Coronavirus: Face coverings to be man... - Lung Conditions C...

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Coronavirus: Face coverings to be mandatory on public transport.

2greys profile image
47 Replies

Wearing face coverings will be compulsory on public transport in England from 15 June, the transport secretary has said.

Grant Shapps said "every precaution" must be taken as passenger numbers are expected to increase when lockdown measures are further eased.

People will be have to wear coverings on buses, trains, aircraft and ferries.

Very young children, disabled people and those with breathing difficulties will be exempt, he said.

It comes as the UK recorded the deaths of another 176 people who tested positive for coronavirus, taking the total number of deaths in the UK to 39,904.

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2greys profile image
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47 Replies
2greys profile image

So I wonder, if or how will we get an exemption certificate? Or is has this not been thought through properly, yet again.

I can see a lot of arguments with bus drivers in the future over this if we do not get an official certificate. A bus driver will not be able to tell from a hospital letter, that lists respiratory problems, what health problems are respiratory ones and probably will not know or recall them at all. How many bus drivers will have heard of COPD even, which is quite common, let alone the more exotic respiratory illnesses.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to 2greys

And what happens if are wearing a mask and cough? Are we allowed to then blow our nose, or do we have to put up with a face full of gunk?

cofdrop-UK profile image
cofdrop-UK in reply to hypercat54

I guess if we cough we would then have bus or train to ourselves. Not that I will be travelling on public transport.


2greys profile image
2greys in reply to cofdrop-UK

I will not be using public transport until I deem it safe to do so. Perhaps next year.

Oshgosh profile image
Oshgosh in reply to 2greys

Having shielded forthe duration,I don’t think I ever want go clothes/ make up/ handbag shopping ever again,as I feel at the moment.

Th people who can breathe normally seem to have become complacent.

I have a life limiting condition,I don’t want to die from Covid,if I can avoid it.

I think online will become an even bigger part of my life,but if I can’t go any where I won’t need new clothes/ handbags.

I hope you are ok health wise.

From what I read Covid can cause havoc.take care

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to Oshgosh

It does cause havoc, everyday is a challenge in one way or another, I am coping though.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to cofdrop-UK

Well I don't have my own transport so have no choice but to use the bus 😣 x

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to hypercat54

Niether do I. But fortuanately only have an extremely limited need to actually go out.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to 2greys

Well you need to shield anyway and have the letter. I don't and will be damned if I'm going to stay in once the shops are open again. x

cofdrop-UK profile image
cofdrop-UK in reply to hypercat54

Me neither but I won’t be travelling.


HungryHufflepuff profile image

Thanks for this article. Certain airlines have been saying for a few weeks that masks must be worn on their planes. Some airlines say if you have respiratory problems that make it difficult to wear a mask, it's not totally mandatory. What I wonder is, how do you do you prove you're not wearing a mask because it's too difficult to breathe (apart from actually not being able to breathe, as proof) and, if you can prove to cabin crew because you have your prescription for example, how do you prove to the other passengers you're not being awkward but have a genuine cause. The idea of being glared at or shouted at doesn't appeal to me ☹️

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to HungryHufflepuff

Me neither 😐 x

watergazer profile image
watergazer in reply to HungryHufflepuff

Your health travel insurance should have your medical declarations on it so maybe have that ready to show. x

Carnival567 profile image

It’s going to be interesting for people like me.I live in England so should wear a mask, but if I catch the bus into town I cross the border into Wales I could take it off! I don’t plan a trip though. The border is a couple of hundred yards away! Likewise, I have had a shielding letter from both England and Wales, I wonder which will come first! They don’t think, any of them.

Ian1967 profile image

Hi 2greys, public transport is my only mode of transport, I also have to use ambulatory oxygen, so I don’t know how I will cope, I will be alright wearing a mask sitting on the bus, but I wouldn’t be able to wear one getting on and off the bus, I suppose I will have to struggle and try wearing a mask over my oxygen cannula.

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to Ian1967

I would think that with using ambulatory oxygen, wearing cannula, it will be glaringly obvious that you have trouble breathing and thus exempt from wearing one.

Ian1967 profile image
Ian1967 in reply to 2greys

You would hope so 2greys, but common sense and this government don’t mix, earlier this week they banned people from people sleeping with their partner, unless they lived in the same house, but they can still use a sex worker!😂

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to Ian1967

It all adds fuel to the thought that they do not really know what they are doing with their half baked ideas.

deejames profile image
deejames in reply to 2greys

I think no one will challenge you if you have oxygen with you and are wearing a candula

cofdrop-UK profile image
cofdrop-UK in reply to Ian1967

I would think if you are using 02 Ian then it should be obvious to others that you have a respiratory problem.

Good luck and stay safe.


Oshgosh profile image

My first thought was,

Why don’t they bring it in sooner ?

2nd hope w do we get exemption status ?i don’t use the bus much(still shielding),but I don’t fancy my chances explaining Non Specific Interstitional Pneumonia to the bus drivers,let alone all the auto immune nestuff..we. would need a visible pass like door men have in night clubs.

I wonder f the Govt have actually thought this through properly.

On a more positive note,I emailed the PM and my MP about the blind Dominic matter.

The PM hasn’t replied yet.

My MP has written to me,a very sensible letter,I may say,agreeing that Mr Cummings position is untenable.

Shirleyj profile image
Shirleyj in reply to Oshgosh

Did you write to your mp regarding the thousands of people who have been out protesting?

Oshgosh profile image
Oshgosh in reply to Shirleyj

No I didn’t email him about the people out protesting.

I’m am waiting to see hw the weekend pans out.

I can’t do understand how people can gather in sch large numbers.

As I have been shielding for 11 week I. Cross the road if I am out for exercise in my quiet location if meet any body.

I don’t know the answer to the large gatherings in London.

I wonder how the powers that be are thinking.

I don’t know what would happen if the authorities came down hard on demonstrators.

Would it reflect the current situation in the US?.

watergazer profile image
watergazer in reply to Oshgosh

Whereas our MP (conservative) didn't address the question my husband asked

Bardear profile image
Bardear in reply to Oshgosh

How about sending your MP an email regarding the use of face masks/coverings for our group. Perhaps we could all wear visors but which would allow us to breathe easily.

As you say he sent you a sensible reply to you last email he might send you another. Whilst you are at it sent one to the PM as well. After all this is/could become a global problem.

I do see the sense in the wearing of masks on/in public spaces but again from the posts I have been reading regarding this topic it does appear that we feel - as a large group - that we have yet AGAIN been forgotten/by-passed.

So how about it would visors be the answer - worn with an eye to caution - I think we've proved that after12 weeks - some have done longer - of isolation that we can and will STILL take precautions.

I would be interested to hear if your MP and/or PM respond to you (that is if you decide to contact them)


Bardear profile image
Bardear in reply to Oshgosh

Further to my last post re face masks on public transport/public places :- As we have problems wearing face masks and they are not compulsory for our group it would follow that we could not get on a bus/go into shops etc etc. and as lot of us are still "shielding" we cannot/not allowed yet - go on or into these places at the moment.

It seems our isolation would be an ongoing feature of our lives until a vaccine is/can be found - could be a long time. If a vaccine/pill could be found would our group - considering we are most at risk than the rest of the population - again be forgotten about or last in line - probably either option methinks.

Sorry about the whinge/moan


Bevvy profile image

I fear this is the thin edge of the wedge. Have no doubt that shops will also come under this soon.

I should be exempt but don’t want to wear some sort of sign!

Guess I need to become thick skinned to put up with abusive comments I get!

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to Bevvy

"Guess I need to become thick skinned to put up with abusive comments I get!"

It seems that you may be right, the same scenario as those with a Blue Badge parking permit issued to the disabled, visible or not. All the healthy take breathing for granted and never think about it.

Oh that's good then, I can wear my easy breathing vogmask with vents that protects me but not others. :) Bit daft really, infectious lung folk and young children can spread the bugs too. But really I won't be using any public transport for the foreseeable future if I can help it. Not that I ever did use it during bug season.

hypercat54 profile image

It does say disabled as well so hopefully my stick will protect me! If not I can always use it to whack doubters over the head 😁😁 x

There is a follow up page, and the usual applies, don't use public transport unless you need to, etc etc...


Face coverings are to become compulsory for people using public transport in England from Monday 15 June.

They are already recommended in some enclosed spaces - like public transport and shops - when social distancing (staying more than 2m apart) isn't possible.

What are the new rules?

The move to compulsory face coverings on buses, trains, ferries and planes will coincide with a further easing of lockdown restrictions.

From 15 June, ministers want more non-essential retailers to open and some secondary school pupils to return to classes. This could put more pressure on public transport, and make social distancing more difficult.

Announcing the new rules, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps stressed people should:

Continue working from home if they can do so

Avoid public transport if they can't work from home

Avoid the rush hour if they have to take public transport

Some passengers will be exempt from the new rules:

Young children

Disabled people

Those with breathing difficulties

Mr Shapps said passengers should wear "the kind of face covering you can easily make at home". Surgical masks should be kept for medical uses.

Maintaining social distancing and hand washing, he added, remain the "most critical things to do".


2greys profile image

Now a call to extend it.

Coronavirus: Widen rules on where face coverings must be used, say UK doctors.

HungryHufflepuff profile image

I'm not at home and have nothing here with which to make a mask, I'll have to try to buy a paper mask and hope I'll be allowed to not wear it. Unfortunately I'll have no choice other than taking a lot of public transport to get home 🚌✈️

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to HungryHufflepuff

Are you one of the shielded, if so and do not have the letter with you, can you access it electroncally via a website?

HungryHufflepuff profile image
HungryHufflepuff in reply to 2greys

I don't know if I got the letter, I've been away since March 2nd 🤔

Oshgosh profile image
Oshgosh in reply to HungryHufflepuff

We bought washable face coverings from eBay.

The yen are fairly comfortable,but don’t help my shortness of breath

Carnival567 profile image

The bbc item says you can use a scarf or bandana if you haven’t a mask. There’s a wide variety of masks available on Amazon, quite inexpensive. I have just bought a pack of 4 washable masks. make my husband look like a demented puffin but you can’t have everything!

Spanielblue profile image
Spanielblue in reply to Carnival567

Can you recommended the masks you bought. Also, how much were they and which company on Amazon supplied them? Masks have been my worry of the week because I keep looking and in the end feel I don't know what to buy for the best. Some of the bad reviews have put me off and also the expense of some of them. I didn't really want to have to make masks because there are three of us at home all with medical problems so much easier to buy something ready made if possible.

Carnival567 profile image
Carnival567 in reply to Spanielblue

They are sold by Karizma. If you go on to amazon and enter face masks there are lots to choose from. The ones I got, a pack of 4, weren’t particularly cheap but I wanted to be sure to get it over my oxygen cannula as I am on 24 hour oxygen. The 4 pack gives us 2 each and are washable.

Spanielblue profile image
Spanielblue in reply to Carnival567

Thank you! I have written the name down and will have a look on Amazon. I wish you well with the oxygen and hope your condition has a chance of improving.

Carnival567 profile image
Carnival567 in reply to Spanielblue

Thank you for your good wishes. Unfortunately I have a medical book full of conditions but have generally been well cared for. At 77 I am glad of every day I have. Mind you I could be the person who ends their life by falling over the oxygen tube. It even catches the spaniel who gets tangled in it from time to time!

Spanielblue profile image
Spanielblue in reply to Carnival567

I am about the same age as you and now have a list of things wrong with me too. I have welcomed lock down as it has given me freedom from hospital appointments - a lot less anxiety too. You made me laugh about your spaniel sometimes getting tangled with your tube. I love spaniels. My mother had a golden cocker spaniel and a blue roan. You were right about being "glad of very day ".

Blackcat99 profile image
Blackcat99 in reply to Spanielblue

Husband and I have been wearing the Karimza masks since the beginning of March, all round Asia and on overnight flights home. First day or so, I thought I was suffocating, but quickly got used to them, and now actually find that, in some situations, I breathe better with the mask on. (think it may be because I got into the way of taking a calmer more controlled breath?)

I like the replaceable carbon filters, and the masks themselves wash and dry quickly. Have just ordered another set, as it doesn't look like this problem is going to vanish any time soon. Think I might try them in the garden, too, as very high pollen count just now, and chest is tight.

I'd recommend.

Best wishes to you both, and watch out for that traily tube, Carnival 567!

Blackcat99 profile image
Blackcat99 in reply to Blackcat99

By the way, I recognise the Demented Puffin description - might try painting on an orange tip, just to complete the look!

Karenanne61 profile image
Karenanne61 in reply to Spanielblue

Have you tried your local Facebook page for masks? Lots of people/companies near me are now making masks to buy. I have ordered ballerinas for me and owls for my husband!

Angelagone profile image

What is to stop anyone who doesnt want to wear a mask saying they've got breathing problems, I wonder ?

2greys profile image

As a few have already said, this has not been thought through, yet again, it is about 8 days away, with 2 weekends as well, before this comes into force and there is no way that they can resolve this issue in time. There are a million of us diagnosed with COPD and countless others with less common chronic conditions. How can a poor bus driver be expected to understand medical jargon when hospital letters are waived in front of them. I bet that there is perhaps only one condition that they may recognise and that is lung cancer, the rest will be a real challenge for them.

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