Hi all im new here my mom was diagnosed recently with emphysematous lesion but no emphysema bubbles. And we dont know anything about my mom 40 years old so we read and get so scared she thinks shes gonna die soon and she begin to think she can do nothing even the dr said to her just stop smoke to control it is she gona die soon?can she live 20 years normaly?
Emphysema: Hi all im new here my mom... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi im sorry i was so scared i just want to feel a little comfortable yes she is a smoker 25 years and she had a ct scan last week and thank you so much
Your mum must stop smoking, exercise, healthy diet, healthy weight and she could live well. Look to the right (or scroll down if using a phone) to the 'Related Posts' and you'll understand lots more.
This might just be a wake up call for your mum to make some lifestyle changes.
Hi. Cycyy. The. Dr. Is correct with Empysema it's not good idea it's bad enough if you stop smoking to still smoke really bad idea your mum should ask for a. Test. A1AD. As. It's rare in people so young 40 yrs. I got 42. Now 53 I have this A1AD. And it common in people age low 40?s to get. It's. Called Alpha 1 Anittitryspin deficiency It causes genetic Empysema. I hope she does not have. People can get this Empysema just though. Bad health and heavy smoking. So. Maybe she can suggest to her. Drs as it's kind of common. Genetic illness but little know about 1 /4000 / 7000 I've been told. this. Illness is. A chronic it take long time people life's depend on how well they cope and adjust. But. I'll be honest. It's. Kind of bad. So. She. Must. Stop smoking that is the big issue. Can she my sister. Could not. She had same illness and. Payed for it. Age 51 and. It was. Tragic. The last 4/5 yrs. it was nothing but. So sorry to be up front. And. Empysema can affect people very very diffarantly so don't think the worse. In fact. For her to survive she must adopt a very. Positive. Outlook. As. Mental strength is. Every thing. Well I must go now. And I don't won't to stress you or your. Mom. Stress. And this illness. Go hand in hand. And we alll know. Stress is a killer. So. Try to. Encourage. A. Live life to the full be happy and live for today. Cause time. Really does fly by. See ya. Take good care.
Hi thank you for your reply well my mom she was a very heavy smoker thats why the dr does not check the a1 your right when she know she have emphysema she scared more and always thinking of her diseases she do have shortness of breath always it didnt get worse but not feeling better are you okay? Your breathing is good?
No my breathing is critical been 9 months waiting for By- lung Transplant. I know your mum as her work cut out. But please tell she can do it I did. And smoking in general is a stupid habit we start when we know no better she is now a adult and. Possibility of serious out come. Now she. Must stop. T will get easier. Have blind faith get to 5 days. The a week do that again. 14 days and really. She's done it. If. If if. You smoke after just. 14. Days then you have given up livin. And. Might as well. Say. Iam done and waiting to go.
Yeah i know but what comfusing me is the dr says its not a big deal a little change but she have always shortness of breath. thank you good luck to you too
I agree. I hope you'll be okay and thank you for your respond
Just want to ask and i dont want to bother you she did pulse oximeter last week and its 98% but she have a shortness of breathing with rest and also have depression from 9 years and anxiety