Do us a favor: Obama is over there in... - Lung Conditions C...

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Bettz profile image
52 Replies

Obama is over there in UK - please keep him there. 

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Bettz profile image
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52 Replies
Tee1008 profile image

Sorry, Bettz.  We have enough problems with our own politicians!


Naw you can have him back Bettz.  On the other hand would you rather have David Cameron?   In which case I'm sure a swop could be arranged.  lol  x

medow profile image
medow in reply to

We could throw in boris, and Nigel as well, blue cross day xxx

romfty profile image

No thanks..............please take him back!!

No thankyou Bettz, we have enough jiggery pokery going on in the Houses of Parliament without importing it.


in reply to

Jiggery pokery - not heard that term for years.  x

in reply to

very descriptive:-)))

velvet55 profile image
velvet55 in reply to

They can't touch you for it Bev 😂😂


tbeth profile image

Thank goodness his term is almost over!

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to tbeth

Then you could get Trump.  Good luck with that.

in reply to O2Trees

Yuck yuck yuck!  x

tbeth profile image
tbeth in reply to O2Trees

If no candidate wins on the first ballot, Paul Ryan or another party insider could become the nominee. Also,Kasich and Cruz are still on the ballot. Who knows the Supreme court might end up deciding the presidential election again?  

velvet55 profile image

You can have him back after his latest remarks over here.

Bloody cheek !!


Snodgrass profile image

No way will we keep him, we have enough of our own. Mind you perhaps you will look on him more kindly if you get Trump or Clinton next!!!!!!!

peege profile image

I for one applaud him 👏👏👏 

Tee1008 profile image
Tee1008 in reply to peege

I think there may be a lot worse than Obama on the horizon!

pergola profile image

I like Pres.Obama - he's ok but Donald Trump -

scorpiolass profile image

I like him he has charisma; sadly lacking in our politicians. But keep him , no ta. I am a bit bemused by him giving advice about how we should vote. Where did that come from I wonder. X

Jessy11 profile image

I actually quite like Obama but I don't know anything about politics. I'd prefer him to Trump any day! I expect your politicians in America are just as bad as ours here in Britain! 😳

y_not profile image

He's a proper politician, useless in the real world, not a clue and think they have all the answers. Oh sorry, I forgot one "quality" - the inability to listen!

On the basis that he displays the same traits as our own useless lot you are welcome to keep him as he brings nothing new to the party!

Pantani profile image

We don't want him. Who does he think he is telling us what do. His threat about a long time to get a trade agreement is OK with me given that the one being negotiated at the moment wit the EU benefits big business and threatens things like the NHS. No you take him back, but don't make Trump his replacement.

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to Pantani

I agree TTIP is highly problematic Pantani, as you are aware.  But corporate power is likely to prevail even if we come out of the EU.  U.S. healthcare companies are licking their lips waiting to get their hands on as much of the NHS as possible (and some have already).  Our government has made it easy for them as we can't find out most of what happens because private healthcare companies are protected by "commercial in confidence" legislation.  So much for freedom of information - vested interests rule and the whole thing stinks.  Sadly being out of the EU won't protect the NHS.

Rubyron profile image

It's really disheartening to see so much intolerance and negativity here, especially as this is not a political forum. 

pergola profile image
pergola in reply to Rubyron

An interesting discussion has developed here which I think is good.  Nothing like a good debate. 

O2Trees profile image

Obama would have been a huge improvement as PM here instead of Cameron.  I have many U.S. friends who, while wary of most presidents, would be appalled at the nasty remarks about him here on the forum.  Obama tried to get healthcare reforms through but was constantly blocked by Congress, and in particular the right wing congressmen in the House of Representatives, but through persistence he eventually got some reforms which enabled more people to get access to healthcare. 

You get rid of Obama at the end of his presidency and you could well get Trump - be careful what you wish for.

frose profile image
frose in reply to O2Trees

Well said!

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to frose

Cheers m'dear :)

in reply to O2Trees

I would swop Obama for Cameron any day of the week!   Maybe the majory of Americans are right wing?  x

2malinka profile image

Oh dear!  Not a fan then?  He certainly should stop giving unsolicited advice to us Brits!  Thought he had a bit more class and intelligence!

Oh well.

Look after yourself.


O2Trees profile image

Quite so.

mskpjb profile image

Hi Bettz , I` m just curious as to why you don`t like Obama. I thought he`d tried to sort out the medical care system for people who can`t afford it. Of course we only see what we read in the papers. Sheila

in reply to mskpjb

Yes I knew about that but from what I hear he is generally disliked.  I would be interested to know why too.  x

juzwundering profile image
juzwundering in reply to

The 'Obama-care' program has given care to all, but at the expense of the middle-working-class population.  Most of the people I know had an increase in their monthly premiums by 3 and 4 times.  

I am a Libertarian(third party trying to take hold), more freedoms with responsibility.  I don't know how it will work, but there are other ideas floating around about heath-care reform.  Something that won't punish the middle class so much.

For example I quit my job a few years ago because we live better, paying less taxes, on just my hubby's income.

in reply to juzwundering

Hi Oh I didn't know that.  That's the sort of thing that happens here with the rich protecting themselves,  the poor getting it free and the middle classes paying the most.  The idea is great though even if the application is wrong.   

I have heard lots of stories of people dying for lack of care in your country and others who can't afford the meds they need or it's a choice between that or eating.   To my mind and most Britons accessible health care is a basic human right and is much to important to be dependant on how much money you have.  The Govt here is trying to privatise our wonderful NHS at the moment is busy selling off the most profitable chunks of it leaving the NHS to pick up the pieces.   x

tbeth profile image
tbeth in reply to juzwundering

My premiums went up with "Obama-care".  I liked Rand Paul and his father, Ron (Libertarian). They both make/made a lot of sense but without the backing of the establishment, they didn't have a chance. It's scary to see who is financing these campaigns like (Goldman Sachs).

juzwundering profile image
juzwundering in reply to tbeth

tbeth, yes, Ron Paul was such an honest man that probably worked against him.  I know Rand didn't get far but I'm still hoping he'll come back.  They had such good ideas.  Seemed like real people.

Bettz profile image
Bettz in reply to juzwundering

Yes he was my first choice, but when he had to fall out of the race, Ted Cruz was my second choice.  Cruz is not going to win the nomination, but he would make an excellent president. 

peege profile image
peege in reply to

Probably because he's very bright Cof. 

Yes I agree and from what I hear he seems a decent man and good leader.  But maybe Cameron seems good to you Americans?  x

nancye profile image

Please don't think all the Americans on this forum dislike President Obama, because it is not true. I feel myself  a guest here on a UK forum but in my opinion, the original comment was inappropriate.


pergola profile image
pergola in reply to nancye

Nancy, dont call yourself a guest - just another person with the same problems as us all. 

in reply to nancye

Well he must have had a lot of support to be elected then re elected.  I think the original post was more tongue in cheek than anything and as you can see lots of folk disagree with it.   We are just having a gentle debate amongst ourselves with no harm done.   We all have a right to our own opinions but acceptance of that and politeness is the key to us all getting along together. 

This isn't just a site for lung diseases as we all recognise that we are whole people and anything that makes us feel better has got to be good for us.      x

O2Trees profile image

You are an equal on this forum Nancy :)

Thing is, we don't know what went on between Cameron and Obama before he spoke out.  Cameron may well have known what was coming and encouraged it, since his position is also to remain in the EU.

Lets not condemn Obama for simply saying something which backs up his host's position.  It's the first time Ive ever agreed with Cameron, and possibly for entirely different reasons, but I too want to remain in the EU.  I don't buy into the fantasy which seems to be around assuming we will have more control and be more important and respected in the world if we leave.

tbeth profile image

I agree. I was in shock!

Bettz profile image

I find all this extremely interesting to find out what you all think of Obama - of course you only know what you read and hear from the media, which is pro Democrats and pro Obama.  None of you seem to like Trump who is saying what so much of the American public wants to hear - they are so FED UP  with our present government - that is why Trump is so popular and why the Republican establishment hates him so much.  If Trump or Cruz should become president,  things would change, and the Rep Establishment likes things as they are with their plush jobs and financial benefits from thosse who want favors. 

    If Trump weren't so crude and outspoken, he would have more followers - however he is toning down his speech, but it may be too late. 

We hate Obama's reduction of our military when ISIS threatens our country.  I could go on and on but you get the situation.  Trump speaks for the American public - 

juzwundering profile image
juzwundering in reply to Bettz

Yes Bettz, we're all so wound up this side of the pond!  We could go on and on....

juzwundering profile image

Al Gore......he tells me to turn off a light bulb, as he's jet-setting around the world to lounge in his heated pools at his various mansions. 

Really; the people here in his 'home' state are embarrassed at what he preaches. 

tbeth profile image
tbeth in reply to juzwundering

Thank you for the information on Al Gore. I wasn’t aware of his behavior. Even though I wasn’t a big Al Gore supporter, the election was rigged. I didn’t like either candidate, I usually don’t. They’re all corrupt on both sides of the aisle.

juzwundering profile image
juzwundering in reply to tbeth

and you've probably heard how crazy our election is this year.  So many people saying that they'll not vote for president this round because the candidates are all nuts.  Many are wishing for a 'third' party.  Republicans and Democrats are all the same anymore...just follow the money, they all come out of office strangely filthy rich.

Tee1008 profile image
Tee1008 in reply to juzwundering

Much the same this side of the pond (UK).  We had a 'third' party...not much use either!!

Tee x

Bettz profile image

H62 - I would not pressume to know more about your country than you do.

stilltruckin profile image
stilltruckin in reply to Bettz

"I think Donald Trump taps into an anger that I hear every day. People are angry that a commonsense thing like securing the border or ending sanctuary cities is somehow considered extreme. It's not extreme; it's common sense. We need to secure the border."

 Carly Fiorina

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