We all want to be Frank Sinatra, when it comes to stopping smoking - I’ll do it my way! Well it doesn’t matter how you give up - just DO IT! I was terrible for buying cheap cigs, thinking I was getting a bargain. That was the start, 8 year’s smoke free, and 16 years after diagnosis, I won’t let it beat me! I am ‘late stage’ COPD, with Community Matrons, etc. But, had I NOT stopped smoking, this old timer wouldn’t be here! Go for it - it’s not a pretty disease! But I’m still here, and so are my friends and support networks, like this one. 😊 13 lives, and counting...
Advice from an old man!: We all want to... - Lung Conditions C...
Advice from an old man!

Well done you! Xxxx 😘
It is possible, started smoking at 12yrs smoked until I was 70yrs, stopped then, now 75 with Emphysema self inflicted.
Good on you! Very inspiring. God Bless
Bless you xx
I was diagnosed stage 3/severe by GOLD measure, 20 years after quitting smoking. First thing they ask is, "How much do you smoke?"
There are definitely other factors in my life. I grew up in Illinois, USA, circa 1950s. Every summer the town would send trucks around the neighborhoods spraying a fog of DDT for mosquito control. Us kids would run around in the fog, laughing and carrying on. There's one example. Another; I lived in Chicago in a building that burned soft coal in the late sixties. You could smell the toxic fumes in the entryway/stairwell when you entered. Fumes didn't seem to leak into the apartments. Exposure to black mold? Probably.
I could be delusional, but doesn't every brick in your wall count? ;o)
Fantastic! X
You have a good point, years ago, it was fashionable to have a cig hanging out of your mouth, etc. London smog really did and does exist. My home town, that said, I decided to move by the sea; and there, humidity along with the cigs, has brought me to the point that I’m at today. Good luck to you my friend, and I wish you a longer life than you may be expecting! Respect.