Business before health: Here in America... - Lung Conditions C...

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Business before health

Mofaki profile image
26 Replies

Here in America doctors highly recommend flu and pneumonia shots,which translates into a hospital stay.Does this happen in your country????

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Mofaki profile image
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26 Replies
newlands profile image

What you mean stay in hospital to have the shots

Mofaki profile image
Mofaki in reply to newlands

After receiving shots.Evidently the vaccine is to strong.I was a perfectly healthy 71 yr. old until taking doctors advice,Ha ha,look at me now,severe copd and pneumonia after shot.

newlands profile image
newlands in reply to Mofaki

That’s not good I thought you meant you had to go into hospital to have the shot. I do hope you make a quick recovery

CLARAmay profile image
CLARAmay in reply to Mofaki

Oh no did the flu shot give you cold and pneumonia, I had the flu shot this year and 2 mths ago I was in hospital so so I’ll with the flu I was at home and couldn’t ring an ambulance because I was discharged from hospital the night before with a temp of 39.5 and couldn’t remember ambulance ph no as I was drifting in and out of conciousness.

CLARAmay profile image
CLARAmay in reply to CLARAmay

Sorry I mean cops and pneumonia

AngieB72 profile image

I’ve had both and no hospital visits for me. The vaccines we have for these two aren’t live vaccines so you can’t catch things from it. My husband felt a bit snuffly after his flu shot this year but nothing major. A lot of the time it is coincidental if you feel ill here. It takes two weeks for the vaccine to kick in so if you are ill before that you were probably going to be ill without the shot!! I always think that when I get mine at the doctors surgery it’s not the best place to be - waiting around in the waiting room with lots of people with germs etc. Hope you stay healthy for the rest of the season.

caroleoctober profile image
caroleoctober in reply to AngieB72

I agree about the waiting round at the surgery. My doctor suggested I asked to be put in a side room while I was waiting, (I didn't ask he volunteered it), reception tell him where I am on his computer! Keep smiling.

Carole x

Ferdie_Fry profile image
Ferdie_Fry in reply to AngieB72

I agree about picking up germs in the surgery, it is also difficult to walk to mine even though it is only a short walk from the car. My wife asked if we could use their wheelchair but no they have had to get rid of theirs because of Health and safety rules.... That turned out to be good because we are going to have a nurse come to our home to give both of us the flu jab so we can keep out of the surgery!

in reply to AngieB72

I always pop into the pharmacy there’s no queue and no waiting with lots of sick people and It’s easy to pop in whilst shopping dada all done x

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to

Me too Christine. I had to cancel at the doc's due to virus, then the next one they could give me was 6 weeks ahead. So the lovely pharmacist did it for me within a few days :)

Mofaki profile image
Mofaki in reply to AngieB72

These vaccines are only 12-15% helpful,why push them.

COPD takes years to develop, usually from smoking or work related pollution. Pneumonia is a complication that can develop from having COPD. The fact that you have been diagnosed with COPD after having the flu and pneumonia vaccine is coincidence. The flu and pneumonia vaccines cannot give you either condition but can orotect you from having flu and one strain of community aquired pneumonia that anyone with COPD needs to avoid. I hope that you get lots of advice in managing your COPD and stay well.

Mofaki profile image
Mofaki in reply to

Flu and pneumonia shots are the same as polio vaccines.they are suppose too let your build resistance,but they are making them too strong for the body to build resistance.

Patchpoppy2 profile image

Hi Mofaki. We just have the jab,/ shot. Not even 5 mins then carry on the day.

lKeith profile image


Hi, we have been encouraged to have these injections particularly as we get older,

they are usually done at the same clinic on the same day. The worst side effect is a sore or dead arm for a few days but not a hospital stay.

I've had both and neither put me in hospital and my defense system is very suspect.


Mofaki profile image
Mofaki in reply to lKeith

I have a very strong resistance,but I made a mistake.My own fault for accepting the shot.Here in America money comes before all else.

santisuk profile image

Speaking for my UK experience I was vaccinated with pneumovax (long term prophylactic for limiting likelihood of pneumonia) and menitorix (against Haemophilus influenzae type b and Neisseria meningitidis group C bacteria while having a 4 day stay in hospital in response to my symptoms at an early stage of my diagnosis of bronchiectasis*. I was also tested for response to a couple of IV antibiotics (Tazocin and Meropenem) and taught autogenic drainage.

I know that influenza injections for the perceived risk bacteria of an upcoming flu season are normally given at family GP/physician's clinic but not sure about need for a hospital stay at the first or any subsequent (typically every 5 years?) pneumovax injections. Any other Brit received pneumovax as a hospital outpatient or even in GP/physician's general clinic?

*The discharge summary by Papworth Hospital's Lung Defence Unit described my reasons for being there as: "Recurrent episodes of fever/malaise needing repeated courses of levofloxacin / augmentin and continuing despite using these as rotational prophylaxis. Daily cough and sputum with chest taking longer to clear. Sputum generally cream and moderately thick with occasional green/brown discolouration. Ongoing sense of bronchospasm –had improved to the point of being able to stop symbicort in {3 months previous} but now needing it regularly again. Chest and constitutional symptoms fluctuating with headaches and a sense of chest being inflamed on his worst days.

[My condition has significantly improved since then]

Mofaki profile image
Mofaki in reply to santisuk

I had too go to the hospital after getting the shot.If the shot gives you something that your trying to prevent there's something wrong with the system.It's called "greed".

Kristicats profile image
Kristicats in reply to Mofaki

I have never heard of the vaccine giving you ‘something?’ that your trying to prevent ? As it’s not a live vaccine for adults I think that would be impossible. I hope you don’t put the poor people that really need this vaccine off.

santisuk profile image
santisuk in reply to Mofaki

Maybe you are cynical about the US system which is pretty much private. I have that too where I now live (Thailand for the last 10 years) and where I have to use private international hospitals to get care at the standard I want*. However I am a Brit and for 60 years used the national health service system, but have also had private care under health insurance for the last 20 years. I do not have the same level of scepticism for our national health system or even the doctors/surgeons who operate both privately and within the NHS. The Government also acts as regulator. I just do not believe that the shots are a money-making scam and nor do I believe most of the other conspiracy theory type arguments that abound.

Why? There is no way that a scam like this of such global proportions could remain unexposed, as it would involve too many people from too many professional disciplines keeping their mouth shut. It's just not rational matey.

*I apply significant scepticism to any significant course of treatment that a Thai private hospital consultant profers. For instance 18 months ago a Thai hip surgeon diagnosed the need for micro surgery on a hip they had diagnosed as osteoarthritic. I checked the diagnosis and treatment out with another private surgeon in Thailand and then with a micro hip surgeon in Cambridge UK. Both said "right diagnosis, wrong treatment". The UK surgeon went further and said "waste of money - it will not work and you don't need it anyway, and it's way overpriced btw". Call me Mr naive but as a retired professional myself - different profession (CPA as you call Chartered Accountants in the US) - I tend to have the highest regard for UK medical practitioners and believe that those working within the NHS (including those that do private work part time) are true to their hypocratic oath).

Burbagegran profile image

Hi Moravia,

I have never heard of a hospital for either flu or pneumonia shots, I have had flu shots for at least 25 years with no effect, two pneumonia injections at separate times with no effect. Unless their is a health condition involved I am unaware of it would appear to be a money making exercise.

I have severe COPD (for several years now) and bronchiectasis.

Good luck!

Mofaki profile image
Mofaki in reply to Burbagegran


Johnolaf11 profile image
Johnolaf11 in reply to Burbagegran

Live in USA, 76 years old, have serious copd from smoking! I’ve had flu shots since 1970’s. I worked in hospitals including emergency depts all my adult life, flu shots were mandatory. I’ve only had flu once when I was young. Never had a reaction or got the flu from the vaccine. I’m a believer. Cost of senior flu shot in USA is very reasonable or free if insurance coverage. (Thanks to Obama Care)

Mofaki profile image

Sorry for your condition,But our medical system is as corrupt as our judicial system.

CLARAmay profile image

Hi there, I’m in Australia where you can go to a pharmacy and get a flu shot for $10 and then go home, can you explain why you need to stay in hospital after a flu shot thanks

casper99 profile image

I think Angieb72 has the right viewpoint, that getting pneumonia and being diagnosed folllowing your jabs, was sheer coincidence.

Copd does developed over years and genetics play a large part, hence, why it can run in families. Smoking and things you breath in regularly, trigger the start of copd and it slowly spreads throughout your lungs.

Copd, isn't like say, appendicitis, which comes on, out of the blue.

The pneumonia, excarbates the previously, undiagnosed copd, which then leads to test and diagnosis diagnosis.

I hope things get better for you very soon xx

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