I’ve just be prescribed Duaklir (LAMA LABA combo). Three days in now. It’s helped my breathing a lot but I’ve seen a noticeable increase in HR from my Apple Watch. Also feeling a lot more jittery and anxious (bordering on intolerable) than usual. Wondering if I should stick with it in the hope it will pass, anyone any similar experience to share with LABA / LAMA combos?
New Med Duaklir & Symptoms: I’ve just... - Lung Conditions C...
New Med Duaklir & Symptoms

I don't use combo inhalers myself but I wondering because this is a new combo /dose for you perhaps things may settle down again after in a few days more.
Perhaps just keep and eye on it and if things don't settle, discuss this with your doc.
I have experienced, shakes and palpitations when taking too high dose inhalers, its one of the reasons I take all my inhaler meds singularly*.
*formeterol (one of the drugs in Duaklir) was one of these, my original dose was twice daily, but I can tolerate it once daily, for me I use this one dose to get me through the night.
All the best BK

Thanks Bkin, definitely some playing around with doses and preparations to be considered
I think with combos its more difficult to 'play around' with the dose, in order to avoid excessive side effects when its only one of the drugs involved causing the problem. You don't want to risk lung inflammation or infection by reducing dose of a combo without guidance, especially not as we are approaching common bug season.
Stay well and safe.
I had a bad reaction to this inhaler. Was told to "persevere" and I would get used to it. My breathing was compromised, as well as having shaking, and I lost my appetite (so big weight loss), I couldn't sleep etc. etc. I kept being told these things were not down to the inhaler, but probably the bronchitis I had been hospitalised for. Eventually, after 6 months, I was taken to A&E because of breathing problems. asked the Doctor if I could change the inhaler, so he prescribed Spiolto Respimat. The same day I started it I could breathe again, and everything else improved! I will never "persevere" again with any medication I personally feel is wrong for me.
Cant remember where I read it but Apple watches can affect your heart, so this may not be your medication, please speak with your gp x