When should you be referred to a consultant for copd ,had nothing but flare ups in the last year seems to be ever 6/8 weeks .if it's not a chest infection its a lung infection, getting so stressed about it &,doc don't seem to be bothered .
Consultant : When should you be... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi Willanna i would ask to be referred to a consultant and say you are not happy with the flare ups and say i would like a second opinion.
I found that if my gp wasn't helping me I just kept going back all the time until they did something.
It's like you can't plan ahead in case you have a flare up. It's taken me 6 years to get where I am today 4 years for a proper diagnosis as i have bronchiectasis as well as asthma and copd. It's because bronch is hard to detect. I am now at the stage where it's quite controlled and if i do get ill i have ab and steroids to hand.
It will get better but if they won't send you just persist. X
I agree with patsy
Hi there, If I had not kept going to see my consultant I would not be sitting here at 66 with a double lung transplant....build the relationship with them, be positive..I would not be here now if my Consultant had not kept on suggesting various ops to help me breathe better..nothing would work as i was so bad physically but mentally I was determined to be well again. So please just go along with what your Consultant says,, ask him what the next stage is.. GP'S Do not understand COPD!! You need Respiratory nurses, doctors and consultants get to see them they can help you. Attitude makes the difference....COPD is now recognised a lot more, I really hope you get the chance for improvement.
Ross35 I dont have a consultant doctor has never said I need one.i have community copd team tha come to my house after I've been to a&e they have mentioned about consultant but nothing has been done as of yet ☹
I am so sorry I read it wrong...my community team were the best help ever, but i honestly think if you are really getting lots of infections you need further help. Ask your Doctor to refer you to a consultant. Are you on oxygen? It is a help with the breathing..I really think you need to see a consultant. They do understand
Ross _35 no im not on oxygen ,just seem to be constantly at doc or a&e for chest infection/lung infection. Going to contact my doctor today I think it's now past a joke. Worried all the time about not been able to plan anything for fear of being I'll.
Tell your GP you are not well controlled and need to be referred on for extra help. Too many flare ups and you will gradually lose condition and be more vulnerable to flare ups - vicious circle.
Your doctor is meant to refer you to a consultant if he isn't keeping things under control and he clearly isn't. My gp treated me for infections for a whole year till I almost passed out and was taken to hospital. I had been walking around with oxygen stats of 76 but my go never once checked that. I had a week in hospital and was told I n ended refering for a double lung transplant. That was almost 5 years ago and I'm still waiting for my transplant. Don't sit and worry in silence tell your doctor you want refering and if he refuses get yourself into a&e
At the beginning of this year I was in the same position as you Wilanna. Constant lung infections, 6 last year and yet my GP was just happy to dole out more scripts for ABs. I kept asking for answers as COPD is such a general term. Eventually, with great advice from contributors on this site I asked my GP to refer me to a respiratory consultant. She initially refused but I insisted saying 6 infections in 12 months showed she was not managing my condition. I got my referral! Waited a while but now I am under the care of a lovely respiratory consultant, who after CT scan and bloods and lung function diagnosed mild Bronchiectasis and Emphysema. At last I had answers which at least stopped me stressing and enabled me to start getting the right treatment.
So Wilanna hang in there and insist you are referred to the appropriate consultant. We have to be insistent as its our health and quality of life at risk. Call me a cynic but I feel its all part of cost cutting - could be wrong?!
Good luck.