I have been asthmatic from baby hood, probably not helped with multiple allergies. I was recently diagnosed with COPD. Explains the changes I noticed in my breathing. Had booked a holiday before diagnosis, as none of my children had flown before but was in a good patch when I had fit to fly - Hurray! Passed with flying colours, pardon the pun, so looking forward to half term. Was a bit of a shock when first diagnosed but I intend to work as long as I can, especially as it took quite a few years to get back after problems with joints, hypermobility, etc and asthma going through a particularly bad patch. I am lucky that I have a lovely, supportive family and supportive NHS colleagues. The body might be b******d but mind and spirit are what counts! PS: Never touched a ciggie or worked in dodgy environs.
Chronic Asthma/Newly Diagnose COPD - Lung Conditions C...
Chronic Asthma/Newly Diagnose COPD

Glad you’re fit to fly AnnaMT and hope you all have a wonderful holiday. You have a good attitude to life so best wishes to you. Xxxx
Working as long as you can is definitely the right thing to do, it keeps the old grey matter occupied, away from thinking about your breathing problems. If there is a physical aspect to your work, all the better, it will be keeping you active and fit. A great attitude to have.
I have severe COPD and still continue to work full time, 2 1/2 years from being diagnosed, I aim to carry on for as long as I can.
Thank you for your message. Breathing problems have always been a part of my life, so I try not to dwell too much on the negatives but enjoy those days when I feel well. My father did not think I would be able to work, never mind get married and have a family, so I am happy he saw me do all those things. My work is not physical, more mental but very busy and I really enjoy it and the people I work with. They took a risk with me but they and I, are glad they took it.
Have a great half term holiday!
Thank you. It will be the first time my children have flown, as we normally get the ferry to Europe and drive. Looking forward to a trip to London as my husband is singing at the Albert Hall on Saturday as part of a 1000 voices concert. I will be keeping my youngest amused at the Science Museum, whilst his father is rehearsing. At least there are plenty of seats for resting and lots for him to see and do.