Hello everyone happy new year to you all, some of you will know my saga with the volume of mucus ? That I’m getting rid of daily by mainly vomiting due to having a mix of jackhammer esophogus and bronchiectasis, I’m going thro various meds methods etc the latest one being the above just nebulising fine microns of mist to try and water it down, I’m already on six carbocystien caps a day, but it gets quite thick n hard to get up seems to be worse when I use salt ... because my gullet doesn’t work the mucus that would normally pass through my gullet is getting stuck especially after I’ve eaten it neither wants to go up or down I’m sometimes hours, eventually it will go down and pass through my body in the normal way but inbetween those times I can barely breath, anyone tried this nebuliser if so any thoughts, or any thoughts to clear my gullet quickly . Thanks
Nebuliser using micro mist plain dist... - Lung Conditions C...
Nebuliser using micro mist plain distilled water ??

Ask GP for an acapella PEP valve that fits on your nebulizer. They are available on prescription so don't let your GO palm you off. Good luck
My only experience has been when using saline in nebuliser my breathing ability reduced by 25% and as I only have 23% projected remaining I no longer use salt in any way therapeutically and that includes salt lamps. Hope with persistence you make progress.
Thanks for replying really appreciate it, yes I feel since using the saline my breathing has drastically reduced I wonder why that is, this morning I began hacking and vomiting mucus clear and bubbling white at 8am and didn’t stop until 2pm it’s now 7pm and I can feel it rising in my throat again what a terrible feeling it is, I stopped the saline a couple of days ago but it’s like it’s woke a sleeping giant it’s terrifying gasping to breath inbetween xxx
Sorry to learn this and I know how challenging it is, what you are going through. I was in Hospital being monitored when the saline problem was detected and the medics were surprised as it was not the usual outcome for patients with our difficulty. Hope you are using the pursed lip breathing technique when the gasping to breath starts. Pushing out air with pursed lips has been a real life saver for me. Hope it gets easier soon.
Hi did the reaction wear off my breathing is now so bad it was no where near as bad before, how do you nebulise now to help you thanks for your help and yes the pursed lip is the only way at the moment it’s awful xx