My 50 year old son contracted COVID December 2020. He has not really recovered and has been diagnosed with long COVID. Although he is back at work he finds himself getting very tired and breathless most of the time. He has been referred to the newly formed clinic and just been told he has probably got ‘Lazy lung’. Does anybody have any knowledge of this? He has has blood tests and X-rays and nothing found.
Lazy lung: My 50 year old son... - Lung Conditions C...
Lazy lung

Never heard of Lazy lung for years. During my training we used to refer to children that had a habit of taking little breaths and only using the top of their lungs as lazy lungs.
But not heard the term for over 40 years. Sorry not much help.
I’m a long Covid person too ... totally changed my life.Tiredness was overwhelming , (ask gp or community nurse for blood test Iron levels may be very low , 3 months of appropriate meds should give him a boost and reduce tiredness a bit)
Breathlessness.. was a long road and over a year to find the correct inhaler to suit my needs.
Your son may be finding he is struggling a bit with how this has changed his life , I know I did ..
18 months on , I’m about 70 per cent there ,
I’m sure with your son the ball is rolling regards medical attention , and obviously you are caring and supporting him .
To be honest there is still much to be learnt about long covid. He needs a CT scan. Basically x-rays do not show that much detail and he needs further investigation. A CT scan may show exactly what the problem could be. Lazy lung is sometimes used in other conditions and describes the actions of the air sacs. But without a detailed scan then what is happening exactly will remain unknown. Personally I feel your son my be better off being referred to a respiratory specialist as his main problem appears to relate to breathing.
Totally agree with your post BadbessieUnfortunately not all of uk has long Covid clinics ..
X-ray still awaiting , as long waiting list and only medically urgent receiving appropriate care ...
It’s very frustrating . As you said still a lot to learn of effects of long Covid . For a lot of people long time for full diagnosis and The ever changing diagnosis changes over time ..
Sad it will take years .. but again thankful for all those that have pulled through
To be honest the long covid clinics will be learning at the same time as treating patients. Not an ideal situation as at present there is not a definitive definition of what long covid is. Some have just been left with respiratory problems but by the definition you need two or more symptoms? Others have numerous problems which my need numerous consultants and I do not think in the long picture that a one clinic fits all is going to work.
Agree Bessie ... but at least the long Covid clinics are a multidisciplinary approach .. so numerous needs are being assessed and providing data and patient given treatment for all symptoms.Here in Scotland government approach no Covid clinics yet until there is enough data to provide approach of what’s going to be a massive long Covid problem for years and generations. The flip side to Scotland approach another reason for GP to be overwhelmed with numerous medical needs per patient .
Myself I was at stage of embarrassment phoning GP actually felt I was being a burden and putting it on .
But as soon as other services opened up I referred myself in areas where I could , like breast scan , sexual health etc . Lately I have been pushing the ct scans and X-rays as I’m really frustrated what I’m dealing with and just want appropriate meds to deal with and be able to move on
( sorry bit long , I’m blethering lol)
Apologies Bazmac .. it’s not helping with your original question of lazy lung)
Hope he gets all medical help he needs and sees improvement soon.
I agree with Badbessie that your son needs to see a good respiratory consultant. Lazy lung is a very old fashioned term and without going into details whoever used it obviously did not know what condition it used to describe. Definitely not your son's symptoms. I am not a doctor and so I am urging him to see the experts.

What's a respiratory consultant far less a good respiratory consultant. In the Forth Valley Health Board area in Scotland they seem to be rearer that the unicorn! Been waiting to see one since February.... More likely to be a hearse that picks me up than an ambulance!
Thank you for all your answers, I have passed them onto my son. He has a phone appointment with the long COVID nurse at 13.30 today so he can discuss the way forward. His employers have allowed him to cut his shifts down a few hours but he is yet to speak to occupational health, four cancelled appointments due to sickness. He normally works minimum of 60 hours a week which includes two night shifts. Told him to get signed off and have a good rest.
A long covid response administrator contacted me about my singing group as it is thought regular diaphragm singing can help with some of the breathing problems. If your son can't get to a group, perhaps he could look up some of the exercises online.