Why will nhs not consider transplant if you are over age 65
Concerned : Why will nhs not consider... - Lung Conditions C...

There’s a lot to be considered taking in to account the availability of a suitable donor organ
Age also plays a part, because of the effect it has on likely survival rates. There are no set rules and exceptions can always be made, but as a general rule:
people over 50 years of age wouldn't be considered suitable for a heart-lung transplant
people over 65 years of age wouldn't be considered suitable for a single or double lung transplant (although those over 65 and otherwise healthy may be considered for a single lung transplant)
Full article.
A full lung transplant? Too risky I imagine, a major op..In the States it is 70 so told me my LAM sisters..I wouldn’t consider it over 65.
I am over 65 and Just had my 4 monthly Tracking appointment, all my Tests went very well and I stay on the Transplant List...
I imagine donor availability plays a major role. Another contributing factor will be survivability. I can't imagine over the age of 65 many people would have the resilience to survive the ordeal of a major surgery like that. I can't imagine many surgeons would want to operate knowing full you would probably die on the table.
I know we like to that if our organs fail, we can simply have a transplant, but that's just not the case. Some people are lucky enough to receive a new organ. But if I were you, and I was put on the waiting list, I would assume I wouldn't be receiving one to avoid disappointment.
I'm sure I heard about 100 people die a week waiting for an organ, particularly those awaiting for a lung transplant. 1 in 4 die before receiving a new set of lungs
Don't let this dishearten you however. Hopefully, with the new law about organ donations, we'll see an increase in donors.
At First reading your Comment, It made me feel a Little Dispondent. At 66 and fit enough to have 4 valves inserted to my Right Lung recently, I was told, OK, Your Border line for an Invasive Procedure. I have had a great time Living without Gasping for Breath....There is plenty of Good Strong Life in this "Old" Bird Yet. I make sure I remain POSITIVE and have a very Good Exercise Regime . I have last week taken all my Tests at QE Birmingham Transplant Hospital and I was Told they are very very Pleased to Advise me I will Remain on the Transplant List. We all need encouragement and getting Older doesn't mean YOU CAN'T.
Probably has a lot to do with the way I felt would not except me onto transplant program because of my bmi I lost a lot of weight
Hi Duff1953 .
Here in Japan our pool of donors is maybe smaller than yours since there is a lot of taboo around organ donation. The cut off age here is even younger than 65. It is a very high risk operation and the rigours of it cannot be underestimated.
My surgeon was very blunt when he told me to stick with my diseased lungs for as long as I can, because even with new lungs we have no idea what awaits us post transplant. A transplant is not a cure, simply another (last resort) treatment. When it goes well it's wonderful, but when it doesn't, things tend to go down hill very quickly. It's almost like saying the devil you know is better than the devil you don't. I think Hacienda and I know this very well, but we are both now ready enough to take on the devil we don't know and face everything to come.
I'm sorry for your disappointment. And I wish everyone could have a chance regardless of age.
Sending warm wishes,
Cas xx 🍃🌿
Good Morning my Dear Lung Buddy, Thank you for your Explanation, your way with words is wonderful Carino. YES, We both feel the same about our Pending Transplants. I know the Physcological thoughts of my Medical Teams, even if there was Doubt re. age, To keep me at 66 living in hope, gives me Reason to stay Positive and live Longer, I don't want to be a Number that expired because of "Waiting for Transplant" so I carry on Waiting and in between each Appointment, I do everything that's required of me....As The saying goes " Where's there Hope". You, My Darling Cas are Much Younger Than me, But I so Love having you as my Transplant Buddy, I do hope I and Wish so hard for you to get your "Call" so I can Rejoice with you, Sending you Warm Gentle Hugs and Lots of Kisses. XXXXX
I love having you as my transplant buddy too. 😀 I can't wait for you to get your call Carolina. That would make my day, no I'm fact it would make my week. Until then, we must keep waiting and enjoying every day as we do now. *Many, many hugs and kisses to you my dear friend* 💋💋💋 xx xx
Hi my Dear Lung Buddy, I wrote a reply to you and it Dissapeared?
Yes, i to love having you as a Lung Buddy. I have been to my Gym Session this morning, later I am at my Local Lung hospital to see Amy my consultant.. I hope your not suffering with the Humidity your having.? Heres my Lunch, Hubby has cooked today. Love n Hugs. Xxx
I can't see your lunch Carolina, but thank you for thinking of me. I hope you have a fabulous day. xx 🌸🌻
Back to you My Dear Friend with all my love and Comradeship, Ignore these Doubters, trying to Put a Damper on our High Positive Spirits, of which we live each day with and being happy. Mwarrrrr XXXXX Love n Hugs. XXXXX
I’m not to sure how I wrote my posts but I may have caused a misunderstanding my consultant told me that I would not be considered for a transplant because of my severe weight loss as I am a very high risk just hopeing that their is something else that they are able to do when my weight recovers
Hi Duff 1953, Sorry, I suppose we are a bit "Touchy". I'm sure you understand Why. Yes, Your weight loss being so Severe would cause Concern for your Consultant. Have you been tested for other things, Thyroids ?. Best to get it sorted and try and put weight Back on, It is difficult, when I was A "Skinny" many Years ago, I ate lots of bananas, Didn't put any weight on, Now, I'm trying to maintain my increased weight for Potential Surgery, It's a Spiral of Do' & Don'ts isn't it. Try and see a Dietician if it Helps. Good Luck Hun. XXXX
Hi hacienda thank you for your kindness in your post have been to see a dietitian two weeks ago advised to eat a lot of sugary foods also fatty food ensure high protein drinks after my dear wife passed away some seven years ago almost i just started not eating the longer it went on the easier it became to skip meals which is exactly what I did also started to smoke extra heavy which increased the severity of my weight loss and copd have stopped working now in the hope that I can have a little piece of my life back god willing it is now 7 or 8 weeks since I last smoked hopeing this will help my lungs to recover enough to let me get out and about
Hi Duff, I see what your saying, Firstly, Good for you to have stopped Smoking, I did for a very long time and Then I was given the Chance to have Double Lung Transplant... I am sorry for you Loss, it takes a long time to Grieve. Now that you are aware of your COPD, you can start to Turn your Life around to being Positive. You have an Excellent Dietician who can guide you and once you are eating properly, Just small sweet amounts, then you will re-claim the Energy you need to Go out for walks and start Socialising, Join a Group Like Breathe Easy, You will find one near you through BLF. Then you will Start to feel how Good you can be after the Cigs have gone and Enjoy Life... Best of Luck Hun, Keep us Updated. XXX
Hi again, the NHS will not consider anyone over 60 as they are of the opinion that you would either not survive the surgery or help the insertion of a strange organ, the body can reject and with any form of weakness in your physical condition would not take to the introduction of another strange organ without extensive after treatment which again you may not survive it. Have asked the same question and in generasl terms this would be their answer, also the UK is behind much of the world in this regard, the USA is much more equiped for these situations.