Hi everyone , I have COPD amongst other things I recently signed up to a type 2 diabetis prevention project with the NHS but it is not what I thought it was. It seems to be just a weightwatchers project for nine months to loose weight with no discussion concerning diabetis. I don't even understand how it works as it all seems to centre round an APP I am in total cofusion any suggestions as to what to do please?????
Diabetis prevention : Hi everyone , I... - Lung Conditions C...
Diabetis prevention

From what I have read in the press losing weight seems to be the key to preventing Type 2 Diabetes. I take it they thought you were a little overweight, if so, it can't hurt to lose a little. Go with it, could be benefits. One would have thought though, that there would be an explanatory talk or something about Diabetes. Sometimes the NHS totally gobsmacks me, for instance, I was told my waist measurement was too high by a nurse that must have weighed all of 20 stone.
Lack of exercise is the key if your weight is okay. The problem is if your unable to exercise due to pain that requires treatment and you can't get treatment due to covid excuses here in Deon. Both my BP & blood sugar have gone up since lock-down being starved of treatment has most certainly caused this.
Thank you , glad someone is on my wave length. It is the exercise part that causes the problem . My BP is fine, my weight is stable but too high, never been checked for sugar for years. I am due to have a Knee replacement next week so wont be able to walk until around December. Its a bvig battle to meet the NHS idea of whats best as we are all different.
My husband had knee replacement 1st week in Jan this year. Total knee replacement and he was walking pretty well and pain free after 6 weeks, but key to it all is doing the exercises rigidly no exceptions. I couldnt believe how quickly he recovered. Take care
Thats what we at Arthritis Action want to hear. Six weeks is norm however I have multijoint so they anticipate around 12 weeks . But at least after 6 weeks I may be able to go out with out help. Thank you for your good news , my freind was just 6 weeks too. I just want to get rid of pain. I'm used to the exercise side I've been exercising arthritic joints since I was in my thirties. So heres to a quick recovery.
Yes best wishes for a good outcome and I've not got a worry about you being on the go by 6 weeks! You're a very formidable woman so who am I to disagree with you lol ππππ Keep in contact won't you? πΏπ
Thanks for reply SquirrelsHolt, the idea of this op is so I will be more mobile again only the virus posses a threat. I will keep in touch fingers crossed all goes well.
Fingers crossed like you said π€ !
You sound very confident and up-beat and I'm a believer in "putting your mind to it" ,so that's a great omen don't you agree? πΏπ
This program is free weightwatchers for nine months supposedly. Of course they have a three month course for free anyway so hope they don't start charging in three months time as nobody needs to pay to be diet tracked.They don't know I am at high risk of diabetis , whether I have it or not, or whether I am overweight unless I tell them. Nor do they know if I have other health issues causing failure to loose weight. But I am willing to try and keep myself fit as I can but not sure I need digital progress reports on my lifestyle.
Yes this is exactly what they have signed me up for although just signed up today so can't comment on its worth although worrying yet another treatment being out-sourced to the private sector.
the thinking now is that type 2 can be controlled by diet. WW uses low fat and low carbs and also (carbs turn in to sugar in the body hence low carb - apologies if you already knew that). My sister lost 3 stone on WW, is now a very healthy 9 stone (she's less than 5' 2"). And is very healthy. Im borderline diabetic 2, Iβve lost over 8lbs in last 6 weeks on my own and feel so much better especially without the plummeting blood sugar levels. P x
Thank you for reply , l need to loose a fair bit as I am 12st 10lb and only small . I have other diabetics in the family which puts me at higher risk. I cant do exercises due to health issues. With reduction in food I can loose half a stone but no more, so I need a permanent diet change.
I'm diabetic and I've been with ww for the last few years. I had many other health problems that got in the way if losing weight, but I think the ww plan is the healthiest out there. A few years ago I got back to pre diabetic on their eating plan. Give it a go
Our practice has a clinic for people who have had two results in the diabetic zone. For some reason it was not offered to me. From a friend I understand there was lots about diet with an emphasis on upping the fibre in the diet which helps blood sugar not to spike.
It seems to be a bit hit and miss as to whether you get tested or not even when you are obviously overweight. But this course in our city is aimed at prevention which means testing before people get it and reccommending action. I am a bit confused as it seems each year it is suggested weight reduction changes the outcome of all illnesses. Just depends whether you have the said problem this year. I recall taking blood pressure treatment for many years , my blood pressure is still the same but now I have acquired raised uric acid from taking the treatment as advised . Who knows what is best these days.
For food its, there is a need to watch the carb consumption, portion size etc. carbs put weight on and affect blood glucose, exercise is also important, from the website link above you can learn a lot.

Thank you for the link.
Hi Katie, I did a pre diabetes prevention programme and it was based on exercise and healthy diet - regular weigh ins and blood test half way through and then at the end. No real help if your sugar levels started to rise again which happened to me though I was still exercising a lot and eating healthily. I DID ENJOY DOING THE PROGRAMME THOUGH x
Good luck with your knee replacement Katie, i hope all goes well for you. Do you have somebody that can come and help you out? If not can you get some help with carer's, it will be very difficult on your own. Please keep us updated, will be thinking of you x
Thank you for your good wishes. At the moment nothing is looking good. I am still waiting for my time slot for COVID test. Rang for prescription and they are down so had to fill in form but they have not rung back, threat of a new lockdown. No idea how long I will be in hospital, no care for afterwards, and no transport , can't book it as I don't know when I will be coming out. However they have suggested they will speak to me on the ward to try and solve any issues. Don't have any transport to go to GPs to have stitches out either, guess it will be taxis. I am sure I will survive . And I will keep in touch, hopefully I will get patient transport for Physio which is very important to good recovery in this op. Bye for now.
Oh! Katie, like you need the extra hassle and worry. I know what you mean about transport, I end up getting taxis everywhere, but that is the least of your worries. I do hope everything goes ahead, it is so painful, I watched my sister struggle before she went through her hip ops. I am sure there is a department that makes sure you have somebody to either stay with you or they keep you in until you can walk far enough to let you go home and yes you are right physio is so important. Fingers crossed everything goes well x