Hello ive been through quite the journey last 7 months. I went to the ER 7 last Sept and the ER dr heard wheezing and ordered a.lumg fumction test. It came back as normal lung function reviewed by two lung drs. The lung dr sent me for an ct scan, no sign of emphysema, no signs of inflammation in bronchial walls. Im going to an ear, nose, throat dr next week. Symptoms are phlem in throat, shortness of breath, some tightness and now and then burning sensation in chest. There was some blood in my phlem 3 months ago when i got a cold.
Heres what I think it is.......tuberculosis. I was vaccinated at 1 day after being born. Googled tb vaccine lasts only 20 years, dont know if I ever got a booster. Im 40 years old.
What my wife thinks.....that anxiety disorder where you can manifest symptoms. Hypochondriasis. I do have a history of anxiety that required meds and truth is when i went to the er cause I was sick I had no SOB, chest felt just fine. When he said lung test I freaked out and went on auto pilot for three weeks waiting for the lung test.
So ready to move on with my life.....