The NHS has become an ideological en... - Lung Conditions C...

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The NHS has become an ideological entity,

Cateran profile image
13 Replies

The campaign to keep the NHS Safe seems to be operating as a slogan and catch-phrase, in use now , as an instrument to regiment our thinking and social behaviour. We are all social isolating, mostly, and applauding all of the draconian changes in the UK, as if it were a way of life, a natural force of self-regulation and preservation. When all the threat to our lives is vanquished, will we return to normality in the future, and what is now "normal"? I know that this new state of affairs is rapidly becoming universal. It seems to me that the future, post CV, is a moral and ethical concern beyond all others. Should we be thinking ahead about what we are leaving behind?

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Cateran profile image
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13 Replies
Chezz123 profile image

I believe we should be thinking and acting on all the positive issues this evokes. The unification and understanding of what is really important in life like family , working together for the greater good , giving up materialistic and competitive adversarial stances. Continue to work as ONE a WORLD together after all we all exist on this ONE planet.

Say no in the future to decadent lifestyles and selfish vainglorious hedonism. Work together as one. In a few short days look at what we have achieved by adopting this stance.

1. 250,000 asked to volunteer to help and overnight almost 750,000 people volunteer. U.C.H.L. in less than a few days reverse engineer CPAP machines and re invent and build a much safer less invasive modification which will hopefully keep thousands off the intrusive dated ventilator and without sedating the patient who will now be awake cognitive and be able to give feedback on their condition. Working with the top formula one teams at Mercedes, McClaren and others.

If we gave up work , stopped needing money and ALL got together because we would have all that extra time that we used to chase money money and more money the sky, as they say would truly be the limit.

We do not need money we need to ALL WORK TOGETHER THE WORLD OVER to make sure everyone on this whole planet is safe , fed has good sanitary practices and then as we have proved we can clean this world up for good.

In this short time look how the pollution from the internal combustion engine has reduced most significantly.

Let us please please learn to continue to operate as ONE HUMAN RACE and better still ban capitalism and use the time and effort to serve each other forever.

dembonesDAMNBONES profile image
dembonesDAMNBONES in reply to Chezz123

And how do you propose to ban capitalism?

Do you imagine the capitalists are going to wring their hands in contrition and amend their ways?

Prices will go up, that's a given, as they have currently begun to do and will continue to rise.

Maybe one or two politicians will have a change of heart, but I guarantee they will be far and few, while the rest will continue to pursue their narcissistic self interests.

It will be business as usual.

Much as I support your hopes, I'm more pragmatic about the eventual outcome.

The haves and the have-nots will remain the order of the day, unless humanity, en-masse, rises up and I cannot see that event occurring, when we stagger from under this crisis that dropped on our, largely, unsuspecting heads.

Stay safe...and optimistic.

Cateran profile image
Cateran in reply to Chezz123

A highly intelligent and persuasive reply Chezz123. I recognise the idealism here and respect it. Thank you for responding so profusely.

skischool profile image

Over many centuries wars have ravaged,terrible regimes have ruled and many have died and suffered as a consequence,during these events many stood together and acted as one in the interests of many but eventually when things calmed down reverted to being rather selfish and self centred and i doubt for one moment that post CV anything will be any different. ?

dembonesDAMNBONES profile image
dembonesDAMNBONES in reply to skischool

I tend to agree, as can be seen in my reply to the commentator.

Sadly, I fail to see a happily-ever-after ending to this story or even this chapter.

Excellent point!

Folk talk of things getting back to normal, in six months, maybe, but habits will have been learnt and I can't see anyone, once the all clear has been given, suddenly rushing up to loved ones to kiss and embrace them.

Fear and caution will remain for a long time afterwards and that has a detrimental and attritional effect on relationships.

For example, I live in maisonettes.

One neighbour, a floor below me, is self isolating with her granddaughter, while the child's mother lives two floors down.

The grandmother will not answer the door to her own daughter and they communicate via phone.

I understand you are referring to the grander scale, but give this case to draw attention to the foundations of society, families, friends, neighbours, even loners, (who most believe will cope admirably, but I seriously wonder) .

Fragmentation has and is already taking place.

Most folk, I believe, are just focusing on the present and how they might manage to come through this crisis alive.

We have a mountain to climb on the other side of it and I, along with you and others, see implications that will effect every aspect of the future, not all of it beneficial and I have no illusions govts will readily take advantage for decades to come.

We've voluntarily, for the greater good, given up hard earned personal freedom and rights.

Will we regain them?

I'm not so sure.

Stay safe!

Cateran profile image
Cateran in reply to dembonesDAMNBONES

That episode which you describe dembones about the mother and daughter is truly sad and demonstrates the irrationality of human behaviour under stress. I recall that you have posted before about secret surveillance; we are in danger of moral division by the Big Brother society which the NHS could become in the hands of unscrupulous politicians.

dembonesDAMNBONES profile image
dembonesDAMNBONES in reply to Cateran

That has always been their intention, eroding the defences put in place by wise people.

Currently, we are still covered by European Human Rights, but for how long is our Health Service safe?

I expect a major shake-up, when the current crisis abates and I'm fairly certain it will be to our disadvantage, which is why your post is highly relevant, but few will hear and understand your message in the current climate, sadly.

Cateran profile image
Cateran in reply to dembonesDAMNBONES

Thanks DD, I guessed that you would understand what I was getting at about civil liberties and authority. Equally with the subversion of the NHS: it has morphed into a device for transmitting false ideology, a ventriloquist instrument for false values and patriotism of the worst kind, the last refuge. so to speak for political scoundrels.

Badbessie profile image

I do not applaud the changes but common sense dictates the they need to be done. Like most restrictions on our freedoms we all feel there loss. However the common good must come first. Sadly most of the people who have poor ethical standards would have had them before, during and after all this is all over. So in a way nothing will have changed for them. I believe when this is over the country will be changed in many ways. However time will only give those answers.

teenieleek profile image

By “ what we are leaving behind” do you mean boundaries that have now been crossed that we may not be able to reinstate? That does worry me. The zeal with which some police forces have exercised their new powers caused me a sharp intake of breath.

Cateran profile image
Cateran in reply to teenieleek

I am in complete accord with what you say teenieleek, and there is no going back to a time when we had respect for the bobbies, if this becomes the norm and they become, perhaps as they always were, used by the state as with the miners' strike and Thatcher. depressing.

dembonesDAMNBONES profile image
dembonesDAMNBONES in reply to Cateran

Unfortunately, she also used the police to smash the student protest and, a short while later, the Poll Tax protest in Trafalgar Square.

A great many decent and law abiding people (some with grand and even great grandchildren, as they saw it as a chance for a day out, in good weather and to stand up and be counted) saw the police in a different light that day.

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