...of what may've caused the problem many of us are dealing with; if you'd like to illustrate the harm done so others can learn, simply "select", "copy" and "paste" the URL in the YouTube address bar to an email and send along down the line:
"...I decided to do my own small test with cotton balls to determine the real effects of smoking a pack a day and what it does to your mouth, throat and lungs not to mention how it compromises every system in your body in order to try to tell you to stop smoking and stop slowly killing yourself.
The effects of smoking on your body is no secret and if you don't know by now, here is another reason why you need to quit smoking. It's never to late to quit and once you see what a pack a day does to your lungs it will give you the fuel you need to fire up the will power and quit! Good luck on your journey to quit smoking. Remember, waiting another day could be too late...."