Just something to cheer you all up. One I’ve done over the last couple of days. It’s certainly kept me busy.
Sea: Just something to cheer you all up... - Lung Conditions C...

I envy your talent. I studied art at secondary school. I could draw but was always rubbish at painting.
I too was like you. I could always draw well but I was rubbish at painting. Or! So I thought until a teacher gave me the confidence to paint. A good way to get better is buy one of those books you colour in. My Father used to bring me home colouring books and pencils or paints when I was ill as a child. I always loved colouring in. I even coloured my reading books as very often the pictures were black and white. If you can draw you can paint so go for it.
What happens if you can't draw or paint? Is there no hope? Lovely picture. x
Thank you Hypercat. Ha Ha! I’m sure you could if you really thought about the shape of things. Put an apple on the table and really look at the shape. It goes in at the top for a stalk and it goes in at the bottom for the top. An apple isn’t usually completely round but it might be. Once you’ve got the shape in your mind then sit down and draw that shape. Then look at the colour. What colour is the apple? Is it red or is it green. Has the apple got rosy cheeks. Once you really look at something and take in the exact shape then it becomes much easier to draw. I’m sure if you think about it you will be able to do it. Give it a go. X
Anybody can draw even me, I started after a stint in hospital, 8 years ago, I also joined an art club; Most of us were pensioners, but people moved or died, but we still go to each others places to paint. The easiest thing to do is adult colouring, it passes lots of time, what ever you try. remember it is only paper,if it is rubbish throw it and start again. That was pre virus days, hope we are all back to normal soon, take care.

That's really good would look really nice framed. Have a lovely night and stay safe 😊 Bernadette xx 🌈
Really excellent Mavary. Thanks for sharing. Xxxxx
Hi! Yes I did. It took me a few hours mind. I just get really absorbed by it once I start.
Wow that’s something Mavary. Beautiful. You’re very talented. Is it from memory or a photo ? I always watch the artists when I’m on holiday. XAnita
It was from a picture of a lighthouse in Canada. I’ve got a thing about lighthouses. I’ve got another picture of one which I copied off of another photo which I took when I was in Canada. That’s what started my love of lighthouses. I think the artists that paint outside are very brave and very talented. It takes me ages to just get the drawing right. The drawing is the main part of painting.
Wow that’s awesome Mavary 🌼💕❤️
I’ve been trying to do craft work but very slow with my thumbs .
I made a string orb with gems 💎 & my daughter has hung it in her garden 🤗🌞 xx love K4ttt xxxx
Hi K4ttt. I love anything craft wise. I don’t do nearly enough. You ought to put a picture of what you’ve been doing on here. I’m sure there’s lots of people including me that would love to see it. X
Absolutely beautiful Mavary . I see the details so very clearly! You are very talented. I am about to start a new miniature village. It will help me to focus on something creative. Thank you for sharing. xx 👋😊
You have such a good talent. I can't do art to save myself. Best wishes
Your painting looks great Mavary.
I went to a weekly art group for 2/3 years and we did all sorts. Acrylics, Pastels, Watercolours, paper crafting and even Air clay items. At Christmas we made door wreaths and floral table decorations too.
Must say considering I couldn’t draw a thing I did improve, but not a patch on yours, but I did thoroughly enjoy the company of the group too.
I’ve always enjoyed colouring and have collected so many Adult Colouring Books and different pencils over recent years I currently spend even more hours than ever relaxing with this hobby in lockdown.
Hi, your painting looks familiar. Great work. Is it Peggy’s Cove in Nova Scotia?
That's really good,you put me to shame! My art materials have stayed unused since our group closed last month! I will dig them out,I was working on a portrait of my youngest grandchild when lockdown started.Is it watercolour? Did you have formal training? You need to frame that!!
That's so lovely well done. I agree it would look lovely in a frame.
Wow Mavary. That is excellent. You have a real talent there. You have so much in the picture too. Hope we see more. You should think about possibly selling them, Hope your keeping well. Brian
What a good picture you have made Mavary, you must have spent a long time doing it and so talented. I used to love drawing and somehow never seem to get the time. I am always doing something in the garden or cleaning, cooking and when I do sit down I am too whacked to do anything else. I think I may have to have some time off from chores to pick up my hobbies again x
I must admit a few things slipped while I did my painting. It takes over your life. If you like drawing then get your pencils out and sit down for an hour or two to do it. Believe me you won’t regret it. X
Think I will have to, I am trying to catch up on jobs that I havent been able to do for the last six months now that my shoulder is almost healed, but may have time out to restart my arty side. I used to like painting shells and pebbles and doing caligraphy as well x
Brilliant. You go for it. Everyone likes creative things and we all wish we could do them all. I wish we had a material shop as I would love to make a couple of summer dresses. They seem to be coming back in fashion. I don’t believe in paying about fifty pounds for them though. I hope they do come back but dont fancy showing off my swollen ankles.
Now that is something I would love to do, just a simple cotton summer dress, not good at sewing and really need to be shown step by step. I did look at classes but they were too expensive. Shame I didnt enrol when we had evening classes at the local school, sadly these no longer exist x
That’s lovely Mavary - it’s beautiful. Well done - must have taken some time. Hope to see more xx
Certainly has cheered me up. Thanks very much
That's really good and so typical of these small lights, always reminds me of New England coastline - not sure where this is though so you'll ha e to make allowances for me if its o ef on the west coast!
Hi seize the day .
I’m not sure where it is. Somebody said Peggy’s Cove but not sure if that’s Canada or New England.
I think it is Peggy’s Cove, it’s in Nova Scotia. I went there 4 years ago😊
Hi Mavary, me neither but we had some friends who lived at the end of long island in new England and there were a few small light houses dotted about the coast which looked like yours, anyway its lovely painting so well done you and thank you for sharing it..
I love your painting Mavary. I could see immediately it is of a lighthouse in Canada..... maybe the east coast? New Brunswick or Nova Scotia perhaps? I’ve been several times and seen several just like this with a very similar background.
Can you all take it that I’ve clicked on like. I keep forgetting to do it. I do appreciate all your comments. Thank you. Xx
That’s great and such a wonderful way to use your “stay at home” ordered time! Much better than sitting in front of the television all day watching what seems to be the crumbling of the world-eternal doom. But it’s really not it’s a very big world. It just seems where I live in California that were never going to open back up or at least not the places most frequented. Keep up the great work beautiful painting great use of time! Thanks
That is lovely Masaryk would be proud to have that hanging up in my house I live by the Sea too just 3 miles from Great Yarmouth
Thank you Suesal. I’ve been to Scarborough, Whitby and Skegness but I’ve never been to Yarmouth. I’m sure it’s a beautiful place.
Thank you!
I love Great Yarmouth been hear since 1960 my Three children were born in Great Yarmouth but like a lot of seaside places it was left to run down but last year they have started to improve it but I still love the place take care Mavary keep on doing your lovely paintings sue
It a beautiful picture,thank you for sharing your talent with us all 😀
Love this❣️ I feel inspired by your drawing to get back into my creative arts; sketching, working w acrylics or even poetry writing but have been procrastinating and unable to focus and concentrate.
My son, Michael, age 43 has Covid 19 and has been on a ventilator for 9 days. He’s in ICU at Columbia Presbyterian Hosp. Please offer good vibes and/or prayers for his recovery and for his wife and family. Thks! Pray for one, pray for all!! Be safe!
Hi Sallyseashore. I’m really sorry to hear your son has this awful disease. I’m hoping by the time you read this there will be some sign of improvement.
It must be so hard for you not to be able to go and see him. I’ve got four Sons and I would be devastated if one of them got Covid 19. I hope and pray he will get better.
It takes a lot for me to get back into my painting. I’m not one of these people that do it all the time. Maybe one day you will feel you can sit down and paint. Xx
Talent plus! Thank you!