As anyone used the Airosure.And found it effective.
COPD: As anyone used the Airosure.And... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi Mike, you can get a device like that on the NHS that dies exactly the same thing. Ask your GP or nurse about it. I have one and they do the same job but no cost to me. Hope this helps. Let us know how you get on, have a lovely weekend and take care 😊 Bernadette xx
Do a search for Aerosure (top right) and you will find a large number of threads about it.
Most are positive reviews. They work well for folk who have a lot of sputum and have difficulty in coughing it up.
I bought one a year ago and haven’t found it particularly useful. For lung clearance I find the active breathing cycle the physio taught me works best. To improve my lungs I exercise at home with running on the spot and push ups etc. I’ve seen good reviews of aerosure but didn’t do it for me. Maybe I needed to persevere more?
I haven't found it to useful either I have awful problems with post nasal drip which gives me a permanent cough I hoped this would help but hasn't really