Unlocked Posts: I just want to point... - Lung Conditions C...

Lung Conditions Community Forum

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Unlocked Posts

30 Replies

I just want to point out that I never lock my posts. Why? Because my posts are aimed at poorly people who need a bit of cheering up and a lot of people tell me that some of my rhymes do have that effect. I have many ailments in addition to COPD but I only post to this one group because that's where most of my friends are. It make no sense for me to confine them solely to this one community, I want everybody to see them. (And use them if they wish.)

I realise that this means that any replies made to my posts will also be unlocked, which is why I posting this warning. I hope this won't stop you from sending me feedback, that's what makes the effort I put in to my rhyming worthwhile. But I'm just as happy with a 'like'. ;-)

30 Replies
sassy59 profile image

It’s fine Don, I am happy to reply to you. Xxxx 😘👍

skischool profile image

the world would be a sorry place

if everything was locked

i don't care about my ugly bits

i'm happy to be mocked

Three cheers to the bard,may you stay open for ever Master Po.....skis and Scruffs x

mrsmummy profile image
mrsmummy in reply to skischool


breatheeasy1 profile image

Good for you Don. Let's not forget some of us joined the site in the first place after randomly searching for our potential ailments and reading unlocked posts. Without those, I probably wouldn't have joined. I used to leave my posts unlocked but now choose to always lock them. Thats just my choice. But I always enjoy reading your posts xx

mrsmummy profile image

Some people lock all of their posts. Some don't lock any. Some lock a post that covers a sensitive subject but not a more general post. Each way is correct and user choice. As breatheeasy1 points out though, many find us through unlocked posts. Keep on rhyming Don. :)

Here here Don Rhymer give yourself a cheer .... I love your little rhymes and its obvious so does everyone else ...look forward to your next 1! locked or unlocked! 😁

2greys profile image

I will not lock mine either, the vast majority of which, I hope, are educational for everyone to read, they are all in the public domain anyway. My personal journeys of treatments, I hope, will help others too, members or not.

in reply to 2greys

I hope you realise 2greys that if you stopped posting you’d have a lot of people sick 🤢 with worry.

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to

If/when the worst ever happens, then I have left strict instructions with my family to let you all know.

Annie31 profile image

I think the internet is wonderful! I have used it almost since it began and if you use sensible precautions, protect yourself with passwords, firewalls and anti-virus ware you can't go wrong! With the advent of social media however, privacy is obselete and if using any kind of social media forum expect everything you have to say to be out there.

My husband recently joined facebook to access a group he pays to be a member of. In the light of the facebook scandal in the last week or so, he downloaded the information they had on him. He was devastated! But it goes with the territory I said! I don't give a care what ' big brother ' has on me as long as they can't get to my bank account which over the years I have used and continue to use PayPal as well as online banking! I have nothing to hide so what?

As far as I can see, this is the price we have to pay for the technology that enables us to pursue hobbies, play games, shop on line, research anything, research family history which is a huge help, belong to forums that reach to people in need - the world is our oyster as they say!

There's good and bad in everything in life, you can't have one without the other.. During the last twenty years I have used the internet for business and as an official and trustee of a national support group. With the help of the internet I obtained help for one of my children and in turn was able to help hundreds of parents who needed help for their children. Locking posts and information stops that help from getting out there. I searched the internet and immediately was able to connect with someone in my county, got the help, joined the group and ended up doing my bit for others! That is what being online is all about as far as I am concerned.

Sorry for the long rant!

Annie31 profile image
Annie31 in reply to Annie31

Forgot to say, good on you Don! You make us smile when a lot of us,me certainly, want to just weep sometimes!

in reply to Annie31

Like, like, and super-like! :-)

in reply to Annie31

What a brilliant reply ... absolutely agree with everything you said and had never thought about it that way ...I must admit I'm in my early 4o's and have never used Facebook and wouldn't have a clue how to use it really unless it's similar to this site in it's format...to be honest I have never liked the idea of sharing my personal life for all too see can be far too dangerous at spreading false rumours etc xxxx

Annie31 profile image
Annie31 in reply to

Thank you very much for your comments. My comments are purely from my own observations and experience of using the internet. I have always been very careful about giving personal information and always get away with as little as possible. If any site wants me to give more info than I am happy to give, then it's a definite no-no! I think you will find that most reputable sites guard any personal data very, very well unlike Facebook it would seem!

Facebook is similar in some ways but is very much more intrusive than this site. Once again, my profile on Facebook is very thin on the ground and I basically only stay on it to keep up with the activities of my children both near and far, very rarely post, but I do like to share occasionally topics close to my heart. Unfortunately it becomes riddled with adverts, because it follows what you research and for that reason I am thinking of deleting my account as is one of my sons for the same reasons! You are not missing anything!

in reply to Annie31

Thought as much ...I couldn't cope with more adverts they send me potty 🙃🙃😭

knitter profile image
knitter in reply to Annie31

Hi Annie, I agree that the Internet has opened up the world to me, but I am also aware of the risks.....and I guess there is a huge file of data on me somewhere in the blue beyond.

Lots of it will be dead boring .....how often I check the weather forecast, for instance......but some people may try and take advantage. I have had suspect PayPal and bank emails.

I think it's a good idea to remind members here about locking posts , so at least they have the choice. Many may not realise where their maybe quite personal posts and replies could end up.

Annie31 profile image
Annie31 in reply to knitter

I think I have made it perfectly clear that my comments were as a result of my own observations and experience of using online resources over the last twenty years or so. I certainly have no problem in members being reminded of their option to lock their posts and my comments came from the stance of being able to access help when desperately needed from unlocked information on the net. I found this forum through an unlocked post!

I was under the impression that a forum was for debate, discussion and most importantly an exchange of ideas.

Caspiana profile image

I will happily reply to you Don, with or without the lock. 🔓↪🔐↪🔓 Always, always enjoy your posts. xx 😊👍

Ergendl profile image

Hear Hear, Don!

chubby2x22 profile image

I so enjoy your rhymes

helenlw7 profile image

I don’t lock my posts either. What I have to say isn’t top secret or controversial, and I have learnt such a lot about my medical problems on here. I do understand, though, that some people feel more protected by locking their posts.

O2Trees profile image

Hurray - great post Don :) :) :)

MoyB profile image

Thanks for the warning, Don. I'll continue to reply to your posts locked or unlocked! xx Moy

Shirleyj profile image

Good for you don, I will still reply to your posts, you always put a smile on my face. Priceless 😀😀😀😀x

WheezyAnne profile image

I love your poems, they cheer me up no end. I don't lock mine either, but I do bear in mind that anyone can see what I write.

Robin77 profile image

Always brighten up when I see one of your rhymes!

Feedback like that keeps me going. :-)

Schmicter profile image

I read your statement

and what came to mind,

is that it didn't rhyme.

No more than thine. ;-)

Stumpy55 profile image

Well said Don, 100% like. 🤓X

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