My father in law has COPD and it had been gradually getting worse for a while but over the past three weeks he has rapidly gone down hill. The trouble is my in laws love in Spain and they do not have the same level of support for COPD like they do here.
On top of that he is currently in hospital, pretty poorly and we have no clue what’s going on. We have an interpreter joining my husband (who flew out yesterday) on Monday when the consultant comes round again. I’m trying to find out what sort of things are the most important to ask whilst we have the interpreter there.
Just for context he has had four episodes in the past two weeks where he has been struggling to breath and has had to be hospitalised. They do oxygen therapy for a night and then send him home. He does not have oxygen at home and the earliest they can give him an appointment to arrange it is November. They have kept him in this time as he has fluid on the lungs. Other then oxygen and paracetamol he is not having any other treatment despite being in so much pain.
The staff speak little English and my husband speaks even less Spanish but has been using a translator app to get by. The nurses have no answers though and just keep saying he has to wait till Monday.
If you’re still with me, thank you for reading this far and any advice is appreciated 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻