My doctor put me on back to back azithromycin dose packs. It’s been almost a month since my last dose. Along with severe anxiety, towards the end of my treatment I felt like I have something stuck in the back of my throat and it continues constantly. When I eat now it feels like I’m choking almost, like I need to clear my throat and I can’t because the feeling is too deep to catch and clear. Has anyone gone through this and healed?? I am desperate for answers. I’m scared to eat and have already been to the ER multiple times with no answer. I can’t get testing done because of Dr. offices are closed due to CoVId. Please help!!
What is the constant feeling of somet... - Lung Conditions C...
What is the constant feeling of something stuck in my throat. Constant need to clear throat, hard to eat. Please help!!!

Hi Cass98 , 🌿
Hmmm..... What kind of tests did they run ? When you say there was "no answer". Did they actually do anything besides peer down your throat with a torch? Do you have post nasal drip? Or sinusitis? I'm afraid I'm at a loss, but when I had post nasal drip I constantly felt like I had something down my throat, which I did, essentially discharge from my nasal cavity. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful. I hope someone else can help you with your question.
Take care,
Cas xx 🍀
They didn’t run any tests nor did they look down my throat. Because I was having shortness of breath from the anxiety of feeling something stuck in my throat they tested me for COVId, gave me an inhaler and some Ativan to calm me down. My Covid test was negative. I spoke with a gastroenterologist today and she seems to think the zithromycin somehow severely irritated my esophagus so she wants me to wait it out, take Prilosec 2 times a day and see how I feel in 3 weeks. I’ll be one skinny girl by the end of all this. Like I said, I can’t eat. It’s miserable because when I don’t eat my chronic migraines start up. Just wanted to reach out to see if anyone had felt this feeling before. If there are any tips or natural ways to help with the healing process.
Oh my.... did they say it was purely anxiety? How do they know? And are you losing weight rapidly? I would think they should have kept you in for other tests particularly to check for dysphagia. Please do not just wait for them to do something, if you are rapidly losing weight and things are not improving do contact them as it is dangerous for you not be receiving nutrients. And as you say your migraines will have a field day. Please keep us updated. I'm so sorry you are having such a horrible time.
Cas xx 🙋🐶
Thank you. Yes it is extremely frustrating. The furthest they’ve gone is put me on a phone visit with a gastro Dr. and she said take down only liquids and increased medication dose for acid reflux. She said only in 3 weeks if things don’t change she may order an esophagram study. I need an endoscopy! She said I had one recently 3 years ago and all it showed was reflux. That was a completely different epigastric pain I was going through at the time and 3 years ago is far from recent. I feel very cheated at this point. I don’t believe I’m getting any of the care that I need with the healthcare system.
You may have dysphagia, I have been like you for the last 11 years, mostly I'm ok with it until I get hay fever on top of my normal critical health issues its very hard to breathe let alone swallow when your throat and nose are both blocked. there are ways to help always drink pleanty of water rather than tea or coffee, suck on ice lollies as the help the swelling in your throat. I only drink water that is ice cold I use difflam oral rinse to keep my mouth healthy and free of bacteria, you can get it on prescription. I also have chest physio everyday ie, percussion and over pressure for my lung condition that helps remove ang sputum that has built up in my throat. Sorry I cant be of more help except dont panic when things get stuck do some deep breathing untill the feeling has passed.
I’m sorry you’re so distressed, it sounds horrible. Of course, anxiety can cause this feeling, but it’s a chicken & egg thing so needs investigating. Do you have any thyroid problems? I know dysphagia can be a symptom of that too, as can weight loss.

No no weight gain just loss from not being able to eat My doc said it sounds like esophagitis.
Honestly I find it very unsettling that they didn't do any test, they should have been able to give you something to calm you down to do some testing regarding to Esophagitis.
My Dad suffered from it and it can be quite serious. those tests are important to get it done to give you the right medication.
So I don't understand that you have been in ER multiple times and no one can give you an answer.......? The test are only done in hospital so the GP has nothing to do with it when you go to the ER.
Hope you can sort this out! Stay safe
Trust me. I know! They are so worried about COvId that everything else is disregarded now. I get it. This is a hard time and COVID is real, but problems existed before this time and they are being blown off. I’m going to take Prilosec 2x per day and pray. Thank you for your concern. Stay safe, Cass
I've had oesophagitis in the past: very difficult to eat. No problems since I was treated by GP with (first) ranitidine and (later to present) omeprazole. I believe you can buy both these over the counter in the UK, so you could try buying one or the other and seeing if they help. All the best.
Is the first drug what you to similar to Zantac? They took that off the market I believe. Do you think it will heal with just the Prilosec 2x a day or should I take the other pill as well. What seemed to help the most and how long did it take to heal? Thank you for your reply.
Omeprazole and Ranitidine weren't available when I got my first attack of oesophagitis. I had to avoid eating anything that hurt the bottom of the gullet, existed on milk, soup and fruit juice for two weeks and lost a lot of weight. These days, omeprazole sorts it quite quickly for me.
Regarding taking two different meds at once: it's a good idea to check with the pharmacist if they can be taken together. There are online sites that can give you that information too, but do check their credentials.
Okay thanks. Yes I looked it up. I think it’s one or the other. Living off broth and applesauce for now. Starting to integrate protein drinks. Hopefully in a couple weeks it will get better. Even with liquids I have to constantly clear my throat an it feels like I can’t clear it. I think it’s the swelling.
During a bout, my throat seemed to produce a lot of mucus because of the rawness at the bottom of the oesophagus. That's why taking something like omeprazole or ranitidine can make such a difference, IMO.
i had that onice they put it down to aicd refulk they give me some tab and gaveston and i been ok
Not good enough.They should be treating you Covid or not ...eating is essential so dr should be investigating.If your dr suggestion doesn’t help ask for further tests. In the meantime can you get a prescription for fortisep or similar....fortified drinks with minerals/ vitamins in to help supplement. Also something for anxiety may be helpful.I really hope you get some answers soon. X
I don’t now if this is the same, but a couple of years ago I had a feeling like something permanently stuck in my throat. I could only describe it as feeling like a nut was stuck halfway and I couldn’t swallow it.
I had a camera down the throat and a scan too eventually as I was worried it might be the big “C”. After lots of worry it turned out to be a simple case of acid reflux! Treated with some tablets (can’t remember what) and has been ok ever since. Sometimes doctors can overlook the most simple of things.
Anyway hope you get to the bottom of it, take care.
Thank you so much!! That puts me at ease a little bit! I’m on acid reflux pills now. Went up to twice a day per Dr. They won’t do an endoscopy due to Covid so hopefully it helps. Do you remember how long it took to get better?
Hi Cass,
Please check out the following site:
Dysphagia is the clinical term for having difficulty swallowing,it can happen slowly over time or as in the case of stroke victims happen almost immediately.
It is usually investigated by the speech and language dept of your local hospital. The local SALTS team as they are known.initially they will check that you are not aspirating food into your airways as this can be a serious complication as food residue or liquids could enter your lungs,reside there and harbour an infection,if you were aspirating you would cough and splutter even attempting to swallow liquids would be a serious indication.
If no obvious aspiration is evident then further physical tests can be done by initially your ENT dept who will check your larynx and pharynx and then by a gastroenterologist who with endoscopy will check out your esophagus and upper respiratory tract looking for either a stricture or narrowing of the esophagus or irritation and inflammation often caused by acid reflux.
Whilst you are awaiting all these investigations it is wise to employ the local dietician who can give advise and prescribe certain build up powders or drinks in order to make sure you can get enough nutrients and nourishment to help to stave off further weight loss.
It is a long journey unfortunately and in some cases your swallowing difficulty may resolve itself over time.try to stabilise your anxiety as it is unlikely you will choke with caution in your attempt to swallow but do try to get the ball rolling and see your Gp as soon as possible,if you are really alarmed a trip to A & E could and should escalate the above scenario more quickly.
Best wishes Ski's and Scruff's x
Thank you so much! No Dr. will actually see me because of Covid situation. Most offices are closed. I had a telephone visit e gastro and she said to start Prilosec 2x per day. Hopefully it works!
Yes I take 1/2 an Ativan a day just to calm the anxiety
Hi Cass, have they ruled out hyeatus hernia?
I was diagnosed with one a few years back, I had the same, last loads of weight because it felt like I was choking
Hope you get it sorted. X
Thank you. If it doesn’t get better with the reflux treatment I will definitely look into that and ask my Dr. about it.