I don’t want to appear selfish, but come the expected Covid booster jab in September, would those with bronchiectasis be considered extremely clinically vulnerable, or “just” clinically vulnerable and therefore lower down the queue for the booster jab?
Extremely or “just” clinically vulner... - Lung Conditions C...
Extremely or “just” clinically vulnerable?

I have bronch and have been considered extremely clinically vulnerable throughout the pandemic. It seems to be a smoke and mirrors thing. Whether your consultant informed the NHS or you are on such a list at your GP practice which was 'harvested' to make the national list.
Were you identified as CEV last year? If not you may want to clarify things with your doctor.
I have been ill since November 2019, but was only diagnosed with bronchiectasis in March 2021, so fallen outside the trawl for vulnerable.
With Bronchiectasis you would be classed as CEV, extremely clinically vulnerable, make sure your GP has put you on the list. Also if you are over 50 years you would qualify anyway.
On the news this morning that the flu vaccine will be offered to all over 50. Does that apply to covid boosters too?
I spoke to my GP yesterday about this. The plan is that all over 50’s should have a flu jab and a Covid booster. They are just trying to sort out the logistics of it all.
The logistics of it all may mean that we will get both eventually given that they are likely to start with the people over 90 years, care home residents, health and social care workers and work down as they did in the first round of vaccines. I really don't envy them having to arrange it all.
I was told it depends on how bad the bronchiectasis is. I’m similar to you were I was diagnosed more recently with bronchiectasis (sept 2020) but also have iga deficiency. When I spoke with my gp and the british lung foundation I was told it depends on how bad your bronch is. I was later told that I’m vulnerable but not extremely clinically vulnerable.
I would recommend speaking with your respiratory consultant or gp.
I have copd but only moderate at the most. I wasn't on any CEV list as the criteria was 'severe' respiratory condition so I got no special consideration or any help at all. It was very hard but on the other hand I would much rather be moderate and not severe.
I count myself lucky compared to so many other people.
You won’t necessarily be on the CEV list, unless your condition is severe. ALL people with cystic fibrosis are included, but with other lung illnesses you have to be severe.
Sorry, missed these grounds out (a quote from gov.uk)
“Your clinician or GP has added you to the Shielded Patient List because, based on their clinical judgement, they deem you to be at high risk of serious illness if you catch the virus.
You have been identified through the COVID-19 Population Risk Assessment as potentially being at high risk of serious illness if you catch the virus.”
I’m sure you’ll be CEV on one of these grounds, even if you don’t fall within the “severe” category. Mind you, there’s absolutely no benefit at all to being CEV!
My understanding is that all over 50s will get the flu jab and a Covid booster. My worry is how they’ll administer it because I think it’s supposed to be pharmacies and gp practices.
The BLF gives a better definition of those with Bronchiectasis who are on the CEV list. Alternatively, as Littlepom has said, you need a GP or consultant who is on the ball.
When I first received my shielding letter last year I was shocked as I had a diagnosis of 'mild COPD, asthma and bronchiectasis'. 'Mild COPD' has since become moderate, but at 'mild' I didn't expect to be on the list.
When I told my consultant this, during a routine call, he said he thought it was more to do with the medication I'm on. He didn't say which one and I didn't think to ask, but since then it seems that I'm on the highest dose of steroid inhaler and also Monteleukast and I think the two of them together seem to indicate high risk.
Other people I know who had much more profound medical issues than I had weren't put on the shielding list. They are registered at the same surgery as I am so I don't know how I became 'the chosen one' except for the medication issue, perhaps.
It would be worth a chat with your GP or consultant to see how they see things in case it becomes an issue again in the autumn. xx Moy