long time to heal. Xxx💜
Sending good wishes to you and your family. Hope everything improves for all soon.
Glad you got to spend some time with your nan 😊. My son had cellulitis in his foot after a cat bite a couple of years ago (hopefully he’s learned not to try to stop a cat fight with his bare feet 🤔). Anyway, he ended up in hospital on IV antibiotics and when he came home he was told to keep his foot elevated as much as possible each day. It took a couple of months to clear up, but he’s fine now and back to martial arts! Take care and hope you have a good Xmas 🎄 x
Dear Pokermon,Hello 😘 That sounds lovely staying with your nan! It sounds like it was a good time despite not having your wheelchair. You did really well for trying and like you said, learned what to do/not do next time!
I’m sorry about James having cellulitis. I guess if the antibiotics aren’t helping maybe he needs to speak to the GP again. Like the others have said, it might take a little while to get better though but there’s never any harm ringing the GP, especially with Christmas coming up!
Lovely to hear from you. Glad you had a good time at your Nan's, and it was good you at least tried without your wheelchair (we'd never know our limitations if we didn't test them). Was good for your mum and James to get that well-earned rest too. Can't help re cellulitis, ut there's a lot of good information for you above (fingers crossed James will get some relief soon). All best wishes
Good that you had at least a mini break.Sorry to hear about James. Is very important that if oral antibiotics are not helping that gp or if can’t make contact 111 is phoned. It may well be that he requires IV antibiotics. Certainly when a friend of mine husband had cellulitis he had to attend hospital daily for IV antibiotics over several weeks.
Glad you were able to spend a little time with your Nan, even if it was short. Hope James' cellulitis starts to improve soon.