I've had brochiectasis for years and do postural lung clearance three times a day for 45 minutes. A real struggle! The consultant gave me some Carbocisteinne tablets (3 x 2 a day). I am now only doing my lung clearance twice a day. Why didn't a doctor prescribe these tablets years ago to reduce my problems?
Cliff: I've had brochiectasis for years... - Lung Conditions C...
Carbocisteinne has always been very effective for me. Sorry to hear it has taken a long time for it to be prescribed for you.
Quite! How frustrating! Sometimes I wonder if we are perceived as a bit of a lost cause.
GPs know a little about a lot. Consultants are specialists in one subject.
GPs don't know enough about bronch. They are only trained on copd. A good bronch specialist should have offered it to you. Unfortunately I can't tolerate it so nebulise saline instead. I hope that it helps you.
Kind of you. Thanks.
Hi Skipwork, same here, I didn't get it for years, even after seeing a consultant. I moved to a new practice and the practice nurse who heard me coughing prescribed it. My life changed immediately as I could sleep through the night but I had already given up work as I could not stand the stress of constant coughing and chest infections. I still do clearance three times a day which I try to be positive about! I also use an aerobika for one drainage session. Good luck.