Hi, I am currently under investigation for bronchiectasis, I was due for a CT scan last week (which I understand is necessary for the diagnosis) but I discovered I was pregnant so the CT was cancelled for safety reasons. I did notice that since getting pregnant my breathing and coughing had significantly improved however I've since miscarried and have noticed the cough has returned. I see there is quite a lot of evidence suggesting that bronchiectasis doesn't really affect preganancy but there's not much written about the reverse. Has anyone had a similar experience?
Effects of pregnancy on Bronchiectasis - Lung Conditions C...
Effects of pregnancy on Bronchiectasis

Hi there. I have lifelong extensive bronchiectasis. I had two babies with no problems at all in the early 1970s. The first was born when I was living in Beirut. Yes the bronch behaved well all the way through. If you need to take abs whilst pregnant just make sure that they are safe for the baby. It may be that the birth brings on an exacerbation afterwards so if you are breast feeding the same applies to any abs taken then. Do your usual gentle exercise, eat well and rest. Congratulations. I hope that you have as nice a pregnancy as I had and a lovely little baby.

thanks littlepom
And of course, make sure that you keep your lungs clear of the gunk.
Hi nice to meet you. I am so sorry you have miscarried but littlepom's words will bring you comfort next time around. I hope you haven't got bronchiectasis but if you have she is a very good example of how you can live a relatively healthy and long life. Take care. x
I'm so sorry about your miscarriage, my daughter has had two this year an I know how tough it can be.
I don't know about pregnancy affecting bronch as I was diagnosed in later life. However, in my first pregnancy I coughed so much in the last few weeks I couldn't keep food down & coughed up blood. I realise now it was asthma, probably brought on by stress & fear about having a child in Libya 😁
I wish you all the best for future pregnancies. P
Oh Peege that must have been so scary. In Beirut we had sophisticated hospitals which were as good as England. I dread to think what it was like in Libya.

I was young and naive littlepom. Luckily I met an English midwife and her husband was an British trained obstetrician who worked for the government hospital & also had a private practice. We hired him and a delivery room in a deserted private clinic. I had Sheila Kitzingers book on natural childbirth and really was very very lucky, 3 hour labour & no complications. 2nd child was even faster. Mind you, if I knew then what I know now I'd never have risked it.
Did you see the recent programme on Beirut, An Art Lovers Guide? It was brilliant and has spurred me on to put Beirut on my bucket list before it's ruined - again. P x
Isn’t that funny. I had very fast births also. I wonder if the regular coughing means our muscles respond easily. I haven’t been back to Beirut since 1975. Every time we think to go something happens. I just realised my lifelong ambition to go to Petra. My husband would never go with me or let me go with one of the womens groups. I managed to walk all the way down to the Treasury and - 10 yards at a time - back up. It took me ages but I now have a terrific sense of achievement
Hiya you could be onto something, maby hormones could help us, helped by hayfever no end.
Hi I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, thats very sad. I have suffered with asthma all my life and was recently diagnosed with bronch too. I have 4 daughters and gave birth to the last one whilst dealing with a chest infection. With hospital air conditioning, which makes me dry and cough, and the infection/coughing/chest pain it was an awful labour but we did it!
I have to say when pregnant my asthma/bronch symptoms clear right up and I have no breathing problems at all...which is lovely. Sadly as soon as baby is born it all comes right back 😉.
Congratulations on your new happy news, and hopefully all will be well this time. They will take good care of your I'm sure, but make sure you look after yourself too! 😊. xxx