Tuesday's rehab was anything but a piece of cake. I think the humidity got to all of us, but I suddenly couldn't breathe in. I was told to stop exercising and because the class finished a bit early, I had a chance to speak to the nurses. Apparently my latest spirometry test shows that I am now very severe rather than just severe. This rather hit me between the eyes. I have now been told to see my GP for some antidepressants. I don't want them, yet I think my protestations that I am just frustrated may not be quite as true now. I have no motivation for anything, a sure sign that there maybe a flicker of depression creeping in. I will see my GP, but for some other stuff. Not enjoying things at the moment.
Not always a piece of cake: Tuesday's... - Lung Conditions C...
Not always a piece of cake

Sorry to your news must keep trying to look on the bright side - difficult to find at the moment but for me i keep seeing that there are others that are worse of than me and I can be thankful for small mercies - I have had to skip my lung exercises classes for the last 3 sessions as I pulled a muscle in my back and could not move much but a bit better today - sending best wishes
So sorry to read this. Be gentle with yourself. What would you say to a dear friend who said something similar? Listen to your response and take heed. Hang in there and if necessary take the pills. Your condition (PF?) is a bugger and anyone dealing with would have wobbles.
All the best
Kate xx
Sorry to hear things aren’t so great fas and I hope your GP can take the time to listen to you.
Sending support and hugs to you and I do like the look of that cake. Xxxx🥰
So sorry to hear that fidgetandscooter. But exercise CAN and DOES help. Let’s pray this is just a blip due to the humidity. I’m surprised that the nurses permitted the class to continue.
Things change, everything changes, and you will get through this just as you have dealt with all your previous “ issues.”
Think of all the great stuff you have achieved recently.
And as Katinka says ( and I use this every time I hit a hurdle)
“ What would you say to your best friend in the same situation.
Wishing for you to bounce back up quickly and soon.
Good wishes.
I’m sorry to hear you’re feeling down. Some people seem to benefit from antidepressants. My husband who has very severe emphysema was offered them but decided against taking them as he felt he wasn’t actually ‘depressed’ but fed up about living with his condition. He was also concerned that he’s taking a lot of medication already and didn’t want to take something else and also risk contraindications. He recently was prescribed oramorph and has found that marginally helpful. The thing that seems to help his breathing is his Bipap machine.
Take good care of yourself and hope you feel better soon
Evening love, what a splendid cake, did you make it ? I know what you mean about adding more meds to the barrow load you probably already take but if you feel its really necessary then you should do what is best for you. It is difficult, I know, to work out whether it is depression or, as you may think, the sometimes hopelessness we sometimes feel about our situation, and that makes it more difficult to accurately assess the situation and do what is needed. Whatever you decide, and I hope you get some worthwhile help and support in your decision, hopefully it will go some way to resolving your problems. Sending much love, take care, Christine. X
So sorry to hear your news and I can understand how you feel and feeling a bit depressed too. It's never nice to hear things like that and anyone would feel the same. No I wouldn't want to take antidepressants either tried them once many years ago and felt nothing not happy or sad just nothing in the end I threw them in the bin. Thinking of you. Xx
Well F & S sorry for abbreviating you to something like a department store but being severe like me can be quite depressing but i hate that word and much prefer the word frustrating and facing reality,it doesn't make it any easier and for someone like you with intelligence and an active mind i worry that chucking the so called happy pills down the throat would only dim that spark of life and make things worse but it is something you have to ponder and perhaps a short experiment with them may do no harm but only you can make that decision and judge it's outcome.
In the meantime as others have suggested treat yourself gently and just exercise to the extent that you feel some benefit.
S & S(sorry scruff's) x
Sorry to hear you are feeling down and its hit you hard learning that you have moved up a notch. This weather isnt helping people to breathe properly and think exercise should be limited to a cooler day. Sometimes it takes a change in the way we think rather than tablets , but if you feel that you need them take them. I try to be grateful everyday for what i have rather than what is wrong and never give in, although just lately my language has been naughty due to the pain I have been suffering, but that outlet sometimes helps. I truly hope that you feel better able to deal with this in a couple of days. Hugs x
Oh! By the way the cake looks fantastic x
I am sorry to know you’re having a difficult time of things at the moment. Sending you very best wishes.
And thanks for sharing your amazing cake with us , it looks really good 🎂
What I have found is the Japanies lung breathing excersises have made a huge difference with my breathing. First thing in morning and in bed, evening.
Take a deep breath and then take mouthfuls of air and swallow it down your lungs, take as many mouthfuls as you can, you can feel your lungs expanding, hold it in and then Exhale your lungs slowlly by pausing your lips together to let the air out slowly, slowly.
It works great give it a go all of you.
When you first do it you could feel a little dizzy so sit down to do it.