I had a Pulmonary test done about two weeks ago, and the test resukts came with with slight restrictive lung disease. Could this just mean I have Asthma? I still have to go back in and get more tests done to rule out which type of restrictve lung disease. I've been worrying myself, mainly because I just had my baby girl not even 8 weeks ago, and know me I googled it, thinking jt was just a fancy name for Asthma, and I ended uo reading everything else!
Just need se reassurance! : I had a... - Lung Conditions C...
Just need se reassurance!

You really need to leave Dr Google alone. All it will do is stress you out further, and stress is not good for your breathing. Wait until you are given a proper diagnosis by your doctors, the members here are not medically trained. With a "slight" restrictive lung disease though, I do not think you need to worry.
Google will bring all sorts of unreliable sites up, including those that are just after your money, selling you crackpot cures, and will frighten you on purpose just to grab your dollars.
Hi, I agree with 2greys. A lot of members on this site will tell you that spirometry tests can give a range of results. Many things can affect them even the time of day! There is a possibility that you could blow a normal one next time. Obviously you are worried but please keep away from Doctor Google. Restrictive lung disease can affect you in so many ways that in reality Google can never paint a true picture.
Hi welcome I too did the stupid thing and googled sometimes you want to know sometimes better off not knowing i have pulmonary fibrous I don't no everything about it yet I just know it's not good but I no it could also be worse on a good day I take each day as it comes on a bad day I cry myself to sleep but were is that getting me you should think the most positive things you can and keep thinking positive it prob be something and nothing you be ok take care x
I agree with 2greys, about googling information regarding health problems Brieabailey, it will just stress you out and will give you more to worry about. I would just take the advice from your G.P, and try not to worry too much. Just wait
Try not to worry till you've seen the doctor again. Easy advice to give I know when all sorts of things are running round in your mind. Just keep telling yourself Oh forget it ,I'll worry tomorrow. Congratulations on your new baby girl ! I bet she keeps you busy. Do keep in touch with us, you're part of the family now. Sheila xx