Hello folks
Is there anyone out there with this infectio. I have recently been diagnosed. Some advice would be appreciated. Thanks
Hello folks
Is there anyone out there with this infectio. I have recently been diagnosed. Some advice would be appreciated. Thanks
Hello hopetorun
I have been reading through your previous posts and boy have you been struggling for quite a while.
My first reaction is to ask whether you have been diagnosed with any other lung condition alongside your lifelong asthma. COPD or bronchiectasis maybe.
If not, what kind of ‘specialist’ are you seeing and when did you last see them. Are they an asthma specialist or just a general respiratory con?
Have they ever given you a ct scan?
Your GP seems at a loss and your questions re LVRS and pseudomonas seem to reflect a searching for answers in the dark.
It does seem that maybe your asthma is not being controlled properly. You do need an asthma specialist for this.
Also, and very importantly, long term asthma can result in the development of bronchiectasis. On going and persistent chest infections can indicate this. If this is the case it is a condition which can be lived with very successfully with VERY IMPORTANT - the help of a bronchiectasis specialist. Pseudomonas is just one of the bugs which we bronchs often have to live with and again it can be controlled.
You need to get very pro active on this one. You need to go back to your GP with a list and don’t let them off the hook!
Find out what your specialist specialises in.
Find out what your official diagnosis is so far and who diagnosed it. That is not a job for a GP.
Find the name of a consultant in your area who specialises in bronch. They are usually at large teaching hospitals. They would also be able to diagnose and treat copd and know a fair amount about asthma.
Take the name to your GP and insist on a referral. There is no point in your GP resisting because all of the time that they are failing to treat the ongoing infections your lungs are deteriorating.
I’m afraid that it does not help us to wait for medics to help us, they don’t. We have to be extremely vociferous in sourcing the right treatment.
Believe me with the right diagnosis and treatment you can feel better than you do now. Good luck.
Thank you for getting back to me. I have been really struggling for the last 6 months. A continual chest infection. I even told the doctor 6 months ago i thought it was pseudomonas my chest just did not feel right. I asked if a sputom sample could be tested. He said it was not worth it
I am being seen at southapton under difficult asthma team.
Southampton also has a good bronch specialist. The asthma team, goid as they probably are, may not necessarily be able to address any other condition which has developed and so I suggest that you look at the hospital site and find the bronch specialist. I think that it is a woman. At least if you have all of the tests and it turns out that you haven’t developed bronch, the cause of the ongoing infections will get diagnosed.
Also talk about this to the asthma team. It is not the type of bug which is troubling you but the underlying cause which is leading to the chest infections. Once this is established it is a fairly simple matter to test for the bacteria and embark on the right course of action. Your GP is lazy and complaicent. If I were you I would look for a better one.
NOT WORTH IT!!! Beggars belief.
Hi. Its a horrible infection and I empathise with you., it’s often colonised in the lungs but can lay dormant for long periods till it appears again.
Usually people are prescribed Colymycin or Gentamysin which is nebulised twice a day sometimes for a few months. Have you been prescribed oral antibiotics?
Yes i have a 10 day course of cyprofloxin i am feeling a bit better. It is such an up hill struggle trying to keep fighting for every little thing.
Thank you gor answering my post.
It is a battleI know. I have it and it's dormant at the moment and has been for 2 years but it will strike again sometime I've read. I hope the Cypro clears it up for you. If you type pseudonomas in the search box top right of the page you will see other posts about from people who have commented.