Hi everyone very worried with my condition had coronavirus April 13th now 28th june I had chest infection which was more in my right lung, had antibiotics after I took them seemed to make it better,but after a week or two pains come back in my chest but not has strong now ,I have got pains in my back doctor won't give me anymore antibiotics but I still have pain in my back seems to be right side by shoulder blade ,paying for private CT scan tomoz,to see what problem is. doctor would not send me for scan saying it is the aftereffects of covid but I have not got any better .I wondered weather it is still chest infection or could it be pleuracy not to good have been going to work with this.
Coronavirus : Hi everyone very worried... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi Turl speak to your gp about a 5 day course of steriods as you may still have inflammation.
Hi BreatheasyBe don't really no what to do next thats why i am having ct scan, had this now for about 5 to 6 weeks very uncomfortable with pain in my back ,somtimes spreading to right lung ,and some times phlegmy thanks for your advice.
Are you coughing anything up....if so is the mucus discoloured or clear.
I know it’s a difficult time for consultations, but has your mucus been checked to see if there is any residual infection.
Take care
My brother who is a paramedic had Covid about the same time as you is still having intermittent chest pains. However after numerous tests only inflammation was found. He said that he knew others that had longer times recovering.
Sorry I missed this earlier Turl, I would have said talk again with your doctor, hospital adviser, hope the CT scan results are ok and you are soon feeling better.
Best wishes
Good luck with ct scan.hope it gets to root of problem x