Yes there have already been a number of surveys about how on earth Pensioners , especially sick folk , who need to stay warm , are going to deal with this catastrophe , no doubt many will die , AS A RESULT OF IT ....and even the ENERGY COMPANIES ARE GETTING WORRIED ABOUT LOSING CUSTOMERS ...= clearly worried about their massive profits ... ....I hear " British Gas " have already lost " ONE MILLION CUSTOMERS " IN THE LAST TWO YEARS ... , AND IT WAS THAT LOT , THAT " FINED " ME £25.0O FOR BEING ONE WEEK LATE PAYING MY BILL , WHEN I WAS IN HOSPITAL WITH MY COPD ETC , - AND THAT , AFTER 40 YEARS LOYALTY TO THEM ..., needless to say , I left them immediately ..,AND , HAVING RECENTLY CHECKED UP .... THERE ARE OVER 40 MILLIONAIRES IN " HOUSE OF COMMONS " , ( EVEN THE CHANCELLOR'S WIFE IS A MILLIONAIRE , = A FACT HE TRIED TO KEEP A SECRET ) , BUT IT LEAKED OUT)- = The " House of Commons ." .. ... described by one News Paper RECENTLY as "A SEWER OF LIES , DECEIT , AND CORRUPTION - " RE - RECENT EVENTS .....yes, - they won't be worried about the colossal bills coming their way ., or putting on overcoats in bed ...., AND DON'T FORGET FOLKS, , THE HIGHER YOUR BILL, THE MORE VAT YOU PAY -THAT IS WICKED GREED ............, no doubt the General Public will remember all this at the next election .... yesterday , even my new Supplier rang me to enquire as to ...... = "If I will stay with them , after the winter" ...I just replied = " Carry on Cranking up your profits .... will decide this . Clearly folks we have the Energy Companies .........=........on the run .... KEEP WARM SOMEHOW FOLKS - and GOOD LUCK !.
....I DON'T THINK THOSE MPs WILL BE W... - Lung Conditions C...

Best of luck to you vittorio. We won’t be beaten and will get through these difficult times hopefully. Take care. Xxxxx
Well said

We won't be beaten we're made of strong stuff and determination. It won't be the first te I've gone to bed in a cardigan and socks. Have a goodnight and keep warn and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx
Yes I agree. It's like those very wealthy people who tell us to cut our carbon footprint when they use a lot more than us and won't cut theirs. It's do as we say not as we do. None of them leads by example.
I have my doubts whether the General Public will remember this, or even realise that the government have any responsibility for it.
Agree 100%with you. How are the most vulnerable in society going to afford such rises. Health will suffer. 😢
Well vittorio good post but thought I would let you know I am one of the victims of the current changes I have been refused warm home discount I am now having to challenge it which I am doing for my sake and the many others either elderly or on low incomes. I get no pension credit but do get council tax benefit due to low income not because I live alone., plus DLA which should entitle me according to the criteria guide lines of the government . So not only will our bills be going up , we are losing our warm home discount and being taken off the vulnerable list tospite being an over 70s disabled person with more than one health issue.the warm home discount was introduced for those on low income not just those on cetain benefits who already get help with bills to some degree. But as usual I have no doubt we will all try to get by and come out undefeated as sassy59 says.