Very red and swollen arm had the jab last Wednesday seems to have got larger over the weekend. Has anyone else had this reaction? Just getting a bit worried now.Thanks
Reaction to Astra Zenica vaccine? - Lung Conditions C...
Reaction to Astra Zenica vaccine?
Hubby had reaction got up next had flu like symptoms last about 3 days arm hurt but not swollen. Sure there was someone on forum yesterday had similar symptoms to you.
Hoping you’ll soon be doing better soul-123 but if your arm is worse, contact your GP. Thinking of you. Xxxx
Thanks tried to make telephone they aren't answering will try later xxx
I had this vaccine yester, woke up today arm really hurts and got bad headache and tiredness. If you are worried please phone either your GP orv119. Have a good day and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx
Not able to get appt as yet will try again tomorrow if no improvement🙂
Funnily enough I had that after the flu jab. Was itchy too. Fine after 5/6 days. Very little local reaction after the covid jab, though.
I had my jab on the tuesday 2nd february 5 hours after a bad headache joint pains freezing cold and bust itching no problem at all with my arm. It lasted till friday fine now. Astra zenica
I had the AZ vaccine and it was only after 10 days that I developed a red splodge on my arm. It was very painful, like wasp stings, and lasted about 48 hours and then disappeared.
AstraZeneca inoculation here, too.
At 12 hours, raised temperature to 38 degrees and felt unwell.
At 24 hours, fine except:
Raised, red circle around inoculation site. Painful too.
This lasted for ten days before slowly fading but left a small nodule on the injection site.
Now three weeks + on and this lump is smaller but still can be felt.
I coincidentally saw my GP at five days after inoculation and in passing showed her the red raised area and she was not worried in the slightest!
I like to think that I have had a good result to the drug!
I have a slight concern for the second AstraZeneca jab, due in six-ish weeks but will mention it on arrival and do not really expect to have a major problem, just more pain and discomfort for a while.
I have had mild Covid (as a cyclist was spat at in July and developed it five days later. I had not been into a shop or anywhere else, so had to have contracted it this way), mainly headache, sore throat and lethargy.
I have had previous reactions to 'flu jabs (egg-sized lumps on my arm, taking weeks to disappear) and was refused it for some years but have had it for the last 18 years or so.
Hope this helps.
My arm was tender for over a week but it didn’t react with swelling like the flu jab usually does.
Do keep trying to contact dr.meanwhile,id try an ice pack ea hr or so,for 15 mins eg frozen peas in small bag,to soothe it + may help with swelling