Hi can anyone help me with the best thing to do when I am coughing the phlem is so thick and is sticking in my airways and won't let me breath back this is extremely verifying I feel like I am going to die I go into a panic which makes the situation worse I start getting really tired I am already on nicotine does anyone know of something else I could take to help break up the plem
Choking: Hi can anyone help me with the... - Lung Conditions C...
The word Nicolette should be carbosisteine sorry
Drink plenty? I find it terrifying when it's mostly up, but you can't get it up that last bit. I drink as close as i can to 3 litres a day and it does help a bit I think. Otherwise a chat to the Dr might be needed ((())) xxx
Thank you
Have you tried increasing your fluid intake?
I do find it hard to drink water can you drink any fluid
Yes, any fluid, but I find milky things nzkd me cough more.
Thank yo
Drink lots more water, try steaming, talk to yr dr. Best wishes
Thank you
Have you tried the breathing technique โhuffingโ and the active cycle of breathing, plenty of info on the net and YouTube. Also nebulise saline solution this can help loosen mucus.
Thank you
For a quick fix when you think you are totally blocked up you can't beat the old fashion Vic in a bowl of hot water towel over your head, deep breaths (or as deep as you can past the blockage). Fisherman's friend can still play a part too. All in addition to your prescribed medication of course.
Thank you for that will give it a try
I have the same problem but cannot take Carbosistein. Salt helps, either nebulised or an old fashioned salt pipe. Vicks also, either just breathed from a tissue or in steam from hot water. Pineapple is supposed to be a natural mucous thinner so I also have a glass of juice every day (I'm not a fan of water and there's a limit to how much I can drink in a day). I recently got a humidifier as I'm sure the 'dry air' from central heating doesn't help, and I run it on high for just about an hour a day. That seems to help but you get a lot of condensation on the windows
๐คฃ. Fresh air also seems to help and even if I just stick my head out of the window for 10 mins it does seem to loosen up my chest. Basically throw everything at it and see which works for you, but not all at once or you won't know which is doing the job. Good luck
Thanks very much will try it all
You desperately need antibiotics.
I do find antibiotics do help but as soon as they are finished it just comes back

If antibiotics help and then it just comes back, it sounds like you may need more or a different type. When taking antibiotics you also need to be taking probiotics as the antibiotics also kill good gut bacteria so you need to replace the good gut bacteria. Improving your immune system with vitamins or herbs may also help but the advice given by others here regarding loosening phlegm should help.
Thank you for that

Not sure what your illness is but my wife, who has bronchiectasis, is often blocked and struggling to cough up the gunge. Re antibiotics, she is following antibio therapy of Azithromycin 3 times per week as well as physio 3 times per week. {erhaps a change in your treatment is the order of the day. Best wishes and good luck.
It's horrid to have this I'm also on carbocisteine but the tablets or liquid doesn't help me at all, I find drinking a strong black coffee with a dollop of honey helps me. I would also recommend antibiotics too.
Get well soon ๐
I will try that thanks

I agree plenty of fluid I don't like water so I add a bit of black currant juice to it only a weak version but I can get it down better than plain water xxx
I'll be interested to hear if you find something that helps you.
I also have a problem with phlegm sticking in my airways and have recently been prescribed carbosisteine for it which, I think, is helping a bit. Most of the time I am ok, then quite suddenly, I will get a bit of phlegm stuck and, although at the moment it's only a little bit the size of a finger nail, it's enough to choke me and on occasions, requires a good thump on the back from my husband to shift it.
Until recently, I was coughing up much looser phlegm and copious ammounts of it. Since having clarythromicin for a week (after already having 2 weeks amoxycilin and 2 weeks doxycicline) my phlegm has been clear or pure white. My peak flow has increased from 180 - 200 (my norm) to 240 - 260 (last recorded over 5 years ago!). However, this new white phlegm sticks like glue.
I know what you mean about it being terrifying.
xx Moy
ask if you can have amoxociline its a steroid and works for me when i have a flare up
Nebulizing twice a day, 7 percent saline..proper airway clearance is so important..drink as much water as you can to thin the mucous..exercise do helps to bring it up..aeribika twice a day.
Thanks I will try that
Oh no I know how you feel. I was diagnosed with Suppurative Inflammation of the lungs which was the cause of my overproduction of phlegm.
Ask your doctor for carbocisteine should help slot x
Hi Charlie. You need to talk to your doc. Stronger antibiotics seem necessary, or a different one- some work better for one person than another. Also I would suggest a respiratory therapist might help. Hope you find a solution. Not being able to breathe is terrifying.
Thank you
Ask your GP if you can nebulise 7% saline twice daily.It may help to shift it. Sometimes I know it feels like concrete. So horrible! Good luck!
Hiya.i frequently have this prob,as bronchiectasis produces thick mucous.as already said re fluids + carbocysteine,i wld suggest at least 2-3 x day, make time to use technique to clear yr lungs,b4 it congeals. Try not to panic,just continue to attempt to get it up.it is tough.
Thank you for your reply