I never thought I would get so many replies.... Thank you so much everyone xx
Thank you all: I never thought I would... - Lung Conditions C...
Thank you all

That's just for starters,wait until we check out your credentials and you become a fully paid up member,you won't know what hit you...........
😂 oh I'm not that exciting I'm afraid. Work night duty in Care Home family all grown up. Thanks to Pension age increase need to keep plodding on as long as I can... Don't do lottery so no chance of becoming rich anytime soon🙄
You don't need to be rich to be here,only rather wealthy in compassion which i imagine given your occupation you are and a good sense of humour often helps.enjoy your stay.
Ski's and Scruff's.....
Don’t be put off by Skis dashing about with his ‘I’m in charge’ hat on. He means well. 🙄😂

Whilst the Capt was too busy composing little ditties i naturally assumed control of the helm in his absence........ x
You mean my pearls of wisdom? 🧐
Hola, Buenas Dias, Capitan, Numero Dos . Today Mr Don's "Ditty" is very good, we all need to sit inbetween our Shananigans. Besos XX PS: Scruffy is always in Charge. xxx Verdad.!
Bon dia Carino as they say in our parts,i trust that you will be partaking of some more sol today and perhaps a chilled glass or two.........:)cooler temps and probable rain laters for us?
Besitos Ski's and Scruffinetta xxx
Si Conoco es "Valenciano" Bon Di Tambien carino, No have been only seeing to my Flowers in the Mornings when its cool, with un Vaso de Vino. Hoy, querio salida la Casa por Tiendas, Exercisio con paseando.
Exercise with Walking. I like walking around the shops then the Pub. Besos a ti y numero uno Scruffita. xxxx