I have %70 percent lung function always struggled with exercise but always cracked on but since leaving school couple of 3 years back I can’t say I’ve been to active and since my condition was always stable I never thought much of it but since it went down hill in December it’s like breathing through a straw even at rest, I have Bronchiolitis and was wondering can exercise really make this feel better and what can it do for the tight breathing and bad fatigue?
How much can I benefit from exercisin... - Lung Conditions C...
How much can I benefit from exercising and how much exercise
Hi Ricky, a little more about your history would be helpful. I have Obliterative Bronchiolitis. OB usually has a cause. Do you know what happened to you? Bronchiolitis is an acute condition, which should respond to treatment, but OB is a chronic condition for which there is no cure. Pulmonary Rehabilitation is strongly recommended for OB, as with most obstructive airway diseases, exercise is of huge benefit. When and how were you diagnosed?
Always been diagnosed with asthma but had a lot of tests last couple of years but as my lungs were stable they weren’t too worried as I weren’t having asthma attacks but I used to get a lot of infections as a kid and they reckon that’s damaged my small airways and it’s got bad in December and had stayed that way I don’t really respond to bronchodilators or anything and my specialist said if I could give it a name it would be Bronchiolitis inflammation of the smaller airways but she didn’t say obliterative so I dunno, what’s going on really, going brompton next week there gonna have a look at me cause you can’t really see a lot with the small airways hopefully it don’t get much worse

I was referred to the RBH for a diagnosis in the autumn. I had three consultations there with a huge barrage of tests. And just before Christmas I got the diagnosis of OB which had been suspected by my consultants in Leeds three years ago so it was no surprise. These small airways diseases (small airways but not small diseases!) are very difficult to diagnose as they do not show on ordinary CT scans but there are indirect signs on High Resolution CT.
I will be very interested to know how you get on. If you scroll down in my profile you will find my posts about my excursions at RBH. With silly illustrations.
Perhaps you would like to contact me via the private message service?
All the best
Yeah I’ll let you know how I get on, I’ve only got a quick appointment next week at brompton my doc says they’ll keep me in another time to do tests but I mean I’m only 19 can it really be BO? Only thought that was people with lung transplants and what’s there approach to the small airways what can they do for them that normal hospitals can’t?
Hoping that new information from Hidden will help you in your research for OB and PH. Please post anything relevant to us,as you understand far much more than we do and you are probably not far off equal to those highly qualified Consultants! I never meant to imply the RBH is not doing its job but it is extreemly helpful to know there is a current patient there who is very knowledgeable and also able to put everything in layman's terms,and willing to share/explain!
Wishing you well.
Hi Ricky, Can you Swim? I have COPD and my Specialist recommend it. Maybe, you could have a Chat with your Dr and ask what sort of excersize is suitable for your condition. Walkings good for most things too even if it's just a short distance. I think most illness's respond best when we are active. 😊🌻✌️
I mean I can walk and stuff uphills as been hard my whole life but doable as this was the norm for me but when it got bad I’m December I even feel short of breath at rest it’s like breathing through a straw wondering if exercise will relieve this at rest
I swim weekly and find it very beneficial as dancing too!!
I think its goid to try-build up slowley-walkings good too!
But I mean even tho I’m literally fatigued allllll the time is there any over coming the fatigue and eliminating it with time by exercising and stuff? I already have s good diet
I really think it would help even at rest. Even a little effort goes a long way. I have times especially in Winter when i do struggle and have the odd bad, Asthma attack. But as soon as i can i get back to my Swimming and Walking n Volunteer work. Do check with your Docs first though. 😊👍🌻🚶♀️🏊♀️
I have emphysema.From experience I know that exercise as benefited me. I found a number of exercises on YouTube and slowly built up. Also simple walking can greatly help. I was encouraged to get out of breath. However what was right for me my not be the case for you. You could ring the BLF helpline for advice. I rang the respiratory physiotherapist at my local hospital on a number of occasions for advice. I changed my diet and found that my fatigue improved greatly. Again this was on the advice of a dietician. I found that the help is out there but you must be proactive in finding it...It will not find you.
Hi Badbessie, good advice. I need to change diet and lose about a stone so will look into that. What do you search for on YouTube? Are they specific lung exercises? Can you recommend the name of the person on YouTube doing the exercises as would love to start doing them but not sure what ones to do when search for exercises for COPD as a lot of breathing exercises come up. Thanks, Sharon
I will get back to you....
Right if you go onto UTube and type in Lungexercises it should bring you to a channel that is very good. The lady in the videos is older with many years of experience in rehabilitation from lung cancer to chronic respiratory disease. There are a number of both breathing and physical exercises some of which you can do sitting down. They helped me a great deal recovering from bilateral pneumonia and septicemia. I found they helped me. With diet I found my fatigue improved with a high protein diet. Good luck.
Thank you so much, am going to check those out and maybe join a slimming club as know a bit of extra weight around stomach can affect breathing. Will try swimming as well as so need to get fitness levels up. There is a breathe easy group not too far from me and they do some gentle exercises so might be beneficial to me will try and make it every week. Thanks for help badbessie.
Hi Follow the medical profession, ask about exercise.. see what they have to offer, keep an open mind with all of this and some people are getting good help from CBD oil.. which is legal in this country.. just not the THC or Psychoactive agent..Check CBDbrothers and other companies on the internet.
I have tried that cbd oil, tbh I’m actually on so much tbh like steroids 40 mg and Azithromycin montelukast new Fostair asthma pump and I take vit d and carbocistein and various other natural things as well like this muelin tea stuff but I mean I doubt it does me any harm just about trying to not get any worse now, I don’t think I’ll ever get better if I can really exercise and try get some decent level of fitness I’m sure it’ll help long term and relieve fatigue maybe cause I’m constantly tired I’ve read so many benefits of exercise but I think I’m hoping the benefits are better then they can be
Walking is good or you could try some weights if the weather is not good for being outside. Ask your dr thear may be gyms in your area he can refer you to. I think the best aproch is to keep moving and build your exercise level slowly. Drink plenty and rest when needed but dont give up. And keep pushing for help. Pulmanery rehab could be a good starting point if you dont mind mixing with us older ones 😄 you can get lots of info and support thear again ask your gp
I’m alright walking around except being tired all the time and stuff but I mean if I can proper start jogging and doing light weights I’m sure i can improve certain aspects of my life I doubt it’ll do harm, not working atm ain’t worked in 2 months putting all my energy in trying to improve this untill I feel confident I can do a decent 8 hour work day

Unfortunatly recovery is often slow and takes effort and determination, but you can make a big differance to your future and get yourself well enough to work and play good luck with your recovery
Hi Ricky, I have found Tai Chi brilliant for improving my overall health,it also helps with my breathing, on my last appointment with COPD specialist nurse at my Doctors she was really impressed at how my breathing had improved. But there are many forms of Tai Chi,it you are interested look for a low impact form (Tai Chi Shibashi)
Good luck
My breathing is a permanant wheeze tho it’s like breathing through a straw 24/7 and nothing seems to relieve it, weirdly my lung function in spirometery has stayed the same but my lungs feel so much more obstructed since it went down hill which I can’t get my head around I’ve heard of things like tai chi and yoga can improve breathing will have to look into it, am trying everything, had acupuncture atm seeing if that helps
I would suggest you read up some on heart rate zone training and maximum hear rates. Any type of movement that increases your heart rate to recommended zones is beneficial. You can start very slow and simple and maintain certain heart rates, even just walking in place or simple up and down one step. You can get a pulse oximeter for your fingertip pretty cheap to monitor your pulse and oxygen. Getting breathless is not a bad thing and you can push yourself a little every time. I have copd/emphysema and exercise has been very good for me. It does have to be maintained for quite awhile to feel benefits.
I swim - so long as I don’t have a chest infection - and think it increases my lung capacity. Good luck! Frances
Just got home form my Rehab session and Discussion on all inhalers. I feel so Good now after my Exacerbation few weeks ago. I love my rehab and My Breathe Easy Exercise Class...You can only Benefit from Exercise..I'm on Oxygen with a 30/35 Lung Capacity. Good Luck Ricky. XXX
like janzo54 says It is worth a try to ask your GP to refer you to the RESP team, also look at all the info on BLF about breathing and exercise. You can also ring the BLF help line who can be very supportive with good advice. Good luck anyway.