BBC radio this morning …=…" Reports are coming in , that people are buying bottles of Vodka , and washing their hands in the stuff , in the absence of sanitising Gel., One demented woman was witnessed purchasing = SIX HUNDRED TOILET ROLLS … what was her problem ? -- PANIC BUYING or an extreme case of DYSENTRY ? ..!!…..In another Supermarket , another DISTURBED woman actually took TWO SUITCASES IN , TO LOAD UP WTH A MOUNTAIN OF FOODSTUFFS …... On a BUS , a woman was SEEN AND FILMED , WEARING A PLASTIC BOX OVER HER HEAD , WITH EYE HOLES IN IT …. presumably to evade the Virus ... . I actually had my three monthly check up in one of London's huge Hospitals yesterday , and I asked what was the point of all these people wearing masks ? , his answer , ……=…..APART FROM BEING SOMEWHAT THEATRICAL , -= VIRTUALLY USELESS...AS THE VIRUS UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES CAN ALSO GAIN ENTRY INTO THE SYSTEM BY THE EYES " , This is the so called - AIDS PLAGUE " all over again folks , -remember it ? - HISTORY IS REPEATING ITSELF …..., and the utter madness and mindless bigotry that took place during that world , so called " pandemic " , it was only after Princess Diana shared a coffee with an AIDS PATIENT in front of millions , VIA BBC TV CAMERAS , that some sanity was finally restored transmission of this disease was , and is only by BLOOD TO BLOOD . I despair for this country . Its behaving like a real = .." CARRY ON BRITAIN " ...….
Has this country gone completely ins... - Lung Conditions C...
Has this country gone completely insane ?...

To answer your question; yes, this country has been over taken by total madness.
Take care Vittorio xxxx
Oh, my God! What next?

People are acting silly, but some things they do are hilarious like the plastic box on their head. Thanks for the laugh (not meant nastily) have a good weekend 😊 Bernadette xx
Some of that sounds like fake news to me. Washing hands in vodka ! (wouldn't rubbing alcohol be cheaper) 600 toilet rolls !! I would be hard pushed to get in my front door with that amount of stockpiling and making it to the loo in good time could be hazardous

It’s true re: the vodka. People are doing that here and mixing it with aloe Vera gel to make their own hand sanitizer
still sounds like fake news to me, did someone post that on FB? It does sound like something if I read it I would disregard. Washing hands is even cheaper and wearing disposable gloves. Even multi surface anti bacterial wipes.
with rubbing alcohol the recipe I see with a google search
oh and I see the US video is using vodka. Mad Rubbing alcohol is cheaper.

Love that comment ! Bkin, , that made smile this morning … AND , do we really need a daily " scoreboard" in the Media , of who has the virus, who escaped it , and who died from it ? ...this is only going to perpepuate the madness that is going on , = did you see in the Press , a picture of a " PET CAT " WEARING A MASK ? . --- I despair …..
yes, poor cat. They will be wearing chastity belts next - the cats I mean

They are buying all the rubbing acohol here in the states, so we can't even make are on sanitizer, but not buying soap🤔🙃😷
I think this insanity is world wide now vittorio . We are out of toilet paper and hand sanitizer meant to be used by members of the public in hospitals etc are being securely fastened to stop people pinching it.
On another note , I'm pleased to see your keyboard is somewhat now free of glue. 😊 Have a good weekend. xx 👋
No exaggeration, I am actually quite routinely ashamed to be human a lot of the time these days. None of this stuff surprises me, but it’s hugely disappointing. When I went food shopping on Monday, our local supermarket had more empty shelves than I’d ever seen, including the entire pain relief section in the pharmacy - it was before the widespread panic buying took off, so I didn’t twig that’s exactly what it was, and the staff told me it had been like that since the Friday. I think the most damning commentary can be found in people literally ripping hand sanitiser dispensers off the walls in hospitals: our cf nurse accidentally left behind a full bottle of the cutan foam when she came out to do Bod’s port flush, and I’ve now actually moved it away from view of the kitchen window (where it was left to remind me to return it to her next flush) lest someone see it and decide to try and help themselves. I’m not someone generally prone to flights of paranoia, but I wouldn’t put it past someone from what we’re seeing.
Have to say, though, I took small person in to central London for clinic yesterday via Waterloo and including jaunts on the Bakerloo, Piccadilly, District and Jubilee lines, and did not see a single mask having expected to see at least one a carriage. The only nod to covid-19 I saw was a couple of people using gel on the tube platforms, and people tending towards knuckles as surrogate fingertips. It does seem as if the media are sensationalising the situation, which I firmly believe is what happens with anything when you live in a society with a 24 hour news cycle. I’m taking our cues from the experts, and will end my reply with what Professor Patrick Vallance said yesterday when asked about what special measures he’s taking to protect his family and loved ones: I’m washing my hands regularly, and I’m on standby to help any people locally that have to self-isolate, to make sure they have what they need.
Wise words.

Those stockpiling are selfish gits and those taking the sanitisers from hospitals - including ripping the sanitiser from the wall are THIEVES!!!
It is sheer madness due to media hype, but do take care that you don't catch any viruses or bacterial infections if you are already suffering health problems. Most of the usual precautions should work, as I read it you have to be next to someone infected for at least fifteen minutes, like on a bus, train, aeroplane or shopping !!!
I think, having been in Tesco this morning v early... a lot of the bulk buying is going on for resale at Amazon Marketplace, Ebay and Facebook Marketplace... literally boxes of loo roll.
Of course, if you pop into your local ...plenty of stock.
The majority of people are carrying on as normal. If anyone is wearing a silly contraption on their heads it is being sensationalised.
Not everyone is rushing out to stock up on toilet rolls. I went shopping yesterday and the shelves were stocked as normal.
I think this is all getting a bit out of hand.
I live in a small seaside town in Northern Ireland and all stocks of hand sanitizer have sold out everywhere as well as low food supplies in various items at Asda, Downpatrick. Crazy !!
Very Good,