The last few weeks I’ve had a terrible bronchial pneumonia exacerbation. Worse I’ve had so far. Most symptoms gone but hellacious cough that humiliatingly causes me to pee. For real! It’s bad. My vitals look fairly ok now. The highest my Oximeter oxygen will go is 87. Mostly 84. Heart is around 113. So working pretty hard. I am having sweats. No fever but much loss of energy. About 8 months ago I had a PFT. My fev1 was at 26% I believe. The examples I’d really appreciate are how has a severe exacerbation impacted any of your lowering of fev1?! I realize we all are different. But it would be important to my mind-sake if you’d share some examples of how much a severe chest infection lowered your lung function. Fev1. Thx
Another question I hope for some exam... - Lung Conditions C...
Another question I hope for some examples at the least!

If your oxagen is between 84/87 i think you need to go back to dr or111 that seems very low, and is why your heart is working so hard. Please get in touch with doctor.
Although you are having an acute flare up don’t assume the worse that Fev1 will automatically decrease. It may not. Certainly in the UK we wouldn’t do tests until you were better because it can lead to false results.More concerning to me is your oxygen sats. Are your doctors aware how low your sats are? Here you would be on at least supplementary oxygen. Or even in hospital with such poor levels.
Ps I have been known to pee myself when very unwell due to cough and also difficulty getting to the loo in time. I tend to wear pads under such circumstances just in case.
Hope you feel much better soon.
Please ring your GP or 111 , and tell them your O2 reading .
Finally. I have bacterial pneumonia only in my right lower lobe. My Oximeter was going wonky due to afib. So not reading correctly. I’m in the hospital on IV. Two antibiotics. They say possibly just a 3 days if I turn the corner!
Get well rest up in there and rebuild yr strength.ask for pads too x
Hope you recover really quickly. All the best xx
Hope you are soon on the road to