Well sheilding is ending so goverment say OK for going back to college. But Dr says only go back after second jab so do I or don't I?
College: Well sheilding is ending so... - Lung Conditions C...

Do you know when you’ll get your 2nd jab Pokermon? Best to be safe I feel. Xxx
As the gov dont know you personally (i asume), probably listen to your dr at least he knows your personal health history.
Follow your doctor's advice. After your second jab you will be much safer.
Hi Pokermon, it’s tricky isn’t it! Like the others have said, your GP knows you better, so I’d go with their advice. I guess they’ll need to sign you off until you’ve had your second vaccine.
I know though that on the flip side it’s more of your education you’re missing and interaction with your friends which is also really important for your future and for your mental well being too.
I wonder if you can speak to your GP and explain your predicament, if they’d be able to get you vaccinated with your second dose sooner? I don’t know if it’s possible but it’s worth giving it a try!
Difficult, after 2nd jab you will be safer but your dr could help you assess how at risk you might be so you can make a more informed decision. Good luck with it all.
I would say follow your doctors advice and try to get your second jab sooner Your GP surgery should be able to organise this for you x
Hello there sweetheart. I spoke to my consultant last week and she told me that although shielding is coming to an end I should not go to places where there are a lot of people and should go on social distancing, wearing a mask etc until numbers of infections drop very very low. At present she said numbers of infections far too high for that. So if I was you I would listen to your doc.xx
Charlotte aka Jerrymaren has been back at college for the last 2 weeks and she hasn't yet had a vaccination and is unlikely to be offered one in the near future.The testing regime at schools appears to be functioning well with pupils being tested 3 times per week and safe distancing disciplines much better organised and it appears that not that many positive tests are being found.
Much depends on your personal situation but i am going to rock the boat here,which is my norm and say if i where in your situation and if you are being transported to and from college by your family then i would give it a go,you can always bail out if you feel unsafe and you have the backing of your Gp to do so.
We can not shield for ever and i am sure you want to continue your education and see your friends but obviously only you and your family can make that decision.
Best wishes
Ski's and Scruffy.
Good point about the testing skis.
I would listen to your doctor!
I still do online classes too. We had a chat last week when the college would let in students in again, still saying that this course will still be done online till end of this course. You can go into college to work on laptop but nothing else is being said that they will open again. Stay safe and warm 🍀🍀🍀
Personally I do not intend to open up until thirty days after my second jab. Your doctor knows your condition. In my opinion I would take his advice over an arbitrary date set by government. The government set the dates by statistics. Due to that the vast majority will have reduced risks but certain individuals will still be at a higher level of risk. In these situations I always think what are the risks to my wife and I not the general population. Basically we are still shielding. The infection rate as dropped but the levels are still higher than I would like.
listen to the doctor definitely not the govt
Your Doctor knows you , the government doesn't. It's a general thing for them . Take care 🤗
Listen to your doctor and get a sick note to provide to the college so that you are not removed from the register, to keep your place open. If you need to attend for an extra year surely that is better than getting sick.
I agree that you should follow your doctor's advice, but ask if they can arrange for you to have your 2nd jab sooner to help you get back to college asap. Good luck.
It's a tricky one, isn't it? I think Skis makes a fair case for returning but I would always follow my doctor's advice re COVID. They are far more informed than we are about the local situation and will have a better idea of what is safe for you with your medical conditions.
I think the idea of asking for an early 2nd jab is a good one. There would be nothing lost by asking. Also, if your GP says you should not return yet, they should provide you with a sick note so that your college place is safe.
Out of interest, what's your Mum's view on it?
All the best. xx Moy
Mum worries about everything but agrees with Dr.
Don't be too hard on your Mum Mum's are renowned for worrying - it comes with the territory! Lol!
My daughter is 49 and my son is 46 but I still worry whenever they're unwell and make lots of 'helpful' suggestions. They just roll their eyes at me and say, 'Already onto that, mother. No need for you to worry.' But I still do!
Have you made any enquiries about getting your second jab early?
xx Moy
Hi pokermon 🙋♀️ I get how scared and nervis u r and evryone here’s made relly valid points. At my colige the testin has been super orgenised, the admin and safety stuff is tight and we’ve only had 1 posetive case so far, wich was iselated and removed from colige that instent. They also sent home enyone who was even slitely in contact with that person. It’s been a pita cos we’ve actully missed lessons cos of testing but I gess it’s a good thing. Now we’ve all got tests to do at home, and a speshal register 2 log the results on with like codes for our tests so they no if uve lied or not done it.
Wot I’m tryin to sey is if ur woried about safety or wether the testings a scam - it’s bin super orgenised and supervised and I rekon u ain’t gonna get it much beter than rite now.
Having said all that, u gotta do wots rite for u, and if u ain’t happy then stay till 3 weeks arfter Uve had the secend jab and ur protekshons as high as poss. There’ll alweys be some risk in life tho... and if it ain’t covid it’ll b a flu strane, or a chest infekshon or wotever so somehow we all gotta get that balanse between saftey and living a actual life aint we?
Like I sed, u do wots best 4 u tho and stuff wot the gov says...there’s alweys changin there minds enyway 🤣
Stay safe x
I think I’ll follow the Drs advice and not mix or be in a face to face situation ( esp not going back to work) until I’m fully protected AT least until 3 weeks after my Second jab. I feel I’ll have the full protection the jab can give me by then. Best wishes Christi 😘
I'm feeling the same, I have my 2nd jab tomorrow and work have said I must return to the office, sanitizers available, screens on desks and rapid testing twice weekly, those tests are apparently 40% accurate only, and to be fair, they don't stop you catching covid, they have a 40% chance picking up the infection.I'm sure after the 2nd jab we will all feel safer and until then, if any worker comes within 2 metres of me, ppe or not, I will be asking them to please back up and give me space.
It's important to mix again, but not put ourselves at a higher risk
I always say follow your gut feeling 😊
Follow Doctors orders he she knows best 😊🍀
To be a doctor, you must have exceptional skills in biology and chemistry at school. Further - patience to study at a higher educational institution for at least six years. Many of my acquaintances say that learning to be a doctor is very difficult. And it already depends on what we want to become, that is, on what to specialize more precisely. And I gave exploremedicalcareers.com/p... / where I read more, and I really have no idea already. I'll talk to the parents, and we'll realize I want them to be proud of me.