DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My father has had COPD for years, but he was hospitalized for worsening symptoms related to his condition. His health care provider advised that he should begin a pulmonary rehabilitation program. He is hesitant and unsure of what to expect. What are the benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation in people with COPD? Do you recommend it for people with other lung conditions?
Mayo Clinic Q and A: Benefits of pulm... - Lung Conditions C...
Mayo Clinic Q and A: Benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation for COPD and other lung conditions

For some reason I was unable to like your post 2greys, it went straight to ‘unlike’. I’m due to start pulmonary rehab in a few weeks. It’s quite a commitment, twice a week for six weeks, plus the journey to the hospital. My husband will have to wait in the car for me, as I’m still wary of travelling by bus. But I’ve done the course twice before, and found it beneficial, if you carry on the exercise regime afterwards.
I have already done one, 5 1/2 years ago, and still maintain the exercises. Since the lockdowns my static cycle and rowing machine get well used.
The PR course helped to transform the way I lived in 2015. Still keep up physical activity, just in different ways now (painting outside surfaces, trimming hedges, singing a lot, walking a lot more, etc).
I was dragged kicking and screaming to pulmonary rehab! I had just come out of hospital following respiratory failure. (Coma, mechanical ventilation, wires drugs etc) It was a commitment, held at my local leisure centre. You are well looked after and gently encouraged to move by caring qualified physios. I now practice yoga and pilates and attend the gym! Although my consultant now wants us to discuss a lung transplant I feel well and happy. I think the gentle excercise, fun and social aspect has contributed largely to how I feel.