Students at the University in Tuscaloosa Alabama are having Covidc19 parties . The first attendee to catch Covid 19 gets the pot of money raised from ticket sales to attend the party. Its bad enough that Trump thinks the virus will just disappear. He seems intent on letting America die, but for so called intelligant students doing this is frightening.🤬
IDIOTIC AMERICAN STUDENTS: Students at... - Lung Conditions C...

That’s the mindset of some sadly Pantani. They’re not very intelligent at all it seems. Covid’s not funny. Xxx😤😱
Well that beggars belief
Possibly something just as idiotic will result from pubs opening here in UK from tomorrow, Police are already gearing up for trouble its been announced on radio. Dear me, the human race........ jees

Grant Shaps said he was sure people would act responsibly when pubs opened. Lets hope it isn't as responsibly as they were on the beaches and BLM protests. There are licensees of pubs who think Saturday is the wrong day to re open pubs. Ioften wonder what planet these politition are from, must be cloud cuckoo land. 🤬
Its the people, it will be the same sorts that did the beaches, that do the parties and if they get out of control with the booze, the pubs too. Individual responsibilty, the government gives guidelines certain people disregard them and behave irresponsibly, simple as that.
This just incenses me. My dearest friend, a Jamaican who has lived in Florida for forty years, is a nurse in North Port. I have just spoken to her because I am so worried about her and her husband, given the upsurge in cases in Florida.
She has spent the last three months in full PPE, is exhausted and tells me that the number of cases in Florida is far worse than they are trying to make out.
These fools in Alabama are probably only the tip of the iceburg. The East coast of Florida is full of students who think that they are immortal and have no care for the safety of anyone else. From there it is one car journey and a supermarket stop to the rest of the state.
With selfish idiots like that and a President in denial, I can only pray every day for my dear friend.
Rant over.
I see almost daily on news clips of articles fully grown adults refusing to wear masks in shops in the U.S. that require it for no other reason than "it's their right not to". I saw woman who was denied entry into Starbucks for not wearing a mask completely go off in a crazy screaming rant at the young barista because he said he couldn't serve her as she had no masks on and the policy is all customers must wear masks. Some say they have medical conditions, which is fair enough but surely they aren't lung conditions, as I know with poorly lungs there is no way they could scream and shout that hard and long without losing their breath or needing to sit down. I just don't understand the foolishness. Have a good weekend Pantani . xx 🌱🍀
Beggers belief! Been smoking too many chemicals. 😱