Got my phone PIP phone assessment , tomorrow , what can i expect ?
PIP assessment : Got my phone PIP... - Lung Conditions C...
PIP assessment

Make sure you have all your paperwork to do with your illness make sure you let them know all medication you take. If using don't forget to tell them. Let them know how it affects your daily life like getting up and downstairs are you able to wash Z( do you have problems having a shower because of steam. How far can you walk safely. Let them know about your bad days NOT your good days. Let them know all the help you have. They are friendly. Hope all goes well and take deep breathes have a cup of tea or coffee to help with any dry mouth. With all the talking. Good luck and let us know how it goes. Ps. Let them know what equipment you use.
Good luck for today. Remember always to talk about your worst times. It's not the time to be a brave little soldier. Avoid statements like 'on my good days' or 'sometimes I can do a lot more'. It's easy to feel quite low after the call, so make sure you have a treat planned for after, or a good friend you can talk to or message.
All the best. Do let us know how you get on.
Good advice! They need your worst possible scenario. If somedays you can do something and some days you cant, you just say you can't!My daughter is a welfare rights officer and deals with these every day.
Have everything written down beforehand and be prepared to write down their responses. They are interested in the effect on your daily life, not on your ailments. They also find hidden disabilities the hardest to deal with. Eg. they found it hard to accept that my physically healthy but autistic daughter could not cook a simple meal. (We had to appeal.) Good luck. Let us know how you get on.
Just to add to the great answers above, sit somewhere comfortable and have everything you may need to hand. I had a phone review of my PIP award a few months ago and the interview lasted an hour. Good luck.
Have your initial claim form beside you and be prepared for ‘odd’ questions at the beginning..not sure if they are meant to disarm you but “ did you go to college or university “ kinda of threw me! As others have said, your worst days, not a time to put on our usual brave front, and they base assessment on majority of days, so 4 or more a week, if that applies. Sorry to say my experience was that the assessor was pleasant but the subsequent report did not reflect what was said and took 10 months and appeal court ( which DWP didn’t attend) to get full payments. Good luck, take your time and ask for questions to be repeated if needed.

Hello Cappy1966
Please see information from Citizens Advice regarding preparing for your PIP Assessment
If you would like to have a chat over the telephone please give us a call on 03000030555 and press option 1 we will be happy to discuss this with you further.
Hope this helps
Take Care
When they ask can you .....? The answer is no, then explane Never yes but, as that is whear they stop listening and just wright down yes. Good luck.
Just to add to the very useful advice given by others: When asked how far you can walk without problems say "maybe 15 to 20 yards" and that you stop every so often and pretend you are on the phone (as most of here probably do) and that you get embarrassed. If you say 20 metres or more THEY WILL DISALLOW you.
Good luck!!!
Hi Good Luck Make Sure You Take Your Script With All The Meds On Drs Letter Consultants If U Have .. Also Take Your Claim Form So You Can Read Through It ., Take Your Time Answering Questions Don’t Rush .. Good Luck Let Us Know How U Get On 🖤🖤
Thanks for all the replies / advice ❤️ ......Well , i ve just had my interview and although i was a bit tired ,as i hadnt slept all night i think it went ok ...... The lady was lovely , and probably threw a few sneaky questions in there to catch me off guard , but i tried to answer those ones like a politition probably would have done ! did go on a bit , but i had a flask of coffee by my side , and my wife to give me moral support , so its just a matter of waiting now ,,......... I was told it could take 6 weeks for the DWP to make a decision ...... its going to be a stressfull six weeks , but if thats the way it works , then theres nothing i can do about it . ....Stay strong , love to you all , everybody , and i'll let you know what descision i get , when i get one xx