My DLA is ending so I have to do a PIP claim. I’m so stressed. Any tips on completing the form?
Completing PIP form: My DLA is ending... - Lung Conditions C...
Completing PIP form

My change from flat to pip went smoothly. Whilst some of the questions from the visiting medic had several possible replies. I simply told the truth in what I could and could not do. I emphasised the fact that I could not walk very far and I needed some help in personal care and help to do things like housework and gardening. Good luck.hcould not w
The Benefits and Work website is very good in helping with this - gives you all you need in filling out the form. Or google your condition and PIP - this can bring up helpful stuff.
Hi Jessie. Did you register and pay the Benefits and Works website?
Your local Citizens Advice Bureau are very good with advice and will talk you through the form. Good Luck!
You need to get help doing it Doradee
You can check out the information available on line through citizens advice:
But I would approach one of the help groups below first to guide you and help you achieve a positive outcome:
If you are on FB this group is worth joining:
All good wishes with your application

That’s useful Bkin. I’ll try them
Do not try and do it in one day. Take a couple of questions every day. There is no such thing as too much information. Do not worry if you find yourself repeating yourself. Download PIP descriptors and match your problems to the descriptors. Each descriptor will have a points award. Include all conditions but the important thing to to put down how those conditions affect you. Remember you must be able to repeat a task safely and repetitively. State at what point you become short of breath or when it becomes to painful to continue. Do not give a yes or no answer. See if you have a disability rights group near you. My local one is excellent and will help fill out the form. Above all do not give up with your claim. The statistics of appeal work greatly in your favour.
i done mine not that long ago just take your time with each question i got a home visit because i was on oxygen which made a big difference it was a nice lady who came out she was very nice and it only lasted about fifteen minuetes and i got both on high awards just tell them the truth and you should be fine but make sure it is your bad days you tell them about and how far you can walk without stopping i told can walk five yards then stop for couple minutes to catach my breath and then about another five yards then stop again just tell them the tuth you wil be fine
Bear in mind that they won’t contact any of your medical teams or GP. Also when you have your assessment either take notes or video the interview as the assessors tend to not accurately record what happen in the interview and have a habit of saying you completed certain tasks that never happened in the interview. Take copies of all your paperwork including your application, which you will need to refer to if you go to appeal.
Hello Doradee , you've had some good advice from everyone. You could also call the BLF Helpline (03000 030 555) and ask to speak to Biddy who is the Benefits Advisor. See her post here with her working hours - If she is unavailable when you call, leave your number and she will call you back.
Good luck!
Good luck with your claim.
Thank you. Everyone has been so helpful. I’ve made a start and I’m feeling more confident