Hi, my m-i-l has been recently diagnosed with Bronchiectasis. We are getting a Labrador in the summer and are concerned that this may have an effect on her when she visits. Does anyone have any experience or advice on this? Many thanks.
Bronchiectasis and dogs: Hi, my m-i-l... - Lung Conditions C...
Bronchiectasis and dogs

We’ve always had dogs with no problems and currently have a cocker spaniel. I have bronchiectasis and obliterative bronchiolitis and no one has ever said that the dog could be a problem. If your m-I-law is generally free of allergies then she should be ok. Of course, if you are feeling brave you could always give the dog a bath before she comes! I hope everything goes well for the visit and your lovely dog doesn’t cause any difficulties. All the best xx
Hi Query . 👋
I have a corgi and like Carnival567 have Obliterative bronchiolitis. I have had him for almost three years now with no problems. Just make sure you keep him well groomed, brushed and bathed and hoover to get rid of any fur around the house. As long as your mother in law has no allergies you should be good to go!! Enjoy your dog, they are such a blessing.
Cas xx 🙋🐕🐾
Labradors shed an awful lot of hair, particularly at certain times of the year. It gets everywhere. You will need a good vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter and preferably use it daily. Regular grooming should help but frequent bathing is not recommended.
How ill is your mother in law? Does she have any other illnesses? If she has asthma then there might be problems but tbh you can’t be sure until she is in the presence of the dog. If you take her to the breeder’s home during the weeks before you pick the dog up it would perhaps give some indication of response.
Bronchiectasis is not an allergic condition. But like others have said above, if your mother in law has asthma as well, there may be an allergic component to it. Hoovering is important and you can regular air the house by opening a few windows to get a through draft. Ive read that if you do that even during a cold winter, if you restrict the airflow to 5 minutes then the fabric of the house doesnt cool down and it's easy to heat it up again. Hope the visit goes well.
Hello Query, I have had bronch all of my life and am 68 now. I grew up with a spaniel and then a daschund. Whilst bringing up my children I had a cavalier, two bernese mountain dogs and then a japanese spitz and a huge fluffy leonburger. My little pomeranian is having his naughty morning cuddle on my bed as I type. I have also had horses, lots of cats and numerous cage animals. No dogs do not affect bronchiectasis usually. If your Mum also has asthma she may react to various things but she would ptobably have discovered that by now. I hope that helped and that you and your Mum have as much love and happiness from your lab as my dogs have given me.
My Labrador doesn't affect my btonch at all, but he is a huge excitable hunk that keeping upright is my first concern. He's very well trained now after 3 years and does shed lots of hair. I would not be without him for all the tea in China.
We went for Miniature Schnauzer & Shih Tzu because neither moult .
I have had Bronch for many years. I also have 3 horses, 4 dogs and 4 cats, non of which affect me. Docs couldn't believe me so was tested for allergies. Confirmed what I already knew lol.
I have had dogs most of my life. I am nearly 65. I haven’t been affected by them. I was diagnosed asthmatic and having bronchiestasis at 50. I had a German shepherd until recently. My son has a beagle and my daughter has a golden Labrador Both dogs have sleepovers here and I’m fine. I make sure I hoover everyday as both dogs malt. X
Hi I have Bronchiectasis and ild as well as a few other problems and we have four little dogs which have never caused me any problems. If anything they are a blessing and give me so much joy and help me cope with such awful chronic lung illnesses. Good luck with your new dog.
I have Bronchiectasis. We also have kept dogs (3 at one time) with no problems at all. If she is asthmatic there could possibly be an issue with pet hair but I also have asthma and it is not one of my triggers. The risks to us Broncs is more from people who are infectious. So if you have a cold try to keep your germs to yourself! Hope you enjoy a lovely visit.
I have had dog for all my married life over fifty years, Samoyeds and now Rottweilers. I have Bronchiectasis as well as serious COPD, and I know that I would not survive without my dogs. Fortunately, my husband is very fit and can walk them as I am unable to now but they bring me nothing but joy. Those who don't have dogs don't know what they're missing! Enjoy your new dog.
My dad has copd and althoughis very badly affected by cats which my sister has is luckily not affected by our dog who is a sort of Jack Russell. Can I just tag on to this that it would not be kind to get a dog if there is no one fit and well to walk it every day. There are probably other ways to be around animals, maybe through friends. It's very sad to be so disabled and my heart goes out to you but it would also be very, very sad to inflict a sedentary, unhealthy, miserable life on a dog. They really do need lots of exercise and outdoor fresh air and stimulation.
This is all very reassuring. Thank you so much everybody for taking the time to reply.