I too suffer with that cursed mucus , - it seems to , in me , like a volcano , lay dormant for about three weeks , and then like mighty Etna in Sicily , erupt into action , and for a few weeks , day and night , have to periodically , stand over a bowl and cough the lot up for about half an hour , even to , and I know this is naughty - stick the old fingers down the throat to really HEAVE up the dam stuff , EVEN WITH TAKING " " CARBOCISTEIN " PILLS , and at the end of a session like that = I am fit to be buried !! - with a huge amount of mucus floating in my plastic bowel , = but now folks - the "Wallpapering " bit which I know your itching to read about !! - - don't know about yours folks ,but my stuff is like thick " EVOSTICK " CONSISTENCY !! - sorry about the advertising bit !! - and out of sheer curiosity RE STUCK A SECTION OF WALLPAPER THAT HAD COME AWAY FROM THE WALL ! , =.. I PASTED THIS THICK MUCUS ON THE PAPER - AND PUT BACK ON THE WALL, WHERE IT CAME OFF ! ! .... MARVELLOUS ! = IT HAS STUCK LIKE GRANIT !... = .I RECON I COULD GO INTO BUSINESS WITH THIS STUFF ! .... CALL MYSELF .=.." MUCUS PAPERING LTD " ! ...=.. - VITTORIO AT YOUR SERVICE .. ! ." .....( MY BODY SUPPLIES THE " PASTE " , AND LABOUR , AND YOU SUPPLY THE PAPER ! ... WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK FOR ? ! .... = "COPD SHALL NOT WIN " !!... - HAPPY PAPERING FOLKS " ...= ..AND ALL THIS, I SWEAR FOLKS , IS ABSOLUTELY TRUE --- I TOLD MY CONSULTANT ABOUT THIS ONLY YESTERDAY == AT MY SIX MONTHLY CHECK UP - HE FELL ABOUT LAUGHING .... BUT DID SAY -= " THATS THE MOST POSITIVE APPROACH I HAVE EVER HEARD TO COPD " !! = " CARRY ON " PAPERING - I'VE GOT YOUR NUMBER " !!.... BYE ..
...FIRST CLASS WHEN WALLPAPERING ! - ... - Lung Conditions C...

😭😭😭😭😭yucky but funny
Oh vittorio, that’s so gross but you might as well make use of the stuff. Xxx 😀😆
Fantastic !!!!! Very sustainable.
So funny! If it wasn’t so serious, keep producing, will place an order for paste when needed!
My husband says his mucus is like molten plastic. I must tell him to keep it for but of wallpaper that come away 😁😂😂😂 brilliant.
It reminds me of an old add we had years ago for fly spray. When you are on a good thing stick to it!! That is so funny. However, I hope you can do some saline or some steam to free it up a bit!! Not fun coughing your lungs up! Take care!
Ha Ha....Hmmm I will remember this Post, So Funny and Suggest you approach Sir Sugar for back up, to your new Business. Good Luck Vittorio. Hope your feeling Better soon xxx