do many of you find that high humidity really affects your breathing
breathing difficulties: do many of you... - Lung Conditions C...
breathing difficulties

Yes it feels awfull and realy hard to exercise (walk) as its like you never get a proper breath in
Yes definitely

Yes I find it really hard to walk or do housework when it's humid. Have a great weekend and take care 😊 Bernadette xx xx 🌈
Yes definitely
Oh yes, I remember going on holiday to a Health Farm type of hotel, decided to try a sauna for the first time, and they sprayed the hot stones with water, nearly died, and I am only a mildish asthmatic. Stuck to the swimming pool after that.
that's awful I can't do spa pools either, legs feel like heavy led after and airways narrowed, just as bad in cold damp weather.
Me too I think every June/July my breathing gets worse X
YES!! Since the heat and humidity set in my spirometry tests have gone down a few percent. It had me very worried and then I realized I am breathing in very dense air and even people with healthy lungs complain that it's hard to breathe in humidity. Awful isn't it unified ? Take care. xx 🌞🍀
Without question! The vast majority of breathing compromised individuals breathe much more easily in de-humidified, climate-controlled or air conditioned environments, judg69
Yes. I've not been able to walk as well this last week when the weather became more humid, and I've also had to use my reliever inhaler more.
It certainly does! xx Moy
Hi,when it does get humid my chest goes tight so I get a cooling fan in front of me and quite often have to take my ventolin more but what I do is make myself yawn and this helps me.