I have just made my first contact in form of a response to laf1977 re PPFE and it occurred to me that I have not introduced myself
I have been sitting on the sidelines of this group for sometime and have felt so much admiration for the depth of knowledge. I have not contributed as it seemed that so much good information was readily available. A poor reason I feel given how much support is offered so freely and the genuine care that is demonstrated
I was diagnosed with IPF in 2006. and PPFE in 2016. There has been a rollercoaster track in my search for well-being , shadowed by this illness, that I have travelled.
At present I have been working on getting back to a level of stability following an acute-change which has cardiac involvement. It’s more coasting than rapid downhill , at the moment , and that always feels great and something for which to be thankful .
So I’m off the sidelines I hope over time to express my appreciation of all the posts that I have valued over time
My very best wishes