I am going to try today ...up bathed inhaled...trying the salt pipe daughter brought me...then the breathing excercise device only managing 2 balls so far ...Will then have poached eggs on toast with avocado....but will do bike repetition marching on the spot and going up down steps ....opticians and start my research for my assignment....I am going to pre occupy my day so I not consumed ....Will be back on here tomorrow to update on my pulmonary rehabilitation class
Another day : I am going to try today... - Lung Conditions C...
Another day
Yeees. Good for you Emily, Spreading your Positivity Hun. have a Great day and carry on as you Start. Sending Good Vibes Chic. xxxx
Very positive Emily, keep it up and have a good day. Xxxx
A busy day......check your breathing from time to time .....low and slow....not tight upper chest breaths ..when you are busy it's easy to slip back into a bit of mouth over breathing.
Just stop every so often , slow down and check your breathing is easy and relaxed.
I try and pace myself.....stop for regular rest breaks, a bit of relaxation music or 5 minute meditations , I find if I do too much one day I suffer the next.
Be gentle and compassionate with yourself, listen to your body and your breath. I have a machine which measures how many breaths I take a minute, and I find even certain thoughts increase the rate. Gentle breaths are best.
Enjoy your day .Best wishes for tomorrow at rehab.
Thank you
Hi checked my sats 96 97 95 98 took dog for a walk with Hubble about 15minutes got bit breathless not too bad
See Emily! You're taking control. But mind Knitter's good advice - take breaks amidst your activities. And enjoy the sense of achievement. And think about how you were when you first came on here - you've come miles since then, and you'll go miles further. Take care
Well done. Keep it up. But take baby steps all the time๐
I will
When do you start your new job? Itโs great that you will have all your answers before you start, ๐
I start 11th March 3 12 hour shifts per week...it's a job i left a year ago ....nursing home very small much slower pace than last place ....stressing about being able to cope...my daughter pointed out I was doing 2 12 hr shifts per week which was none stop and I just got on with it....everything change with my diagnosis...and I don't understand why
Three 12hr shifts that is

You will cope!! Look how far you have progressed since you joined here. I just read your background and didnโt realise this all started back in Dec. with a hospitalisation. So I think you are very lucky that your docs have looked after you so well.
Yes it started December and not my Dr he was awful...it's the community respiratory nurses who have been good ....on here and ....I fought like mad to get well....so that was a frightening time ....then this so not had a g8 time since December...
Hi, Please make sure that you are vaccinated for pneumonia. My partner works in a nursing home and there is a high incidence pneumonia there at the moment with a fair few fatalities. Make sure you wash your hands regularly. Sharon is doing 4 or 5 twelve hour shifts a week because of ongoing staff shortages.
I have told them 3 shifts a week and that's it ...can get pneumonia jab at Gps there is a shortage ...I keep phoning daily will phone again today
Sorry meant cannot
Terrific example to us all. I have both salt pipe and breathing apparatus with the balls...use neither but will today. I agree with the not being consumed. You feel so much better when you fight the tendency to allow thoughts to absorb your thinking. Positive post. Much appreciated xx
Aww thank you...so very much for that..the salt pipe has loosened my mucus and the ball thing has opened my airway ....if I can get all 3 up my grandson will give me 5p so here I go...and let me know if it helps. And thank you..you have motivated me to keep at it ...xx
I was on a low yesterday but no got to try and do the best we can
Your Sounding Better by The day Hun. Good on you, We are all here to support you, with all our Knowledge. One day at a Time. XXXX
Thank you I am really trying and do you know what enjoyed the walk and Hubble was impressed as he knows I don't walk but actually enjoyed it ....I am than I God I am breathing far easier think it's the spiriva and the lung excerciser..not had blue inhaler so far today...and if I needed later then I need it
Thank you for pushing me yesterday...this disease I intend to slow down...I don't care how daft that sound that's what I intend to do...xxx

I'm so Happy all is looking Clearer for you Hun. Now You can go forward and embrace the Things that you thought were holding you back with anxiety. Now You have the knowledge to understand your Condition. Sending Positivity as always Hun. Xxx
Thank you not got full understanding but hope pulmonary rehabilitation class will assist with that....also looking at accuputure any one had that just to help made appointment for next week Wednesday and trying to find singing class and tai chi class...to help with breathing and anxiety ...what do you think ...
Hi any up date on your lung transplant x

No, Hun, Been Waiting on The List for 3 Years, never had one call. The match for Lungs has to be 100%, so Many things to determine if a Transplant goes ahead. I may leave the List so I can have a Life instead of listening every second of the day & Night for The "Call", so I'm planning to go to Spain to see my family and New great Granddaughter Born on the 2nd Feb. Also, as I'm Getting older , Hubby & I and family have been discussing this since before Christmas. I will know for sure on 19th March which will be my Next Appointment at The Transplant Hospital. You stay well Hun, and be strong, always Positive Hun. xxxxx
You are amazing ...an excellent role model...I pray the phone rings x
Can I ask a stupid question please you said you % gone down but working hard to bring it up...what does that me...see still a novice

Mainly Breathing Exercise and Physical Exercise. Drinking lots of water to stop all that horrible Mucus, though the Meds can do that also, But, Water is Good. I was FEV1 32%, went down to 30% and then to 26 %, I have had 4 Valves inserted into my Right Lung, which have enabled me to Breathe Better, sometimes the valves can take a little while to work. So at my next Lung Tests, I am sure they will have increased my FEV1. BUT, Not for you to worry about, this won't happen to you, Take care of yourself, that is your Main Goal now to keep your Breathing Good and to stay with Mild COPD. Stay well Hun. XXXX
Hi I am moderate not mild...no I was just wondering because someone else said there % went up.snd was not sure what they meant...I was not worrying just want to learn as much as possible..you are such a strong positive woman
And I truly hope your % goes up ...you are again I have to say are an inspiration
Best thing to do is to keep busy. All the best xx