Gp said now I may have emphysema rather than copd, in simple turns what does this mean? I refuse to google stuff again, I just end up suicidal
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COPD is the umbrella term for chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
Emphysema is damage to the Aveoli, resulting in poor gas exchange and air trapping causing varying degrees of breathlessness depending on what stage you are at. There are our four recognised stages 1 Mild 2 Moderate 3 Severe and 4 very Severe . Common cause is smoking. To slow the progression smoking cessation is the most important thing you can do. Sensible diet and exercise will help you maintain control. Referral to pulmonary rehabilitation will give you a better upstanding of the condition. The course is one hour exercise and one hour education, two hours twice weekly for six weeks.
Ask as many questions as you like there are a number of members with sound advice on managing and coping.
Hi stone, it’s not the end of the world. I’ve had COPD for over 40 years. If you smoke . stop now don’t go into denial with your meds. do plenty of excercise
Hi I have recent diagnosis of emphysema and feel worse health wise since being told does this happen through worrying ?
Yes stress and worrying usually comes when you learn you have COPD. The previous answers are good advice. Exercise diet and medication helps you live a full life with this disease. Pulmonary Rehabilitation is well worth your time.
Definitely. It's like health anxiety.
Most of us had it after diagnosis and for some, like me, it can get out of hand.
The anxiety makes you feel breathless. But, it does ease considerably, once you learn from sites like this, that it's not a death sentence.
So, try not to let it take over your every thought. xx
As stone explains, emphysema is a part of COPD, not something different.
Hi I would agree with stone and mrsmummy but my copd nurse told me at my last review that you can have both copd and emphysema! I don't understand this as I thought copd was the umbrella term for emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
Most people have damage to the to the upper airways and the lower ones but if you only have damage to the lower airways then you have emphysema only. At least that's how I understood it. It's all very confusing! x
all my mates with copd have bronchial copd,
everyone else we knew who had emphesema was and are being refered to as having emphessemia,no gp or asthma nurse has explained the difference,in fact I don't tell my friends cos apparently asa latecomer 2 adult asthma I don't know what I'm talking about.
I agree with the definitions above however as either emphysema and or chronic bronchitis progress they bring many changes to the is all referred to as COPD.
There is a brilliant Facebook page COPD UK if you fancy joining it ?
Have a great day !
That's what my Copd consist of EMPHYSEMA.
I like your name im not that brave.
Andy-A, there are three diseases under COPD; 1. emphysema, bronchitis, and asthma. If you have COPD it will be one of those three and, of course yours is emphysema. That's what I have and each one has a different way it is approached but they all three involve the lungs.
And I will add that many of us have more than one of the components of COPD , and some with an asthma component also. Best Wishes to All, judg69
Im wondering if its soometimrs a geographic thing ie city or area of britain and eire

Agree with you entirely, there reiv. i
I was bought up in a very industrialised City and have COPD including some Emphysemia, but mostly Asthma. Stage 3. So many, family and friends have Lung problems. Think where you live is definitely a factor.
Hi Andy
I was diagnosed with mild emphysema in January,dont Google loads of scary stuff out there.
Stopped smoking with the help of e cigs i am very active doesn't stop me doing anything lung consultant said if i stop smoking the emphysema might never get any worse people have had emphysema for many years please dont think like you only have a few years left nonsense plenty of life left to enjoy..😁
Thanks that means a lot, I’m trying to be positive and do everything I can but when I google and see things like average lifespan after diagnosis three years I start planning how gunna end it. It’s a terrible idea when feeling low. Gp seems a bit of a loss to explain emphysema so waiting on referral. Had more info off u guys
I seem to be wheezing more this week.are there any environmental reasons or is my breathing just getting worse? My fitness levels are getting better. I just did ten miles at steady pace on excersise bike. I couldn’t do a mile six month ago. and gp says I shouldn’t be able to function) but some times I’m just sat and can hear breathing. I’m coughing to try and clear but I’m not coughing anything up.