Is anyone else concerned that there has been no mention of the CEV with a variant that is transmitting through society at what has been described as an alarming rate? It has been here for a few short weeks and the first death has sadly just been announced
Omicron: Is anyone else concerned that... - Lung Conditions C...

Very concerned Jandm. Here we go again. Very sad someone has died. Take care xxxx
Very concerned....I am only going out for food shopping and I pick my time very carefully. All my Christmas presents were done online. Still hopeful I can see my family this Christmas 🎄 I missed out last year like so many others. Take care and stay safe xx
That sounds about right for most of us. Shopping has turned into a mission that you only undertake if you absolutely have to and you carefully plan it. I’ve not seen my son and his family for a very long time. You take care Cak3y50

It really is so very sad that someone has died from this variant. Let's hope the government act quickly to stop it spreading so quickly. Peoe must also act responsible. Have a good day and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx
Damon, I'm not trying to be controversial here, but the reports I have read state the person died WITH the covid variant, not that they died OF the covid variant.
Bearing in mind the levels of testing, and that many of those testing positive have no or mild symptoms, it is likely that, over time, people will die as a result of other disease or accident, but happen to have the covid virus within their body.
I suppose the worry of many is that having a chronic condition along with covid just pushes you over the edge
So sorry my mistake, hope I am haven't upset anyone. If I have the I apologize wholeheartedly.. I must ha be e read it wrong once again sorry. Have a good night and take care😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx
Damon, I think the press coverage of this and some other events has been a bit cavalier, almost seeming to go for the sensationalist headline.
The person in the reports may have died OF covid, and sure as eggs are eggs, having covid with something else would be unhelpful, at best.
It's been and continues to be a difficult time for the world.
Oy i have warned you before about apologising,you only reported what was actually a quote from the PM himself so you have not misread anything.Love Ski's and Scruff's
😊😻 xx
Thank you Ski I appreciate that You and Scruffs have a good night and take care love 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx
Nothing to apologise for Bernadette. My grandson is doing well so far but I just hope his parents and younger brother don’t get it. Xxx
Yes, I am very concerned. I fear that there will be more deaths. I doubt that there will be more advice for CEV people but we all know what the advice was last year and can follow it again, especially for those still working who can now work from home again if their job allows for that.
I am working hard to keep things in perspective. Think media is having “lots of fun” scare mongering and frightening people. Yes sadly one person has died but MMaud says we don’t have details and for all we know person had variant but died in a traffic accident. I believe all figures are skewed due to the way deaths are being recorded. Also sad as it is for persons family this is one person. Likewise those hospitalised we don’t know details.As a CEV person I don’t feel I need more “advice” because had enormous amount last time and don’t feel anything is different this time around.
I intend to continue to be careful and perhaps have more caution currently. And will watch how things enfold.
Keep safe everyone.
We are all going to have to up our vigilance if that is at all possible as I know many of us really couldn’t do more if we tried. I feel for the CEV’s who are still having to go to work with the added worry of taking it home on top of their own safety concerns. Stay safe everyone
I have just listened to a discussion on the radio with phone in questions to a doctor. With the worst of this latest variant thought to come in January, one question was how effective was the booster going to be for those who had it in October. The doctor said that although antibody levels may have dropped again by January, the boosted t cells should still give good protection against serious illness. Many of us had our boosters in October, me included.
I have daily carers who are all double vaccinated but not all boosted yet which worries me to some extent. They are all tested twice a week and wear PPE but it still leaves an increased feeling of vulnerability in the current circumstances. We just have to hope for the best and take as much care as we can.
My husband has 2 carers 4 times a day and as far as I know they have all had their booster but they only test once a week. Since the omicron variant has started spreading I’ve been anxious that once a week is not good enough. I’ve looked at the NHS guidelines and they say only once a week. I think it’s time to change the rule to twice a week in order to protect those who are vulnerable. I may ask the agency to ask all carers coming to our house to do lateral flows in between pcr tests.
Take extra special care. Fingers crossed that we all get through this
Apparently we're no longer clinically extremely vulnerable 🤐
Wow when did this miracle happen? Can I stop all these meds?
I might need another Rituximab infusion early next year which kills off the immune system. I’m nervous at the thought of that in regard to Omicron!! Stay safe! You’d hope the government would consider us again wouldn’t you!!!
I'm on Rituximab too and my consultant expressed concern that I would be in danger too. However, I have to take it (I'm between a rock and a hard place!)
Yes the same Aingeful! If I don’t have Rituximab my body attacks my organs but with Rituximab the risk increases so much more of covid. We’ll just have to unofficially shield again I guess for a while again!
How are you doing now? I hope you’re feeling better and can get home from hospital soon!
Hugs 🤗 love Dx
Let’s hope we are not the forgotten minority. Stay safe
I can only speak from experience and say that all the hospitals I have had contact with for the past couple of years. Which includes the one my dad was in for 7 weeks. All hospitals took as much care as possible to keep Covid patients and other separated.
It would make things far easier if people only used A&E for what was designated for. Then would be fewer patients unseparated in corridors etc. It is very noticeable that during Covid how many fewer people attended A&E which does demonstrate the number of people who attend that don’t need to be there!
After 2020 lots of people are lost their life, because of COVID and its variants. Govt should take right action to overcome this issue.
To be honest at this point I am not overly concerned. The person died with covid not of Covid. The people tested in South Africa have been tested on admission to hospital as routine. 75% of them were admitted for other reasons and Omicron was found accidentally and was not the reason for admisson. Normally deaths occur in the third and fourth week and South African Doctors are not seeing the deaths such as in the Delta wave. Of those admitted with Omicron far fewer as a percentage require ventilation or oxygen therapy compared to the numbers in the Delta wave.
Obviously it is far more infectious and what I think the government are worried about is that if there is massive amounts of cases even a fraction of a percent of cases which require hospitalisations will cause great problems for the NHS.
If you listen to the scientific reports nearly all are saying they cannot predict the outcomes. The computer models give such a wide range of outcomes they are meaningless as a tool to base your actions on.
It will be a few weeks yet before we can say that the data from South Africa is relevant to the UK. In the mean time I am carrying on as normal, wearing a mask when out, avoiding contact unless necessary, shopping online etc.
Every time I hear that the travel industry is complaining about restrictions I get angry.We are bringing in infections from around the world and now people are fed up and not complying with the rules.
Hi Hark,
I agree to what you are saying, but sadly these restrictions hurt a lot of people including myself.
I haven’t seen my daughter who lives in Switzerland for over 2 years. She is double vaxed and has booked her flight to come to spend Christmas with me after the UK Gov said there would be less testing required and Christmas would not be cancelled this year. I was so excited!
Then the Swiss put in their own restrictions by demanding more testing before flying, (all at great expense may I add), followed then by the UK requiring more testing before and after flying and again before leaving and again upon arrival by the Swiss. The logistics of doing this are almost impossible in the UK given its Christmas time. Since she would have been flying back New Years Day and it being at a weekend, the local test centre close to us will be closed and a result is required in a very timely manner for flying….all of which is nigh impossible to get. Not to mention the huge expense of about £600 on top of the extortionate airfare at this time of the year. The UK Govs listed websites all claim to offer testing for £1 but this is not true. It doesn’t exist. Locally the tests for return travel are £125 each. Someone is making a lot of Money out of this testing and the Gov knows it! It’s huge tax revenue for them.
So Boris has cancelled Christmas for me once again. I am so unhappy having made plans by wrapping up silly presents, made Christmas Crackers and other preparations, including filling my freezer with home made goodies! It makes me weep. I only have one child which makes this even more sad. There must be many more people like myself who are affected by this changing of the rules.
A English friend of my daughters has two young girls. They have booked to drive from Switzerland to spend Christmas with her family. The cost of the tests have become so prohibitive that she has had to cancel her ferry trip because she would need 3 x the testing for herself and her girls, all at enormous expense. Their Christmas is cancelled too.
I actually welcome this Omicrom to some extent. Please bear with me before you all jump in and say I’m mad!
I believe that this is the virus variant which will get us out of trouble. As with all virus pandemics, including the Spanish Flu of 1918 and the SARS outbreak of 2003 , a variant comes along which is less harmful but more transmissible. This becomes our natural vaccine. We catch it and have much milder symptoms. We all become immune and the virus goes away naturally. (It cannot survive without a host). This always happens, it’s just a matter of when. We don’t yet know 100% if this is the one, but it’s looking that way and I’m feeling positive about it. If so, next spring/summer could be the end to this pandemic. However, it’s unfortunately winter time, which adds more danger to those most vulnerable.
Clearly we do not want an overdose of it so I use the acronym P.A.I.D. ,which I made up from P & A = Proximity to an Aerosol, I = Intensity, D = Duration. The more virus aerosols we inhale over a long duration the more viral overload to our system which results in a worse outcome for us.
Apologies for the long post if you have managed to get this far.
Best wishes to all of you for a safe and Happy Christmas. x
Dear Tempo,My daughter is a nurse. She’s sick and tired of seeing people die without being able to see their family… for the first time she’s isolating….and her mental health is creaking as much as her physical health.
Sorry for what you’re going through, but I want tougher tighter restrictions to keep us all safe !
Thank you for saying what I want to hear. Viruses have all mutated to to be less dangerous generally as you say but for those of us with other problems can still be dangerous . It sounds like this virus may have done this but we cannot be sure yet. So we should continue to use masks
But this has been taken now by Boris who admits to be an admirer of Churchill, to be his own Churchill moment . Why else giving this broad cast to the nation on sunday evening and instigating extreme actions . Telling the hospitals to clear the wards . But dont stop having parties . I quote .
We should have been using masks from the very start as the Asian peoples are used to doing We have a vaccine but it doesn't stop the spread of infection as many do think.
Take care
It’s a very vicious circle
From what I’ve read/ heard The reports actually that are coming back from S Africa seems to imply Omnicrom is the mildest variant up to yet (according to Dr John Campbell )and they are wondering why U.K. are exaggerating ? Even one medic said because it’s so mild could mean the virus could die out in a few weeks. I guess we will know shortly after Christmas how strong it is .
I think the uncertainty of not knowing if and when yet another mutation will happen is getting to everybody as it would be great to know the end is in sight .
I am totally confused I have ILD with heavily scarred lungs if I catch covid I'm going to be very ill.My concern is why if this is so serious we can still gather together in pubs night clubs at sporting events such as football where it seems the players are being hit with it now ( not surprised with all the spitting that goes on ).yet we have to wear a mask when in a supermarket where is the logic in that .Is the government trying to frighten us to death at the moment to deflect from the partygate scandle at no10 .The Dr who first found the new varrient was on the Stephen Nolan show last night and she's working on the front line in Africa dealing with patients day to day she states it's only a mild disease as apposed to the Covid and patients are not showing resparatary difficultys as such and are ok after around 5to10days so where does that leave us .....
I think the main worry is that what happens in South Africa may not happen in the UK. South Africa as a far younger population with less comorbidities also the population density is smaller. Basically we are waiting to see what happens sadly.
The South African population is very different to our own. They are younger (shorter life expectancy for most) and they do not have the health care system we have enjoyed for decades.
They are not immunised/vaccinated against as many illnesses that we take for granted are just what we do. As a result, their immune systems have been exposed to more conditions, on a casual basis, and have therefore built in some efficiencies.
Of course, this may mean we will not see the same outcomes in our populations, or it may mean because as a society we are better "protected (by vaccinations an immunisation) we experience a "worse" reaction to the new variant.
I'm afraid for me, there's a lot of guess work going on at the moment.
Modelling is not always a precise art. It's professional, statistical guesswork as we saw back in early 2020.
Yes, its called the Omicron variant of Sars-Cov-2 - or coronavirus. It looks like a triple jab is effective and it also so far looks to be rapidly transmissible but less serious in symptoms. But if you are CEV make sure you have all your jabs!
Timberman, where have you read that the three doses ARE effective? Thus far, I have only read that it could result in circa 93% effectiveness.
I doubt many have had al three doses AND Omicrom exposure to gauge that.
I could be wrong, and in ters of full disclosure I haven't dug too deep. I just read the words written. The BBC couldn't seem to come up with anything more than potential.
I'm honestly not trying to be controversial or provocative, but often we read what we want to see, rather than what is written.
Reuters and other news services have come out with articles yesterday saying the two- dose vaccines induce lower antibodies against Omicron. That is worrisome.
The writing was always on the wall it all gets worse in the winter and Boris the Dickhead is like an headless chicken.His answer lets all have a big party mix together it is fine
What a turn round now
We have a complete pratt running all this Happy Christmas
Yes concerned that CEV people appear to be ignored, hopefully all had booster jabs, although hear that as had mine September benefits may be declining. As unwell with pseudomonas at moment being extra careful, not going anywhere, even though my NHS hearing aid is failing, and other ear dead. Have asked for spare, said I would pay for it, but refused. NHS is strange, have to pay for specs, and dentists if can find one, (they’re like gold dust around here) but can’t buy spare hearing aid.
It crossed my mind that the lateral flow test was always for Covid 19.
Does it work for variants as well ??
Don't mean to alarm but just wondered.
Keep safe xxxx