Advise - not sure where any of this is going - diagnosed with pneumonia 8 weeks ago - very short of breath - main symptoms - fluid drained - chest x ray and CT scan and then another plural effusion- awaiting test results from fluid - CT scan shows a mass on my cervix and something in my lower spine. My symptoms at the moment are pain in my right side , chest and just last few days under my left breast. Also pain in my middle back - both sides - has anyone else had pneumonia caused by an underlying condition. I’ve not has any COVID symptoms in 52 don’t drink and never smoked.
Any advise welcome: Advise - not sure... - Lung Conditions C...
Any advise welcome

Hi Claire hope everything comes back ok and you really start to feel better soon. Have a good day and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx
Hi, What is the underlying condition you have? Is it because of this you think you have pneumonia? I only know that pneumonia is a serious condition and will take 6 months for you to get better.I'm so sorry, I hope you are having the support you need.
I hope you get your results soon .hopefully things will be clearer then.pneumonia takes a long time to recover from,so this could be one explanation for some of your symptoms x
Hi Thanks for your message, I’ve not been near a smoker for over 30 years - not sure if that would make any difference. I’m fit and healthy as a rule - the CT scan has shown up areas of concern and until results come back I don’t really know - only that the pneumonia was brought about by something underlying which I didn’t know about . It’s all very confusing.
I hate to say it but you're going to have to hang on in there until your results come - hope its not too long Claire. Pneumonia can be so horrible and can take months to recover from. I can only suggest you take lots of vitamin C (that's what I, personally, would do) to boost your immune system. I've had pneumonia several times and it totally depletes you. Drink plenty of fluids.uids to help liquefy any mucus in your. Unusual making it easier to expel. I really feel for you, the not knowing. Good luck, let us know how you get on. P
Try not to worry... Easier said than done. Hate it when Dr give you half the picture... Hopefully you will get a full explanation soon. Try to concentrate on building up your strength.. Vit C, D & zinc tablets & sleep. Take care! X
From experience pneumonia can take a long time to recover from and some of the symptoms you describe I experienced during my recovery. The important thing is rest and not to push things. Obviously you are under investigations for other matters which could be due to a number of causes. My advice would be to write questions down as they pop into your head. That way when you see your consultant you can ask questions and hopefully get answers.
The worst thing ever is waiting and wondering, unfortunately it just has to be endured Hopefully the results when they come back will give you some peace of mind once you know what your dealing with . My husband had pneumonia when he was 18 months old and again at 12 years old , with no underlying condition as far as we’re aware, so unfortunately not smoking and drinking whilst being a good thing is not always a consideration in pneumonia. The good thing is he survived and that was 60 years ago ! Try not to drive yourself mad with worry and good luck xx
Sorry to hear about this. I had pneumonia and like the others say, it takes time to recover so be kind to yourself and take it easy! Mine was caused by a chest infection.
It’s horrible waiting for results. It’s the worst bit I find! When you speak to your doctor ask lots of questions and if you don’t understand something ask them to explain & remember no question is too silly!
Hugs 🤗
Hope u soon get all yr results.meanwhile rest and heal,its a slow processX