Last chance this week to have your say and help us Identify the research priorities for COPD flare ups
COPD exacerbation survey Have your say - Lung Conditions C...
COPD exacerbation survey Have your say

A strange reply to people who are trying to help you.
I completed this a while ago. Helped me think through my experiences with COPD from a different angle.
That’s wonderful thank you, we will be publishing the results so I will post on here. The 10 most important unanswered questions will help researchers get more chance of funding having gone through this process
The survey finishes on Friday
Hi the Blf kindly hosted a page to get the message out there about this important research that the BLF has funded. It is a COPD exacerbation priority setting partnership. The partnership is part of a research study led by Professor John Hurst, Professor of Respiratory Medicine at University College London.
The partnership is a collaboration between people living with COPD, health care professionals, the BLF, University College London and the James Lind Alliance.
The BLF are working very hard to find the missing answers through research to prevent, treat and cure lung diseases
They support patients in lots of different ways giving vital hope. They also campaign for positive change in the UKs lung health and have achieved so much with the Taskforce report helping to get respiratory on the NHS long term plan
Please take the time to read
The survey will only take 5 mins we want to know what questions u have.