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65 Replies

My honest opinion is that whoever is running Sainsburys online shopping should be press-ganged into running the country. At least until they read of my demise. 😉 (I bet it's a woman.)

65 Replies
Izb1 profile image

Are you impressed then Don ?

in reply to Izb1

They do seem to have got their act together faster than any of the other major supermarkets. Except in the case of our good friend skischool of course. But then I struggle to remember any set of circumstances where that young man has ever been satisfied and without complaint.

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to

That young man is a realist don and says it as it is,if he sees injustice he challenges it,if he see incompetence he exposes it,if he sees someone in need of support he tries to help them,or perhaps he could just sit on his thin arse and put his head in the sand and say nothing,i know i few people on here who would prefer he do that,but then again i don't really give a toss about their opinion of me,but i still respect an eternal optimist who cheers me up with his funny rhymes. :) x

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to skischool

Blimey Skis, had to go get my hard hat for that kind of fall out.

Sorry I am only adding light to the sorry situation and hope you manage to get that pint soon x

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Izb1

We shall Irene and you know as much as i love Don we are polar opposites when it comes to both the government and the way we deal with life.The master is easy going and quite generous with authority whereas i am the proverbial jack russel,a bit like Midge,that is probably why we get on so well. :) xxx

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to skischool

I know and think I am an inbetweener ( is there such a word) such a mix of both, but more than anything I think my name rules me. Now where is that bloody slot for you,,think I will chase them up for you x

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to skischool

I must just say Mike, that if ever you really are in need I would find a way to get supplies to you, please remember that, I am only a pm away x

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Izb1

You are a dear Irene and i know you are not just full of words and you really would,i am fine and have enough milk powder and replacement foods to ride out this storm,thanks to Amazon and of course an efficient repeat prescription servuce that has nearly always served me well.

In reality i would rather be getting up of my a**e and helping others less fortunatae than me but decidedly dodgy lungs and a prevailing atmosphere of not very friendly viral particles prevents me doing so,but i know of people that can do with my support both finacially and emotionly and i will continue to endeavour to help them as best i can.

Your kind offer is much appreciated but you have no need to worry. :) xxx

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to skischool

Your support I am sure is so much appreciated from those that benefit Mike, you do enough from your armchair to give enough emotional and financial support to those who need it and I am sure are very grateful x

joyce74 profile image
joyce74 in reply to

Glad it’s working for you Don they notified me I was on the vulnerable list but no luck at getting a delivery despite my efforts now showing account locked. Finally having a delivery from Morrison’s next Tuesday

skischool profile image

They have failed me miserably so far as a full time delivery pass owner,mind you i blame a government that didn't advise them of my vulnerability until last friday so i will see if they get their act together over the next few days before i elect them into government. :)

in reply to skischool

I can't understand that at all Skis. 🤔 You come across in all your postings as a frail, vulnerable gentleman desperately in need of help and protection. 🙄x

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to

I am vulnerable due to my lung condition and i am frail due to my inability to consume sufficient calories to maintain a healthy body,but i am fiercely independent and normally quite happily rely on nobody for additional support,but these times are different and all i am asking for is a means to continue my independent existence without support.had the government got their act together in my case and given me access to the supermarket priority list i could have happily done that. :)

in reply to skischool

Well I agree, that is not acceptable and is no laughing matter either. I genuinely hope that you get you get some satisfaction tomorrow. I just wish I could load up my van with goodies and drive along to Ashton-under-Lyne to replenish your larder/pantry and have a couple of pints.😊

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to

WE shall have that pint together,and if it were not for fear of being pulled over on the motorway by a cop suspicious of my oxygen canula and a rather tatty cat in the passenger seat and the fact that the world is currnently occupied by infested zombies and i almost forgot the pubs are closed i would gun up the smart car and join you at the bar tomorrow. :) x

Jaybird19 profile image

Is that being g sexist don.? You get your knuckles rapped

Sainsburys wrote to me too yesterday but the letter?? has nt come. Neither has my postal id for getting on line.

in reply to Jaybird19

I learnt at school to sit on my hands when facing criticism. I've never really understood what sexism is all about. Is that where we pretend that there is no difference between boys and girls, because I learnt, also at school, that that just isn't true.🧐

MissMoto007 profile image
MissMoto007 in reply to Jaybird19

I share your pain .. Royal Mail talk the talk, but they aren't delivering half my mail - it would be acceptable to expect up to 3-4 days delay, but they are grossly negligent (and in all honesty, have been getting gradually more so for some time now). Shame on them

Jaybird19 profile image
Jaybird19 in reply to MissMoto007

10 days from date on letter to delivery . Allow 2 days from office to post bag ? Still over a week

MissMoto007 profile image
MissMoto007 in reply to Jaybird19

even a week late would be good .. currently, known dispatches more than 2 weeks.... this is a vital service, and if they are critically short of manpower, they must recruit...

Jacmidlands profile image

I know that some people have been disappointed but I cannot fault Sainsbury’s and get one delivery per week from them.

watergazer profile image
watergazer in reply to Jacmidlands

I have so far. Only 1 item missing

Oshgosh profile image
Oshgosh in reply to Jacmidlands

I’m on the highly vulnerable category. Sainsbury’s doesn’t recognise me. No slots at any supermarket.

As far as I’m concerned, Sainsbury’s have been utter rubbish. I’m a regular online customer & for weeks now have phoned the various numbers, emailed, sent a copy of my shielding letter etc etc. They keep promising to help but still have me listed as non-vulnerable, so no prospect of a delivery. I’m glad you’re ok though!

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to

We are in the same boat and they are good with reassuring messages and nice PR but are not backing up what they say in their e.mails,i would rather they tell the truth instead of issuing false hope.i might add that the other supermakets i have accounts with are equally as bad. Grrr


Pjmf profile image
Pjmf in reply to skischool

We’ve managed a click and collect with Tesco in three weeks time. No luck elsewhere. Really want to avoid the shops but it’s not easy.

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Pjmf

I hope you can perhaps stay in the car while a partner or friend collects the goodies.good to hear you managed to obtain a slot though. :)

nanasharp8 profile image
nanasharp8 in reply to

Snap ,had email saying they've found my name on the governments vulnerable list ,yey 😊 shopping ...Wrong ,have tried numerous times to get a slot ,ummmm turns out I'm not vulnerable at all 🥴 Thank goodness for Iceland's , Tesco and good friends . Love n luck to all .xx

Carnival567 profile image

I suspect it might depend on the local manager and the area they come from!

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Carnival567

Would that apply to the food parcels promiced by the government as well that haven't materialised for many people?

Carnival567 profile image
Carnival567 in reply to skischool

No idea, but aren’t they down to councils? I turned down the offer as what with Sainsbury’s and some lovely local farm shops we are doing ok. I hope you and Scruffs are managing all right. Did Scruffs see the picture of the mice ‘dancing’ on an empty tube platform, or is she above such things, expecting her slave to provide the tuna etc, never mind hunting for her own breakfast. Keep well both of you xx

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Carnival567

Yes she did as did her slave and the dancing mice where a delight though moving far too fast for a lazy and now appearing somewhat portly Scruff's :) x

kennetbarble profile image

Guess i must be lucky with Sainsbury's ,i phone them got through in less than a minute and they put me on the list so shopping is delivered with in a week (they must have a list from the government)

Pjmf profile image

We have ordered online from them in the past, we have a nectar card, my husband is over 70 and I have a lung disease, but they won’t let us register even and it has been impossible to contact them. We have both tried registering separately. So, no , as far as we’re concerned it’s not great.

joyce74 profile image
joyce74 in reply to Pjmf

Am a regular Sainsbury shopper have meds requests sent there and when I tried to make an order reply you do not have an account. The one thing that’s changed from last home delivery, changed address and bank details.but not able to change both.

Pjmf profile image
Pjmf in reply to joyce74

Same story...they told us we didn’t have an account.

joyce74 profile image
joyce74 in reply to Pjmf

Don’t know what the answer is, telephone number they give not helpful. Good luck

Franmol profile image

It's natural to favour the supermarket that comes up trumps for you and it's Asda in my case I won't be returning to Tesco, who I've shopped with for years. Along with the others they were obstructive. Sainsbury's wouldn't let me register either.

Dedalus profile image

I too am one of the people who finally managed to get added to Sainsburys vulnerable list, but still can't get slots, no matter how many times a day I try, so a lot of different experiences unfortunately.

pjwy profile image

I finally managed to get onto the vulnerable list at Sainsbury’s ( My wife and I both over eighty) and for a few days still couldn’t get a slot but then after that we started to get the offer of three or four options.So fingers crossed it stays like this for us.

I would add though that,if you have to go to a supermarket,much seems to depend on the time.I went the other day just to get some cash out of machine around 7.15pm ( store closes at 8.00pm)and it was so quiet I decided to pop in and buy a few neccessities ...hardly anyone inside!

The worst time seems to be early in the day when there are usually queues around the block to get in.

teenieleek profile image

I do hope not. I’ve been identified by Sainsbury’s as vulnerable, even had a phone call, but still the website won’t let me register because I’m not vulnerable! There is no way to speak to anyone by phone and no “chat” option. They talk a good game.

joyce74 profile image
joyce74 in reply to teenieleek

Same here there must be a fault in there system somewhere

Response profile image

Got a delivery too - Thank you Sainsbury

(One request though to them (if they're reading - the website is much harder to use than Waitrose of Tesco so perhaps they can take a look at the competition)

Mooka profile image

I still have not been identified by Sainsbury’s nearly a week after Asda did. I have a slot for next week and have been able to make this a recurring slot. I have everything crossed that this is the case. I don’t think it’s always down to the supermarkets they have to get the info from the government and sift through it to see if anyone in the list has an account with them. Asda said a couple of days ago they had a list of 125000 and identified 75000. A massive job for their computers. Good luck to all those still trying.

MissMoto007 profile image

I concur .. of all the supermarkets, they were the first, by a whole day, to send me an email and effectively give me access to my first delivery slot.

Tesco, in particular, have totally failed and have been massively inefficient and careless.

My first slot was booked within a 10-day framework, and I am beyond grateful.

Asda were second, and also offer a guaranteed regular slot.

*incredibly lucky*

Poppy2525 profile image

I don know where you are coming from (might be different parts of the country) but i have registered three times with Sainsbury's and still yet to get a priority slot, despite getting a prerecorded message saying they have registered me and should hear within 2 x days, that was 10 days ago. Still not heard a bean and can never get through to them. So in my opinion they couldn't run a pi.. up in a brewery, let alone the country!!

Falcon22 profile image

It all seems a bit of a hit and miss affair. As a regular online shopper of Tessco on line lots of nice PR ...but no slots. Only managed to secure one in a fortnight after sitting up for 3 nights at midnight. We are behind I know in Wales as only got shielding letter last Saturday. But as an online over a year shopper with Tessco not impressed ...

Buzzytruk profile image

Morrisons are not too bad......... Someone at my store doesn't know the difference between pints and litres..... Sunday received 12pints with a life of 4 days,........... and me on my own....

Most of my wants I got in one make or another.......

I got a load of baking fat, even baking power........... No flour.

Didn't get any bacon either......

But I did get a slot for the 27th....... So will try again. 🤞 😊


Ps........ Am not classed as a priority......

Mooka profile image
Mooka in reply to Buzzytruk

Was that pints of beer or milk?

Buzzytruk profile image
Buzzytruk in reply to Mooka

Sorry........ Should have said it was semi skimmed fresh milk.

Not enough to bathe in, and far too much to drink. 😊


Mooka profile image
Mooka in reply to Buzzytruk

That’s a shame. I’m sure you wouldn’t have had any trouble distributing beer. 😉

Buzzytruk profile image
Buzzytruk in reply to Mooka

Your right... 😉 I would have kept it all. ....... Rather partial to

a shandy on a hot day.


in reply to Buzzytruk

What did you ask for Jo? Be very careful next time or they might just send you the cow! 😮x

Buzzytruk profile image
Buzzytruk in reply to

The way my luck is going of late... You are bound to be right. 😁


Nimrod2 profile image

Sainsbury email me to say I am priority and can register and get delivery. So I register and when I go to get a slot the website tells me I am not a priority so cant have one. What is going on? Luckily Tesco recognise me as priority and I have a delivery tho not till 25th.

Timberman profile image

Ah but you see we have a different experience. Since coronavirus their online system has been very poor.

in reply to Timberman

Yes it seems to be very hit and miss all round. What impressed me was that Sainsburys recognised me as vulnerable very early on, yet I only got the letter from my GP this morning confirming that fact. I also got my letter from the PM in the same post. I find the whole mess very confusing to be honest and would be better just minding my own business.

Sandyeggo profile image
Sandyeggo in reply to

Look on the bright side- at least you’re not pregnant I know I’m grateful on that one!

in reply to Sandyeggo

And how do you know that may I ask? 🙄

Sandyeggo profile image
Sandyeggo in reply to

Edumacated guess

in reply to Sandyeggo


Sandyeggo profile image


in reply to Sandyeggo

Remembering the show ‘Stop the world I want to get off.’ 😜

Sandyeggo profile image
Sandyeggo in reply to

Thou shalt not blame the women of the world for men’s mistakes( I don’t even like ribs😂😂🤣🤣)

I know we have problems, I to are on oxygen 24/7 and have to many health problems to go into, but we are not the only ones to suffer, there are many people to which have lost their jobs and home they have no money to purchase food and we are complaining about awaiting a letter , do you guys not realise the post people have to risk everyday the delivery of the mail, as we do not know if it is passed via paper, (I wear gloves to open mine and wipe the envelope with a sterile wipe)

Everyone is at risk but we prefer to moan, and I cannot get to any shops, but will like everyone keep trying to book a delivery, I am told to try just after midnight as tha is when they are released. But I have water in the tap and oats in my cupboard so porridge for me , like many I will survive.

We have gone through much harder times. X

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